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Everything posted by Jasede

  1. You realize some people have other things to do in their life than reloading and trying to get better at a game ? If some people feel like doing so, good for them if it is their enjoyment. Other don't. Yet they will accept funding the game, or buying it, thus contributing to its success, provided they are offered an option that allows them to play it the way they want. Actually, I don't. It seems pointless to me to play a game if you don't want to get any better at it. It's like playing soccer but not trying to win. Where's the enjoyment in that? Maybe you get some out of it. I don't. I don't want your way of playing a game to infringe on my way. Hopefully there will be options to make sure that is prevented.
  2. I'd like there being non-humanoid races but only if having them in your party leads to repercussions from NPCs for memorable encounters, complete with significant dialogue/quest/story changes. Edit: For a crude example, if you are a certain race, you can't take certain quests- because the quest-givers would kill you on sight. Or if you are, say, a dwarf, certain quest rewards may be lower because the NPC has certain prejudices.
  3. I believe this is a waste of time. Spells should scale with level like D&D, except that higher level spells are more useful in general.
  4. If you want to enjoy the story, read a book. Don't play a role-playing game. That said, it shouldn't be too hard to add an option for the disabled to make the game more enjoyable to more people. It shouldn't be a design goal nor should it be included if it takes away from any other part of the game but if it can be done in the time frame then I'm all for adding a casual mode that simply removes all the monsters or gives them 1 hit-point or something.
  5. It should have weight if inventory / weight management are considered integral parts of the game, such as offering feats for increased carrying capacity, heavy but good items that restrict your load, dodge penalties, movement penalties, STR or CON based carry / equip weight limits and so on and so on. Still, it should be something kept for expert mode because today's gamer can't even open a doorway unless it's marked on a compass, has a light trail pointing to it, a tool-tip describing they should go there, an NPC telling them they should go there AND an arrow on the map pointing to the correct direction, as well as an on-screen quest journal that says "Go to the Doorway! It's to the north! Look on your map to find it, then open it by clicking on it!". Oh, and there's a bright yellow outline around the door once you can see it, just in case. Bitter? Naaah...
  6. - overly long cut-scenes - clear best weapons - mini-games - quests that involve killing rats or wolves or spiders - sewers - lack of challenge - a too drawn-out beginning (Mortuary, Telos) - "epic" - hand-holding - grim-darkness - space marines - Gandalf - lack of flavor text - re-specs without a heavy toll - strict linearity - Bioware-syndrome (find 4 map pieces / magical ingredients / shards of the sword / Jedi masters / demon souls) - spelling everything out; give me some credit - lack of diversity in spell selection - boring class advancement - useless skills - overpowered skills - boring skills that are used twice in the entire game - lack of skills (don't be like The Elder Scrolls 7 where they will remove most skills in favor of Fighting, Magicking and Thieving because that's easier to understand for the target audience) - full voice acting; I can read a billion times faster than they can act, thank you - bad voice acting, like in a Bioware game. Good voice acting: Kotor 2, PS:T, Bloodlines. - references. easter eggs are okay but should be sparse / well hidden. No Fallout 2 please, unless it's all Vault City; praise MCA - annoying companions, see next points - Lawful Mc Paladin - Annoying Thief Girl - Emotional Mage Female That Can't Contain Her Powers - Rugged Mercenary Who Has Seen It All - Charming Rogue - Obviously Secretly Evil Wizard - Gandalf again - children unless I can kill them - unkillable NPCs; think Arcanum here for a positive inspiration and anything Bioware for a negative one
  7. I believe this is a meaningless and useless feature. That said, provided that it is optional and there is sufficient time to add it in I don't see the harm. Cosmetics should never be a priority; substance is key.
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