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Everything posted by PrimeJunta

  1. Don't worry @Gfted1 you can award yourself all the XP you like with the console. No need for all that tedious grinding. Grand, isn't it?
  2. Actually there is an 'objective' aspect to 8 at least: the lower camera angle makes it harder to see what's going on in combat if there's a cluster of toons swinging at each other. As to 12, I also think individual stealth would be nice, but in practice it's not nearly as bad as some people here make it out to be. The only thing you can't do is position a rogue in the back, charge the lines at the front, and backstab at a suitable moment. You can still position your rogues with stealth and open with a backstab, you can scout ahead with your stealthier party members, and the rest of it. Also rogues can take the Shadowing Beyond ability which gives them temporary invisibility. It's 1/encounter only regrettably but it does make a lot of stealth tactics feasible again. 13 is entirely true, which is why I never switch them off. With no alternative way to get at the info, I really don't see why they made them optional to start with. They're quite crucial.
  3. It's good it's so easy to use custom portraits. I think I'll go with this one.
  4. Not of all of 'em. Paralysis is mucho effective. Hobbled/Slowed also, especially in the way it synergizes with other abilities. I think that's actually an often-neglected (and positive) aspect of Joshism (Joshology? Jo****ude?): he designs stuff for synergies. One ability does one thing, another ability requires or benefits from whatever it was the first ability did. That adds a lot of possibilities to use the systems creatively. Which of course doesn't mean that there can be on such thing as a counter or that Petrification has to be temporary. Edit: LOL at the profanity filter. I wrote Josh+itude. :D
  5. Take two screencaps and save them in PillarsofEternity_Data/data/art/gui/portraits/player/?
  6. @Stun As it happens, that's another of Josh's decisions I agree with. His goal was to avoid quadratic power progression where some classes advance linearily, whereas others advance geometrically. Spells that gain in power according to character level are quadratic. It is IMO inherently better to turn the less powerful lower-level abilities eventually into per-encounter or unlimited ones, in line with the progression in general. And, of course, to design the lower-level spells so that enough of them retain utility even at higher levels.
  7. @Gorbag See, according to Archangel, "anything Archangel doesn't like" constitutes an objective flaw and it is therefore incumbent on Obsidian to fix it. The notion of different people having different preferences appears not to figure in his conceptual apparatus.
  8. What's with your obsession with Tumblr? The only one I follow with any regularity is Josh's, and despite his admirably progressive political views, he rarely brings them up there. I really like how they're reflected in P:E though -- I think Sagani has to be the first Inuit-inspired major character in a mainstream computer game ever, for example. And a woman to boot. Not to mention the whole colonial thing, Skaen as a vengeful god out to smash the patriarchy, and, of course, having the Ocean Folk representing the leading cultural and technological power. Overall I'm very happy with the way politics of games have been going in recent years. Shadowrun Returns does it exceptionally well too, despite their regrettable anti-Communist bias. We're watching standard racist sci-fi and fantasy tropes die a quiet death. "Gamer culture" will folllow, even if there's going to be some kicking and screaming on the way.
  9. @Luckmann I think the subrace bonuses in Elder Scrolls are symptomatic of racism at Bethsoft. Edit: That's a tangent though. I won't pursue it further on this thread.
  10. So you're saying that game design should be held hostage by vagrant tumblrites? I'm saying that they would be idiots to invite accusations of racism by putting in something like that. Also that I personally would find them distasteful and would not hesitate to point that out.
  11. I bet if they gave Ocean Folk a bonus in Athletics and Survival and a penalty in Lore and Mechanics, you'd find out plenty quick just how much bearing it has on reality. Buuut, they already have the culture bonuses, so I honestly don't understand what you're complaining about. Or are you saying that Meadow Folk Aedyr should get different bonuses than Savannah Folk Aedyr? If so, what for?
  12. I have an almost-unused set of DnD4 books in my shelf. I read them through. I remember thinking they were godawful for a PnP game but might work pretty well on a computer.
  13. At level 4, the relevant numbers are 59/71 and 95/114, for a wiz and a barb with Con 9/19, respectively. Endurance, not health. Health is irrelevant for enemies.
  14. Haha, I think you'd have to have a serious masochistic streak to go with Trial of Iron on a first playthrough. I think it's fairly crucial even for later playthroughs. Even really good players sometimes screw up, and if every fight is to the death it makes things seriously more difficult.
  15. Wands in P:E are nothing like wands in the IE games though. They're just a ranged attack. (Also, in the IE games the wizard wouldn't be able to hit the side of a barn door with anything anyway, so it didn't really matter what weapon you gave him.)
  16. @archangel Unlike unlimited stash access, inventory access during combat does make a significant difference to difficulty though. But by all means mod it out. Agree about 11. On the other hand I've gotten used to the combat tooltips; they get the job done decently enough... or would, if the FX weren't making it hard to see who's who.
  17. Cultures do get different bonuses. Are you of the persuasion who believes black people are great at athletics but not so great at maths?
  18. @Gorbag The possibility to run from a fight is pret-t-ty crucial for anyone attempting Ironman/Trial of Iron. @archangel I like that they made quickslots a gameplay feature rather than a UI one. It gets some actual utility out of them. Edit: in re the unlimited stash toggle, now who's concerned about how somebody else plays their game? In any case, I disagree about that. Making the stash not access-anywhere wouldn't lead to any particularly interesting strategic decisions. There's plenty of inventory space to hold whatever you're likely to need on your adventure anyway. All restricted stash access brings is drudgery -- having to play inventory tetris when you rest or are at shops. As I said, I detest inventory tetris, it's dull, rote, and a time sink. Deciding what goes into a handful of quickslots, now, that does require some planning, and is therefore more interesting and adds an additional challenge.
  19. Oooooff... somewhat spoilery. You see some of the companions in action, get some idea of what at least some of them are like and what their motivations are, there's a bunch of smaller and larger spoilers about areas and such. No major quest spoilers though. If you really want to discover it for yourself, I say pass on this one. It's more than just mechanics or core gameplay.
  20. @HH you can switch the combat tooltips off in the game options if you like. I find them pretty important though as they display how each of the toons is doing and what they're up to.
  21. @archangel There's a toggle in the game options for "Access stash anywhere." Re the quickslots and "access inventory anywhere," I like the specifically because they punish you for failing to plan ahead. I don't hear you whining that BG(2) punishes you for failing to memorize the right spells. Similar mechanic, with similar fun. Re 7, haha. I honestly don't pay much attention to how moving around the map is animated. It's about the same speed in the IE games and the P:E BB, and feels about right to me. Some monsters move fast, for sure (the spiders for example) but then you had plenty of fast monsters in them too.
  22. And the other half is OP. There's also a bug there where Grazes on status effects behave as Hits. This makes spells like Slicken stupidly overpowered: drop it on something, and they're all knocked down for a pret-t-ty long duration. You can cheese pretty much any fight with it. Thanks for pointing those out though; if they actually worked it would go a long way to making the wizard more interesting to play. I'd still miss the Charm and Summon spells though.
  23. Opinions, opinions. 1. Agree -- running away should be an option 2. HALLELUJAH! ALL PRAISE THE GREAT JOSH! I bloody HATE the IE inventory. Infinite stash for the great win! 3. Disagree strongly. This is a good change as it forces you to think about your quickslot choices. Hated the way quickslots worked in the IE games, it was just mindless busywork. 4. Agree that magical ammo would be cool. Having unlimited "standard" ammo doesn't preclude that though. It would need UI controls though. 5. Agree, it should be in the center. 6. Agree, it should be higher. Not a huge deal though. 7. I never walked in the IE games. Never ever. So don't care. 8. Good point. Never thought of that.
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