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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Suggestions to improve the game? You mean like people have been doing over the last two years and since the beta went live. Good luck! If there's anything Darth Roxor may have underestimated, it's the butthurt of millions of voices suddenly crying out in terror... Appropriate youtube clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKu7TYWNxqA
  2. As I mentioned before, there's more factual reasoning in the OP in this thread than Constantine's thread.
  3. If the other thread is supposed to be part 2, then just merge this with it. Otherwise I'll just copy and paste everything.
  4. I didn't say it was all bad. But there is stuff in PoE that when you think you're making choices in the game, especially at the end of Act 2 where you're carefully considering options in dialogue, the rug is completely pulled out from under you voiding any careful options you just took.
  5. So Constantine's thread is a troll thread. Thanks for confirming that. Or as Luckman suggests, Constantine may be slightly retarded, or at least an idiot.
  6. if you think this is a troll thread, then Constantine's thread is a troll thread too. It's full of fallacy, bias, and lies. At least Sensuki made factual points in his OP.
  7. I agree, especially people like yourself throwing poo at other people.
  8. If this is supposed to be Part 2, then the thread title should be changed to reflect that.
  9. There were people who did agree with Darth Roxor's review or at the very least quite a few points in the original (close to 900 post) thread. I'd have to say I agree with a lot of what Darth Roxor had to say as well.
  10. I've already shown this with the xaurips at the xaurip camp. You position yourself so you're either taking on one or two at most. The xaurips you can line up in a straight line and you take on one at a time. When one dies, the next steps up in line. The bandits weren't that hard. The wolves were harder and as long as I was sneak attacking, they went down pretty quick. And you have abilities that can make you sneak attack.
  11. Very easy on hard. But then I do have over 100 hours in the beta working out optimal builds. So I probably have an advantage over other people who don't have experience with the game.
  12. Not at all. I was able to take on all the enemies except for the bears at Valewood with a melee rogue. And I've been able to have my rogue go into melee numerous times. L2P.
  13. And I'm giving examples of what happened to me. I have dumped Con on my ranged nude rogue and play on hard and never got one shotted at all. I can understand if you're not optimally building your rogue and dying.
  14. And everybody else who's been exploiting it too. But everybody who's exploiting it is obviously wrong and the people who haven't are obviously right! Gotcha.
  15. Not for a ranged rogue like mine. And no, the A.I. doesn't target low Con characters. In fact, I've shown videos to prove that it doesn't.
  16. I've been dumping Con for my back line since the beta went live. And I'm not the only one who's been doing that. I'll take experience and the experience of others over your theories any day.
  17. Hasn't for me. In fact my rogue not only dumped Con but is also not wearing any clothes or armour.
  18. LOL. New to the Obsidian Forums I see. What you're seeing with people being negative to the game isn't something new. There have been people critical of the design decisions over the last two years including myself. Oh btw, welcome to the Obsidian forums. Get used to it.
  19. Actually, this is a good point you've raised with judging Lord Halrond.
  20. I'm also missing these as well. The guide says they're with the people/locations you mentioned. I'm assuming these three are bugged.
  21. Sure and you've stated your opinion enough times already about other people. You might not post constantly on the forums of a game you hate, but then you do post about other people who don't like the game. Perhaps you are messed up in the head...
  22. You 'think'? So you really have no idea. And who is 'their'? I've never seen anyone say BG2 is a perfect game. Time to stop making stuff up because all it does is hurt your argument.
  23. I can hear him say the B in bugger.
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