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Everything posted by barbarian_bros

  1. Thanks for all your answrers Justin.
  2. My pleasure, I'm very happy to hear you like the music for PoE. Regarding the WM song, Josh Sawyer wrote the lyrics. Ayana is a typo though, we were talking about working with her we had to pursue other options. Thanks for bringing that up, I'll have it removed from the credits. I have a last question : does the WM song have a proper title ? PS : I've just finished the game (118 hours ! ), can't wait for a POE 2 !
  3. Thanks for your answers Justin. Here's the 'completed' PoE CD soundtrack page on VGMdb : http://vgmdb.net/album/62093
  4. I would have bet on Josh writing... It the singer is not Ayana Haviv, can you tell me who owns that chilling voice ? I use to post videogames songs on Youtube (no monetization), but I like when I can provide accurate and complete credits.
  5. Thanks for the quick answer, Justin, now I could add the CD in VGMdb base. Even more thanks for PoE music. Another question concerning the Stalwart Inn bard's song from The White March (px1_mus_inn_c.ogg in the game files). I assume you are the music composer, Ayana Haviv is credited as the singer in TWM credits, but can you tell me who wrote the lyrics ?
  6. If ever Justin or any other Obsidian member read this... May we have the complete tracklist for the soundtrack CD (kickstarter addon) ? The CD has 17 tracks... but absolutly no information at all on the disc/label/covers... (even the composer is not credited).
  7. Dans la quête 'L'héritier de Caed Nua' il y a une petite coquille : 'Sapphire' apparait sous sa forme anglaise non traduite, en français c'est 'saphir'
  8. It was answered in the previous page of this thread : If you are looking to get TWM - Part II on the Mac App Store we are trying to get it out early next week if possible.
  9. Thanks :D The song in the background was a collaboration between Josh and I. I wanted to write a folk song set in the world of Eora, and Josh came up with the idea of making it about Ondra and Abydon. Really happy with the way it turned out. Just curious, is there soundtrack from WM I and II available somehow? I have the OG due to KS and i also KSed the expansion, but I cannot find any mention of WM soundtrack, even when looking through available DLs on Steam. You can find the musics as ogg files in the game data... but not the 'WM2 Trailer song'. path is : Pillars of Eternity\PillarsofEternity_Data\data\audio\mus\ PX1_mus and PX2_mus are respective folders for WM Part.1 and WM Part.2 musics.
  10. Seems that 'Pallegina Attack' effect has the same icon issue : Buff Icons Missing?
  11. Already reported for the 'Edér Attack' buff icon : Patch 3.0 : U.I.Bug (active effects icons)
  12. Description: In the U.I 2 effects appears to have no icons so they are only shown as a white square. The affected effects are 2 occurences of 'Eder Attack'
  13. It's evening in Sweden (Paradox place) and morning in California... Maybe Obsidian will confirm or deny when they will be in their offices
  14. Release is delayed until early 2015. Seen on Paradox forums : It's very unpleasant that backers have not been informed by Obsidian...
  15. For French-speaking people, my French translation of the update 78 is available HERE. Pour les francophones, ma traduction française de l'update 78 est disponible ICI.
  16. ENG : For lazy French-speaking people : my french translation ot the Update 74 (Lore/Rules/Gameplay : Full Translation, News : summarized translation). FR : Pour les francophones qui ne veulent pas lire un update entier en anglais : ma traduction FR de l'update 74. My other French translations/Autres updates en version FR : Update 16, Update 20, Update 24, Update 36, Update 39, Update 43 (only the Lore about Godlikes), Update 50, Update 52, Update 63.
  17. From wine city, Bordeaux, France...
  18. I don't have my 'K' badge... only the silver one
  19. I've pledged the $65 (+15) tier (regular box). I think about an upgrade to the $140 tier, but the huge 40$ gasp between $100 and $140tiers is too large to be justified only by 'another box design + cloth map + cloth patch'. As a collector I'd like a pledge to get both regular and collector boxes, like Wasteland2 $150 'poster pack' tier . Maybe the regular box could be added as an 'addon' (maybe about $40, available only for 'non all-digital' tiers, which begins with the 65$ regular box tier) So we could get 2 regular box for 105$, a regular box and a collector box for 180$ and so on... -I'd like to get the printer collector's book, but I can't afford the $250 tiers... if I spend $270 (250tiers + 20$ shipping) for a game my wife could kill me... So as the softcover book was replaced by a hardcover version in the 250$Tiers, maybe the softcover version could come back in a lower tier.... (170$ for both collector box and softcover book would be fine) or even added to the collector box at 140$ Anyway if Obsidian plans to create a new 175$ Tiers including : 140$Tiers rewards + regular box from the 65$ tier + softcover collector's book ... Then they will have my 110$ upgrade (65$ to 175$)... as long it's lower than $200 including shipping.
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