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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. Dear Lord, the ani's are now tearing eachother apart in a fit of paranoia and insanity. Wu actually started sounding reasonable. Randi Harper gets my vote for the most despicable and repugnant person on the internet
  2. IGDA is a cespool. Who would have though: http://tinysubversions.com/2013/09/some-thoughts-on-the-igda-or-why-i-quit/
  3. https://archive.today/R8VpD
  4. They already denouncing every law and amendment that doesn't suit them. I had anti's argue for "guility until proven innocent!" and "If a woman sez rape, string the man up immediately!". The rest of the anti-brigade either ignored or agreed. I have no doubt that if some of them knew they could get away with murder, they would start killing us.
  5. You're forgetting Tait We need to broadcast that guy and signal boost him to he max.
  6. Keep hopeing. We are ISIS, KKK, ebola, rapists, harassers and the devil fused into one monstrous creature of super-patriarchy and mysogyny
  7. LOLOLOLOLOLO http://feelsandreals.wordpress.com/2014/11/22/gamergate-leader-revealed-11-herbs-and-misogynies/
  8. IGDA removed the autoblocker tool from the recommended list.. The anti's are throwing tantrums, some are attacking IGDA members and entire organizations in their tweets. The fire is spreading! https://twitter.com/Redregon/status/536208940187783168/photo/1 https://twitter.com/FartToContinue/status/536204964033728512/photo/1 https://twitter.com/eekwat/status/536216998209150977
  9. There you have it, they think that women are more vulnarable than men, and they can wear what they want while men cannot. Thus we have to judge a book by its cover. I am extremely dissapointed. Do a check to see who forms the RAS. Check their positions, affilation, pay and credentials. Then laugh.
  10. Wait, what?
  11. They block KFC (the chicken wings are taunting women), Sommers, Adam Baldwin, David Pakman and many, many others. Outrage is spreading. GamerGhazi claiming the blocklist is a lie by GG.
  12. This s*** is exploding. My sides are going orbital right about now....
  13. I said BS because it's BS of such magnitude it requires no further deliberation or explanation. Have you any idea just how much 1 out of 5 or even 10 is? That's a bloody epidemic. That number is redicolous and can't have a real connection to reality.
  14. HAHAHA...One of hte IGDA chairmen ended on the blocklist. Hilarity ensues! They have just flagged thousands of innocent people as "the worst harrasers on the net". My sides are going into meltdown
  15. Bulls***. To everything. Especially the last part. Where did those numbers come from anyway?
  16. Nope. A normal country. The crime rate here is lower than in the US. Lots of corruption tough.
  17. "a male celebrity is accused of rape! RAPE CULTURE" ME: "Rich guys can get away with a lot of things. Yelling rape culture is premature" YOU: "BLARGABABHAH!"
  18. My country, Croatia. Plenty of similar cases. It usually involves a trial with minimal exposure to media, usually when there's anotehr scandal or breaking news to occupy the masses. The sentence is a bear minimum in a minimum security prison. As soon as the media hype blows over the sentences gets quietly reduced to basically nothing for good behavior and stuff like that. In other words, they guy gets out in a matter of a few months, tops.
  19. You're a bloody idiot if all you can do is deliberately put words in other peoples mouths. Read what I said, not what you think. Where the hell did I say that society isn't a complex system?
  20. Hmmmm... depending if prostitution is legal in that country and that's in the contract...that might even be legal.
  21. Money gets you out of a lot of things. I know rich kids who drove while drunk and killed little girls, and got out with a slap on the wrist because they had a rich daddy. So why talk about "rape culture" in this context? It is the very phrase you used, so stop being disengenius.
  22. I remember the olden, golden days. I used to buy magazines that were like that. They even had a section "trash of the month" with the worst games and the reviews were hillarious. I remember some doom-like clone called "Gore Galore" and a Contra rip-off that had spastic movement controls, and the character controlled like "a headless robot chicken struck by lighting, panicking and running in all directions at once"
  23. I couldn't give a rats ass what an artist thought or felt while making a work of "art". There's no way to tell, prove or quantify any of that. If at the end the product of his work is a piece of ugly crap, then ti's a piece of ugly crap, regardless of how much "feels" and "emotions" and "anguish" he poured into it. Modern art is garbage, fit only for pompous intellectual circle-jerking.
  24. Leigh Alexander? She's loony on a power trip. Involved in lots of shady stuff, corruption and slinging insults left and right. A horrible, unapologetic person.
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