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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. Sad post from a gamegater:
  2. Just checked. Anita and McIntosh are still ignoring it.
  4. What are you trying to prove with this exactly? That there are drunken or violent people out there?
  5. Oh, Base Mom bashes another radical femnist card:
  6. What? Do women live in some alternate reality I'm not aware of? Objective reality check. When a person walks to you and sez "Good day" it's bloody same for a man and a woman. The same words said, the same meaning. Now if the perception of those words is different is another matter, but perception is in the mind of the beholder. Do I dismiss the issue? Yes. Because I don't see it as an issue. ACTUAL harrasment (when someone continues pestering you despite your clear insistence to stop, etc..) is a problem. But this? Any well-adjusted individual should be capable of dealing with a minor irritant.
  7. So if she would feel raped by men watching her then she was raped? Nope, doesn't work like this.
  8. Accepted reaction is not the same as the right reaction. I'm sure if you lived in some backwards country you might think that chopping peoples hands of for stealing was a right thing to do because everyone been doing it for years that way.
  9. The only thing that I find lacking in RL, is the ability to communicate via meme's and gifs. I'm like:
  10. Because all of this is redicolous. All these people crying that other people are noticing them. "Boo-hoo, I'm feeling uncomfortable! Making me feel uncomfortable is a crime!" Bloody, effing hell. Cant' we deal with real issues instead of this?
  11. Not sure if trolling.....
  12. It must be a very sad place where you live in. I (or people here) never had any issues with people greeting you or approaching you. Maybe because a lot of people here are tourists asking for direction or something. But in general I don't have this fear of insane people around every corner. If normal looking people greet you politely you respond politely. I did run into a few crazy people on the streets, but those were the one that talk to themselves and you wonder what they are doing on the streets and not in a loony bin. That video looks so staged it's hillarious.
  13. Wrong. The first step to being a rapist is being a man.
  14. Huh? Ban guns? Where did that come from? That's a flawed analogy. Oh, so you just talk with them and ask if they were serious or not. Someone makes death threats on the internet. They're asked if they were serious? Oh no! that person replies. A few days later there's a killing. Yep, that'll work. And the neighbours say, that person was such a nice person. Always so nice and didn't make any trouble. Everything is a flawed analogy. Want another one? You wife makes you lunch. However, if you anger her, there is a chance - however small - that she might poison you. After all, that happens, you can see it in the papers. So let's ban all angry women from making lunch on the off chance that one of them might poison you. Over-bloody-reaction. I ask you again - how many internet threats ever amounted to anything? You got a greater chance of being struck by lightning. Do you flinch and run away every time a lighting strikes? and b.t.w. - the people you should be worried about aren't the stupid ones that will post stuff like that. This guarantees they will be caught if they try anything. A smart person that wants to kill you will stay silent.
  15. We just keep hitting diamonds!
  16. So if someone on the internet follows through with their death threat, it was okay to dismiss it originally because you assumed the best of them. That's not the world we live in. Better safe than sorry? In that case, because 1% of X causes trouble, let's ban 99% of X? Ban all guns? That's a flawed response. Besides, it's not too difficult to tell if someone is serous or not. You just talk to them. Not to mention that 90% of the people on the internet aren't in position to harm you anyway. I'm sure Chang-Li from China is going to take a few days off his job and pay a fortune to travel to the US, all to kill you and get thrown in jail.
  17. It takes 2 to tango, and everyone is responsible for his actions. Just as person A is responsible for saying s***, so is person B responsible for how it chooses to respond. You can say that B responded in the ONLY available and proper fashion, but that is factually untrue. Also, shifting all responsiblity for everything to an actor before you in a chain of events is dishonest.
  18. Random internet death threats. Both in games and in discussions on sensitive subjects. I recieved "death threats" in real life too, if you consider any variation of "I'll kill you" a death threat. But those are jabs between friends. That why I said - assume the best about other people (including their motivations and circumstances), prepare for the worst. Assuming the worst only leads to hate and friction. Unless I am damn sure someone is being serious, I'm going to assume that whatever he said or posted that is aggressive or insulting is not truly meant.
  19. I like this one:
  20. I kinds doubt that. Opinions don't tend to die out as easily.
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