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Everything posted by AwesomeOcelot

  1. Gas Powered Games Acquired By Wargaming.net.
  2. Gas Powered Games Acquired By Wargaming.net.
  3. Ghost Recon Online as you can see from the video, is not exactly a FPS, it's a 3rd person cover shooter where you can aim down sights. It looks really good, not going to install Uplay to play it though. I don't like unlocks and levelling in competitive multiplayer games. Hi-Rez failed to balance Tribes: Ascend and it took ages to get anything, plus things might start off OK, but then the publisher might decide they need more revenue and start introducing a ton of crap for no gameplay reason, making the game overly complex and even harder to balance. I don't want to grind or farm to eventually play the game for fun later on, but have to pay more than I would for a pay for game to avoid some of it. These games are ruined for me by being F2P, I end up paying more for an experience that's worse.
  4. His comments don't really excuse them, it's clearly EA's pressure to broaden the fan base, therefore the "necessary" part of the "evil" is down to them. The expanding scope of the game, in terms of setting, clearly the developers are owning that decision. The wrong of this is that they want to keep the core fan base, so they call it "Dead Space" and they stick a 3 on it. I'm not a fan of Dead Space, but I can sympathise with fans when developers and publishers turn a series from one thing into another because of their obsession with expanding the fan base, "franchises" and aversion to creating new IP. Of course this is consumers fault as well, they were warned. There should never have been a "balance" to strike, if the profit warranted it there should have been a real Dead Space 3, and this game could have had a new title. The same with Dragon Age 2, could have been Dragon Age: Console Edition or whatever like Unreal Tournament and Unreal Championship. Did the sales of Dragon Age: Origins warrant a proper sequel? I don't know, but I'd rather have no sequels than what's happening now.
  5. That's harsh, Section 8 was a competent multiplayer FPS. A lot of companies out source now, and have been doing for years. They haven't created a good single player FPS, but then it seems as if they weren't completely in control of the design.
  6. Jet Set Radio, this game is incredibly overrated, putting into doubt all the games Dreamcast owners said were amazing but I've never played. I much prefer the Pro Skater series in almost every way, but obviously the HD remake of those is terrible where this one seems to be entirely faithful according to Dreamcast owners. The control, the tricks, the levels, the goals, the music all much better in THPS games. I like the graphics, colourful and abstract, faux cell shaded. It's capped at 30fps, and if you come out of sleep on Windows 7 it's unplayable for some bizarre reason. You spend your time hunting for places to tag, then do these annoying quick time events. Obviously this serves nostalgia for the 90's and Dreamcast, but the game is really dated and the mechanics aren't fun.
  7. He's right, demos are a bad idea, trailers that have no relation to the game are great. Human stupidity is an infinite resource. Although the stats are raw, so obviously there's going to be a difference in the nature of the games in categories: no trailer or demo, only demo, demo and trailer, only trailer. Making a demo is a lot easier for certain types of games, where as making a trailer with no relation to the game is expensive. "Magical interfaces" and 3D, this is the same concept, all promise, people get fooled, but then they fall for something very similar again and again.
  8. One of the mods(I'm guessing since their name was green) on the official Wasteland forums said they asked Brian Fargo about the keyword dialogue and he said it was because of the ability to make a varied squad of characters of your choosing and that's the way Wasteland did it. I understand the decision, I don't think it's the obvious and objectively correct decision, but I support InXile's decision. It's possible to write dialogue for a player created squad if they're male/female, intelligent/stupid, charismatic/dull, as long as they come from the same place with the same culture (like say a vault) or you times that location/culture origin by 6-12 for variability, but it's a lot more work. The argument that it was the way Wasteland did it is a strong one, I never played Wasteland, and I think fans of Wasteland should come first, but I also think the keyword dialogue was a result of technical limitations, of course limitation is the mother of good design and gameplay in many ways.
  9. Wasteland 2 was the second project I backed, the first was Double Fine Adventure, but I had bought music from an album that was funded by a 2010 KickStarter campaign in 2011. Keyword dialogue, obviously it's no where near as good, and without audio dialogue I was expecting a full dialogue system, but I would like to hear InXile's explanation for why they chose it, if it was that they don't have enough writers and they think its more in line with the spirit of Wasteland I would be fine with that, I never played Wasteland. Autoleveling things like lockpicking is a bad idea. I don't want to go around searching for every lock pick easy or medium to level up. Selecting skills can be gamed, but at least it gives you the option to sensibly role play gaining experience in a skill instead of power gaming by entering the same room 3 different ways or jumping around for hours to level acrobatics.
  10. Rings of Power by Naughty Dog on the Sega Mega Drive. My first open world game, it was quite funny and really hard, especially the final fight that was more about luck than judgement. It was mostly turn based, with a little real-time on the world map. The world map vs local map worked a lot like my second cRPG, Fallout, but it had a number of different vehicles and you had to manage food and water.
  11. I thought Dreamfall was really bad in terms of story, dialogue, voice acting, music, and especially gameplay. It hardly has any adventure gameplay, the gameplay like stealth or combat it does have is absolutely terrible. It also had so many loading screens like many Xbox titles, which was bizarre since it was released after the Xbox 360 was launched. The Longest Journey is one of the best adventure games ever made, it had plenty of flaws, but some of the art, dialogue, and plots were really good. You have to believe... this is going to be bad.
  12. The Golem, not sure what to make of this, the concept art looks great and their previous animation and art is impressive. They've made some iOS apps and animated short films, so their PC/Mac/Linux gaming credentials aren't impressive. No information on the gameplay mechanics apart from the abstract upgrade system of the golem. The goal and development time seems incredibly ambitious.
  13. I expected the OUYA to follow the hardware cycles, it's not milking, the Xbox 360 and PS3 are milking the same hardware for years. If you don't have to rebuy the controller every year, the OUYA on its own could be even cheaper than $100, more like $70. PC gaming has had 6 month GPU cycles for a long time, that's why PC gamers aren't playing games on 8 year old hardware. Maintaining backwards compatibility, and launching every year is going to be hard for them.
  14. I would expand on that point and say the "ending" was disappointing, and that's the "ending" of a scene, a episode, a arc, a season, or the entire series. I think that's what Abrams brings, and he explains it in interviews and talks. I think as a director he's fine, but as a creator, writer, producer, no I don't get it. Obviously some of the stuff isn't his fault, another of LOST's writers, Lindelof, wrote Prometheus, which is offensively bad, it's remarkable in that it hardly makes any sense on any level, even in the most simplest of terms.
  15. If you "got it", it's projection on your part, they just use everything as a plot device without a plan or consistency. What I'm saying is your new clothes are spectacular emperor. I couldn't relate to the characters, the show sometimes briefly and haphazardly flirted with sci-fi. I just can't stand that type of fluidity and irrational story telling, where characters aren't characters in their own right but are just things that serve whatever narrative they wanted that week. Half-Life's storytelling is impressive, the story isn't that remarkable, although it's definitely a million times better than LOST's. Movies and TV shows cannot do what games like Half-Life did.
  16. In some ways Half-Life as a series has been the highest end of storytelling in games, it's not perfect obviously, and there was much improvement from Half-Life to Half-Life 2. In your universe LOST was not a pile of ****?
  17. Worlds Collide: Valve And JJ Abrams Working On Movie JJ Abrams is involved in lowest common denominator bull**** that doesn't go anywhere. I didn't like the direction they went with Portal 2 so I don't really give a crap where they go with that, but I'd rather Abrams not touch the Half-Life series because I would like to enjoy Half-Life 3. Nothing good will come of this.
  18. If this is true, and I think it's very likely, Microsoft knows Sony is doing this too. Requiring the internet (not necessarily always on though) and locking discs to accounts to prevent resale, account sharing, and piracy was always going to happen. They're probably going to sweeten the deal a bit, at least initially, it will be interesting what they'll give away as a loss leader. Without a second hand market they could decrease prices a bit, depending on if that translates into increased sales. What they should have to do is replace discs that are lost or broken, with a minimal fee of postage, packing, and the price of manufacture.
  19. I always go for basic, I've tried the other a few times but it wasn't for me. The True Patch is pretty much the same thing as Wesp's on basic.
  20. I really only install mods that are unofficial patch's like Sawyer's New Vegas patch, Wesp's VtMB patch, DirectX 9 shader for UT/Deus Ex, etc... but to demonstrate the importance of mods to PC gaming, just look at Counter-Strike, DOTA, and DayZ. In terms of multiplayer FPS I do interact with mods a bit more, mods keep those communities alive with variety, ASMD instagib or gun game servers are mods.
  21. The funny thing is the game has magic and it's set across 200,000 years from no technology to the middle of the medieval period. It's pretty much the most poorly run campaign in Kickstarter history.
  22. Project Awakened, day 1 DLC abilities and weapons for backers. The return of the PC to the forefront of gaming. They shopped it around publishers to be a next gen console title, based on ideas of another console title that was cancelled called Hero. The graphics should look decent, it's based on Unreal Engine 4 and I heard that some of them worked on it.
  23. Former Gas Powered Games developers who were laid off a few days into the Wildman kickstarter have started their own campaign called ROAM. I really like zombies, there are countless games that deal with this subject, quite a few that are isometric 3D shooters (All Zombies Must Die!, Dead Nation, Nation Red, and Dead Horde) some play very different to others, some are interesting, some are not. The prototype actually looks great for 6 weeks work, with crafting and building, this seems more along the lines of Project Zomboid. Death Inc, this is a great campaign launch, clearly expressing many of the ideas behind the game. Mechanically they quickly gave a walkthrough in an update of the sort of things they were talking about in the trailer. This is arguably another zombie game, but it's not like one I've seen before.
  24. I also don't buy the argument about DLC, but I don't see how a game can be designed well around this kind of DLC. I will say that this type of stupidity is older than DLC, BioWare did this sort of nonsense with Jade Empire's Limited Edition. These problems become more pronounced the more you rely on the DLC revenue, so Age of Empires Online and other free-to-play (with notable and popular exceptions) have these problems in spades. Certain types of RTS is dying, Starcraft II is getting a release, Dawn of War II had 3 releases, and there's a new Company of Heroes game, plus the Total War series. MOBA games are a RTS subgenre, and if you look at FPS and RPG, the same types in those genres don't get made any more, so under the same criterion those genres died years ago. Supreme Commander could have easily been a profitable PC franchise for a decade but the publisher didn't want that. EA ate Westwood and spat out all the good. Airmech, Sins of a Solar Empire, Planetary Annihilation, End of Nations, and Dota 2 are the RTS genre evolving.
  25. I'm not a fan of the usual character progression, I don't think people change, I think situations do, people learn and adapt, so the character arc is more about the situational changes than the character. I also don't think that these changes are of the incremental kind. LuccA is completely right about stereotypes not being a problem, but writers stereotyping characters in a way that makes them one dimensional is a big problem. Fallout: New Vegas was pretty excellent with the companions and NPCs so I'm not really worrying about the companions or NPCs all that much. It's telling that Dragon Age, NWN or KotOR franchises have these problems, I suggest that Obsidian left to their own devices don't have this problem.
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