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Everything posted by CommissarMega

  1. It was mentioned somewhere that your character would have both a race and culture, and that both would have an impact on how the world percieves you.
  2. Oh, I know the game itself is going to happen, but I want it to be more happening! And for that, it needs more funding! Had I my 'druthers, everyone on Earth who has or will ever have spent money on electronic entertainment of any sort would have dropped $10 on this game in the first 48 hours, but I'd settle for a media blitz that gets the whole Internet on fire!
  3. Bah! This Kickstarter will tower over Wasteland 2's! I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Just as long as this does well enough to show publishers that they can't kick Obsidian around anymore
  4. Actually, research done (and observations from) early battlefields indicate that if a gun-armed soldier sees some maniac screaming towards him waving a sharp bit of metal, the soldier's first instinct would be to hunker down and ready his bayonet, even if his gun was loaded. Or he'd simply fire off his gun in the enemy's general direction, miss, and then prepare his bayonet. People just don't react well psychologically to someone running at you with a gun. If I may propose an anecdote, there have been records of American Civil War battles where soldiers would stant at point blank ranges, fire off thousands of shots, and when the smoke cleared, nobody was dead. And we're talking about guns hundreds of years less advanced than the rifles of the late 19th century. True, in another game by another publisher guns would behave they way you'd expect them to, but I have faith Obsidian would represent ancient firearms properly. Again, we're not talking about US Rangers wielding M-16s, but farmhands and young men who'd probably never seen a gun in their lives, and are probably in more danger from the weapon than anyone they're firing at.
  5. It seems like they're somewhat common, though. As I mentioned, guns became popular IRL because they were easy to make, use and train to use, despite being inferior to weapons like the longbow for centuries. In a realm (especially one of dark and/or 'realistic' fantasy), they'd be even m ore popular as they'd be able to provide common people some way to strike back at all the magically armoured murderhobos running around. EDIT: Again, they'd be inferior to longbows in almost every manner, especially if we're talking wheelock rifles (really primitive guns, barely a step or two above arquebuses). Hell, the reason many early gun battles took place at ranges of around 50 yards was because the lack of rifling in their barrels (an innovation which didn't arrive until the 18/19th Centuries) caused a bullet already deformed by ramming it down the barrel to fly every which way. I remember one early manual which said that if you wanted to hit someone in the chest at 100 yards, aim for their knees
  6. Reposting (and rephrasing) something I posted elsewhere: Please, hear me, Obsidian! You need publicity, lots and lots of publicity! I know people who'd drop $5 just because they liked the pitch! Hell, I donated $25 to an 8 year old's card game Kickstarter because I thought it was adorable! Look, what I'm trying to say is that even people who are uninterested might appreciate a good show, and donate based on that. Right now, you want to sell the game, so let's start out with something universal, so let's start out with artwork. Let's see the lay of the land. Let's see tech levels, differing cultures, that kind of thing. I've seen people refrain from donating because all they see is a 'generic fantasy world', and not just on Something Awful either. If you can show people the intricacies of the world, or maybe a few good costumes and possible player character concepts, you'll have donators coming in droves, IN FREAKIN' DROVES. I heard a culinary saying once- 'the first bite is with the eye', and I think the same principle applies here! Or maybe let us have a listen to the music. Hell, get Chris Avellone, Tim Cain and Feargus Urqan'tspellhislastname to do a barbershop quartet with you or something at the $2 million mark; God willing, it goes viral. Seriously, you can't afford to lose momentum now! EDIT: Seriously, you guys are Obsidian-goddamn-Entertainment. All you have to do is bill yourselves as 'We're the anti-Bioware!' and you've got an audience right there.
  7. I used to visit the Bioware forums, and it really went to pot after Mass Effect 2. The moment you didn't verbally pleasure anyone who worked on Bioware's masterpieces or said anything that would hurt the feelings of said people and/or masterpieces, it was End of Line (sic) for you. EDIT: Hell, people were being banned for complaining about TOR's service policies, posting silly but harmless memes (i.e. "I am 12 and what is this" met with a ban)- it was crazy, man.
  8. Mind you, the capacity to do an evil Torment run should be a measure of criminal psychopathy.
  9. Fear not, I think we got that That said, I have proposed magic firearms elsewhere, but just like any proper magic item, they should be both rare and special, not available for purchase off the shelf at Mysterio's Magic Martâ„¢.
  10. However, the way they asked and offered was completely and utterly devoid of both empathy and intelligence to a level I for one didn't think was possible. Seriously, what the hell?!
  11. Aye, that was nice to see- romance not as a way to get a cutscene, but as character development. And for the record, many ancient societies didn't give a damn who you shagged, but it you wanted any respect, you had better have been the dominant party in the relationship. We don't hear much about it from medieval sources because of Judeo-Christian influence, but we can't pretend it wasn't there. Remember, while project Eternity will have wizards and such, it also has massive bombs and firearms. I don't think homo/bisexuality would be very much out of place, neither would I care if I saw it. Seriously, why the hangup? What does it matter who someone sleeps with? This isn't political correctness, mind you- if your neighbour's a dude sleeping with another dude, what does it matter to you?
  12. I never got the vibe that Eternity was going to be a medieval fantasy in the first place; I see it as early Renaissance, somewhere between a Tolkienesque fantasy world and Eberron magipunk. It's Middle Earth growing up. And I do think there would be the need for such inventions ESPECIALLY in a high fantasy world, if only to equalize things between eternally put-upon civilians and the high-ranking nobility- after all, remember that the only reason guns became popular over weapons like the longbow (which was unmatched for firing rate and penetration until around the 17th/18th Centuries) was because they were quicker and easier to make as well as train with than longbows, which demanded such dedication from its users it literally warped their skeletons.
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