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Everything posted by teknoman2

  1. i dont think this is the new dialogue system... its pre alpha so they probably haven't written the dialogue yet
  2. this thread reminds me that my old card has expired almost 2 months ago and i have yet to activate the new
  3. probably none at all. so far all the effort to this regard was simplistic at best. they put it there mostly as a "we dont condone piracy" statement and not as real piracy countermeasure.
  4. so the AMD hardware is fine, it was the sofware that could not keep up
  5. well one thing that test proved is that AMD does not have inferior hardware... the limitations were in the software
  6. i watched a video making a performance comparison between a combination of AMD and intel CPUs and a 390X and GTX980, by using the beta version of a game that is made with DX12 support in DX11, the CPU was a major factor and the 980 had often almost double fps compared to the 390X in DX12, CPUs did not make much difference in the fps and the 980 got a 2-5 fps increase, while the 390X got from 40 to 120% more fps, getting overall the same fps as the 980 (the margin was +-2 fps compared to the 980 accross all combinations)
  7. i spent all day playing war thunder. there was a bombers only event and it was a perfect oportunity to get huge amounts of points for almost no risk, for planes that are lucky to get any points in a normal game. i made weeks worth of progress in a single day
  8. what, you were expecting the whole game? in a public alpha/beta they usually test small individual parts of the game to see if the mechanics and UI work as intended. play testing the entire game is done internally to avoid spoilers
  9. when the game comes out, the character i will make will be a jack that NEVER uses effort for anything.
  10. but it was never meant to compete with Diablo 3... it's a completelly different game under every point of view. even their first game "Divine Divinity" that had diablo like H&S combat, was totally different than diablo in every other aspect
  11. D:OS was both a financial and a critical success (it got several "RPG of the year" awards). 2, like the first, is already well on it's way through development now that they started the kickstarter and they will even have a hands on demo at PAX. but, just like the first, to add certain features they need work time and that costs money. through kickstarter they can get the extra money needed for the features they want to add, and can gauge how financially sound it is to spend the time to add these features
  12. 2 guys meet in a bar - A scorpion stung my mother in law yesterday - Really? Was it lethal? - Yes, the scorpion died on the spot
  13. wow windows 10 is THE data miner
  14. the place of cinematics in a game depends on the type of game. in a game like soul reaver they are fine. in a game like the witcher they would totaly defeat the purpose of the game if they were everywhere. i was reading a manga about a new artist in a game development studio and her (mis)adventures as she learns the ropes of the job and it had a really interesting bit of info on the game they were working on. an npc had to die while the hero escorted her from one town to the next but they did not do it through a cutscene, instead they had a combat encounter on the way where enemies would spawn endlesly until the npc died in battle. so, while the story said "she dies here", they left the player with the illusion that if he tries hard enough he may be able to save her (without knowing that the enemies will keep spawning until the npc dies)
  15. this is why nobody should ever take them seriously.
  16. out of fuel in the middle of the map. at least the place was full of flat farms and the last enemy was fighting that guy in the distance so i could land safely http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/436073542227052732/74BF1114B8502A9C0886547ADDC0318FC13A60E8/ btw "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."... wtf is wrong with jpg images and this forum?
  17. wrong. mafia was in the 30s, in mafia 2 the mc was a WW2 veteran that just got home. in this they jumped to just after the vietnam war
  18. i see many with potential. i hope they are worth watching
  19. combat, from what i see, consists of shoving enemies out of the way while you run for it. it didnt show any segment of where beating up enemies was the main focus of the game. but it may have some parts like it who knows still, if they make it with native vr support it will be a blast
  20. no, bilion... i dont remember where i read it, but there are actually more cows than people in the world... and even more chicken than cows
  21. there are roughly 10 bilion cows in the world today... how many lions are there?
  22. i just finished the serial killer quest in witcher 3. i can only imagine how it would have gone if i had not done or done differently certain other quests before it. never a dull moment in this game
  23. i didnt generalize i speak of those i know personaly (even if indirectly)
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