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Living One

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About Living One

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  1. They did show day/night cycles quite a while ago but I'm hoping night will look a bit better than the usual 'blue-filter' many games use.I don't think anything's been said about weather cycles.
  2. I'm fine with both,though I'd probably prefer a MotB style expansion rather than a TotSC one. If they make more than one expansion(including the ones for sequels)I'd like some of them to be closer to PST or IWD(although in this case I'd say I'm expecting something more akin to Dark Souls rtwp edition with great atmosphere,storytelling through environs/item descriptions and dungeons connected to each other rather than linear progression)for variety's sake.
  3. I know it's not the most realistic but Ornstein's armour is so f*cking cool
  4. A question about the expansions.Not specifically the one that's been already announced but more in general,for the whole series. Will all expansions be BG-style(meaning more or less equally focused on story/quests and dungeon crawling) like the main game or will there be some heavier on either dungeon crawling like IWD or story like PST?
  5. random question:any beholder-like monster?
  6. I know the initial idea was to have a companion per class(hence the now scrapped additional stretch goals to cover the last ones) but that's not happening anymore(they're eight currently,right?).Could you tell us wich classes aren't covered,so we can create a character while avoiding class redundancy with the other party members?Or at least do you guys plan to reveal it pre-release?Or is it subject to the 'no-spoiler' policy?
  7. Can you post these new info or is it against the rules?
  8. http://sneakybastards.net/stealthreview/thief-review/
  9. So,not satisfied with harvesting brofists on the 'dex now you're harvesting likes in here too?
  10. We don't.His work on PoE is done,last I read and he didn't apply to get re-hired full time(Carrie Pattel applied for that positon instead).Same with Torment.Those who keep track of all these info probably have the links. Also romances suck.Sorry.
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