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Everything posted by Enclave

  1. Umm, did you miss the very first sentence on the kickstarter page? "Project Eternity is an isometric, party-based RPG set in a new fantasy world developed by Obsidian Entertainment." Note, isometric. You're not going to have a mobile camera. They were ridiculously up front about that. Wasteland 2 is isometric, and it has a mobile camera. Wasteland 2 is not isometric and they never described it as such. Yes one of it's various camera angles is an isometric angle but that's besides the point.
  2. This would be true if Obsidian had all of the time and money in the world to develop it to whatever perfect standard that they have in mind with no feature excluded or under developed within the 18 month time frame they've set themselves for completing the game. I'm guessing that it is super rare that such games are ever developed. And the kind of romances that people are asking for are a lot of work, so you are most likely wrong that having them in the game won't make other parts of the game suffer. You know, I've noticed something about Kickstarter funded games. You go on the forums and you see arguments like this. They basically amount to "I don't want it so I'm just going to say that they're under a limited time and budget so it shouldn't happen, that way I don't look selfish for saying my wants are superior to the wants of others!"
  3. Umm, did you miss the very first sentence on the kickstarter page? "Project Eternity is an isometric, party-based RPG set in a new fantasy world developed by Obsidian Entertainment." Note, isometric. You're not going to have a mobile camera. They were ridiculously up front about that.
  4. it's understandable after what we've seen from "romances" in recent RPGs. Thats not a point. Only because no one done it right until now, its isnt a reason to deny it generally... kind regards, Jira Where did I say nobody has done it right? I've been quite vocal in saying that Baldur's Gate II did it right.
  5. There's no problem with choices where you play a totally insane person, just don't make those the only evil options. Look at Knights of the Old Republic, in the first one the evil choices generally amounted to little more than petty thugery or just flat out dickishness and this is how most games today deal with good and evil choices. There was nothing subtle or grey about the choices.
  6. What you saw in the Wasteland 2 video wasn't what Unity games all look like. What you're seeing is what inXile has done with the engine for themselves. If this game were to use Unity you wouldn't have a game looking like what you saw in the Wasteland 2 video. You'd have exactly what Obsidian has told us. Fixed perspective isometric camera, 2d backgrounds with 3d models. Two games can use the exact same engine and turn out looking and playing COMPLETELY differently.
  7. it's understandable after what we've seen from "romances" in recent RPGs.
  8. I have to wonder, are you basing this off of the games graphics? Because the video showed nothing regarding what the engine is capable of, just camera movement. Camera movement in an early alpha build of a game that isn't even trying to be super awesome graphically. If you thought that Wasteland 2 was going to give your eyes orgasims then perhaps you made a mistake in pledging to that game (assuming you did indeed pledge to it). This game by the way? Also likely isn't going to be absolutely stunning graphically. Doesn't change the fact that it wasn't intended for the internet in general, it was intended for people in the industry.
  9. What we've seen? We just saw an example of the camera movement and the video was a leak that wasn't intended for the internet as a whole. How can you possibly judge an engine based on just that?
  10. The Linux community love to fund projects that include Linux support. Having a stretch goal that includes Linux support goes a long way to increasing their potential early funding which is pretty critical. Additionally, Linux support is actually fairly cheap depending on what engine they decide to go with.
  11. A new engine would increase development time quite a bit. They'd be best to use an existing engine. Unity would be a potentially good engine for this game.
  12. I want Baldur's Gate style romances. They were actually well done there and made the characters more real and gave them more depth. Also, sure, include homosexual romance, what do I care?
  13. Go play Baldur's Gate. Shows just how awesome a fixed camera can be.
  14. "Let's blow up the town! I'll give you some moneys! Come on, it'll be fun!" THIS IS MORAL CONFLICT Edit: Without a choice to be evil, there can be no choice to be good. You're simply doing what you're forced to do. There's no point in being the hero if you're never given the opportunity to be something different. I trust Obsidian to put some thought into their moral dilemmas. Utilitarian view vs Idealism. Equality vs individuality. Will you follow the law or act at your own discretion? And so on. Problem with your example is that it's too blatantly evil. I prefer far more morally grey choices. For instance, evil doesn't mean cartoonishly evil such as blowing up a city. An evil character can do good. They'll just do it out of pure self interest. It's the characters motivations that determine if a choice is evil or not, not if it's just some crazy thing like blowing up a town or mugging some random person. This is the problem with modern RPGs, they've been writing them in a way that it makes evil characters just jerks not actually evil. Here's an example. A good character could save a town from monsters because it's the right thing to do. An evil character could save a town from monsters because it will because it will improve his rep, a rep he can then abuse for his own goals.
  15. I voted no and I cannot stress that no enough. That said, I wouldn't object if some people from say inXile got brought in. But hell no to BioWare. You get BioWare involved and that means you're involving EA.
  16. I think the issue the TC has is that he's expecting the same sort of black and white choices that you get in games like KotOR and other newer games. I suggest he goes to play Baldur's Gate or Planescape: Torment. Much better choices there.
  17. Turn-based has it's place no doubt, but so does real-time with pause.
  18. How is it a tired road when we get hardly any fantasy RPGs anymore? anyways, I'm distressed at the idea that everybody will use magic in various ways. Sounds like it's treading on the toes of a game I'm making
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