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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. I linked this two pages back....yknow, when I felt like NO ONE WAS PAYING ATTENTION TO ME :C
  2. Who said this wtf? 10 years ago was 2004. We still had Samus Aran, we still had Perfect Dark, we still had Tomb Raider. If you want to dial it back to a time of extreme racism or sexism, you'd need to dial time back to...a time before games existed...Best ("best") you can realistically hope for is a time when a homosexual protagonist would get run out of town.
  3. My reaction: "SFM? Source Filmmaker? Damn I been playing too much TF2 lately, of course it's not that." *click* "oh"
  4. Only really preventive measure is to ruin anonymity online, which will be a shame when it is done. Exactly. Capitalism and Democracy rule real life, Anarchy rules the internet. And you know what? I think anarchy belongs here. Yes, there's problems, but when the alternative is that we begin with censorship and more policing of what can be done or said, then I think we're losing something truly unique.
  5. Wait, that's not what this thread is for? Much like gamergate itself, this thread is pretty much an amorphous blob which isn't really clear on what it's for, but has very strong feelings about it regardless. This story (the GamerGate story) is about a corrupt journalism market, and while that should be rather simple, it's absolutely fascinating to watch how far this goes and what kind of stuff they pull throughout the course of trying to dodge that issue and avoid acknowledging it. Just when you think the feminist shield is wearing out and it won't help them soon, suddenly the Guardian shows the same bias they show. Suddenly you're thinking "holy **** wtf bbq" because why the HELL is a journalism group not associated (or so we thought) with the corrupt gaming journalism group coming to their aide? How far is this thing going to go? And right when you think maybe there's something wrong with you as all the propaganda being spouted has you doubting the purpose, there's Wikileaks and a top executive at Microsoft cheering you on. It's absolutely fascinating to watch, and it's something a lot of us care about. Ever been the victim of corruption? I sadly have. Too many times than I wish to count, and each time absolutely devistating as you feel justice is a lie. And while we can't exactly do much from this forum in regards to bringing about tangible change (most we might do is relay info on which advertising groups to contact, or share quells of info), we can still sit here and try to make sense of "how the **** could this be allowed to happen?"
  6. http://www.xkcd.com/1357/ If someone tries to forcefully shut you up because he doesn't like what you are saying, how is that not censorship and attack on free speech? I'm not talking about the government here mind you. I'm talking about the spirit of what free speech is. Trying to hurt someone, get him in trouble or otherwise pressure him is deplorable either way you look at it. They're not attacking our free speech mind you, their simply failing their duties as journalists by refusing to report our voices and what we actually want. They conveniently interview and follow the narrative of the same minority (VAST minority) opinion and then preach that opinion as if it were the word of God. It's not an attack on free speech, it's just incredibly ass journalism. The closest any of it comes to an attack on free speech is that at some levels it does resemble coercion, in that various people within the industry - be they game developers, other journalists or indy game developers - have come forth and described a "pressure" to adhere to their standards. That's the closest it's come to attacking free speech, but even then the target isn't us. Us? We're just blatantly ignored and not heard, DESPITE being their consumers. That won't end well for them.
  7. Yet you're still screaming about them being evil conspiracists instead of trying to trust the free market to sort the whole thing out. Despite your utter confidence in "their ideas not surviving on the free market". Huh. Edit: also, for the nth time, I didn't suggest gaming culture has an issue with critics being TOO critical, it has an issue with critics being critical "in the wrong way". Which I find patently ridiculous. How am I NOT trusting the free market? What am I doing? I'm sitting here not visiting those websites and partaking in any calls to write companies and say I'm not happy with that website's work. There's no panic. There's no attempt by me to take matters into my own hands somehow, there's no drastic movements or unreasonable demands on my part. I'm sitting here waiting for the free market to kick in to a large enough degree that either the journalists change their tone or those websites as we know it die out for their failure to adapt, much like Netflix ate Blockbusters alive. Please, tell me how on EARTH I'm not trusting the free market? I literally just said I'd be willing to bet my savings the free market eats the SJW side alive. I've got a good $20,000 worth of stock in Tesla Motors I'd be more than happy to cash out and place a bet on this with. That I come here and rant about it and voice frustration...? This is on par with how I came to these very same forums and made a thread about how mind-boggling insane it is to me that the Sims 4 actually had a blind fan following willing to loyally pre-order the blatantly half-assed product. This is me coming here to say "guys am I insane or does anyone share my view" before I end up throwing myself off my balcony while saying "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."
  8. I don't think you understand the point. Cry all you like (and personally I think Transformers is terrible movie) this IS mass mainstream culture. It's popular that's the point. This is what they put big juicy dollars into. So lets not lecture gaming using this "wider culture" thing. And it's still widely considered to be garbage by basically any movie critic! Yet if gaming reviews dare to speak anything other than praise about similarly popular video gaming franchises, they're automatically "pushing an agenda". I think you're the one who missed Enoch's original point. Excuse me? Are we talking about the same GamerGate? If anything, the issue is that gaming journalists are so corrupt that EVERY game is "10/10 go throw all your money at the developers now." There's no issue with critics being TOO critical. As I stated earlier (and it was conveniently ignored by all the opposition), the issue is when they try to judge a game by how well it adheres to their moral code, and rather than simply having a website they themselves personally rely on because it always judges games based on a moral code, they wish for ALL critics to adhere to their personal moral code. That's spoiled, plain and simple. No, the world doesn't revolve around you, the world is largely built on democracy, and capitalism runs on adapting to the situation at hand properly and providing the service desired. Thus, most journalists don't adhere to your minority opinion about games. If you try to coerce them into doing so, yes there will be backlash and yes we'll see a boiling over point, such as now. No one is suggesting their voice is entirely unwelcome. What's suggested is their voice does not trump every OTHER voice out there. And yes, I'll bet my savings that they'll lose, solely on the grounds their idea of how to run things will not survive on the free market.
  9. Oh btw GamerGate is still winning: https://i.imgur.com/gLoJFYw.png
  10. That's a very specific thing to focus on. I know but it cant be unseen. Google "Megan Fox toe thumb". Wat if dat meenz her nipples look like vaginas
  11. I -just- watched that earlier today while conducting a study on whether or not humanity is retarded.
  12. I don't think this was ever up for debate or questioned, nor is it something anyone wouldn't welcome. More games for more demographics =/= the games for the current demographic will die out. Not by a long shot, so where's the problem? Anyone with half a brain could've seen this coming. Super Mario himself is only 8 years older than myself; we're the first generation to have games as a staple of our lifestyle. Big surprise that as new generations are born, gaming turns out to be a new thing for society rather than just some thing our generation specifically is fond of. But that's not the issue at hand. The issue is journalistic integrity alongside a comparatively smaller issue regarding the censorship or governance of art. The issue is not that websites like Polygon do include "moral code" as a sort of rating system for games, but rather that we have groups like Silverstring Media who don't seem content with having their own website they trust for morality-based reviews, but rather ALL of them should adhere to their ideology. The issue is that the Doritos Pope still sits on his thrown, and now that we're FINALLY getting off our asses and attempting to do something about it, omg wtf bbq look at this SH**STORM. Hell, to be honest? At this point this has gotten so out of hand, and I'm almost more concerned with how OTHER journalists seemingly blindly buy into the narrative of the corrupt gaming journalists while wikileaks says "keep going GamerGate." It's absolutely surreal, and it makes me lose faith in humanity.
  13. Hiro do you think you could possibly make some constructive comments about this topic How about you save that remark until you make a habit of actually providing rebuttals to arguments people provide you with instead of your trademark "Excellent post! I will now cease to appear in this thread until there's a new issue that comes up in my favor! "
  14. Wait, he seriously got doxxed for reporting on it? What the **** is wrong with those people? https://twitter.com/RickyCam/status/522741943840014336
  15. The news today I'd downright sickening...guardian showing bias, others such as jezebel basically resorting to bullying attempts, and the huffington post guy got doxxed.
  16. You sick and tired yet the sexism, harassment and threats continue from certain people So we have to continue to point out this unacceptable social behaviour Do we? Why? There's only so many times you can say "hey murder is bad" or "hey name calling is bad" before the entire discussion is redundant and unproductive. It's common knowledge those things are bad and that there is not a SINGLE prevelant person within either side that condones such things. Yet here we are discussing it to death as if the issue were as complex and controversial as a discussion about religious freedom vs. a religion with oppressive views. There's no reason to continue denouncing every random troll that threatens Anita for ****s and giggles. Especially when she keeps feeding them the equivalent of a Christmas Turkey dinner.
  17. I for one am ****ing sick of beating the dead horse that is "do you guys acknowledge that sexism, harassment and threats are wrong?" ****ing convenient we discuss that to oblivion and never quite move onto the bits about journalistic integrity.
  18. How is this GamerGate's work? Ultimately if you take the bait from a troll, do not be surprised when it keeps happening. TotalBiscuit did a great little speech about how if they truly want the death threats to stop, they should STOP ****ING ANNOUNCING THEM ON TWITTER TO STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET WHO CAN'T DO **** ALL TO HELP YOU. All that does is feed and acknowledge the troll, alerting them that it worked, and encourages copycat crimes. Yet they do it, and we all know damned well why. Because deep down they enjoy this coverage and they enjoy this shield of being able to say "look see! It's sexism!"
  19. It also looks like it was made with one of those fancy schmancy Crayola Crayon boxes that has 48 crayon colors instead of 16.
  20. No it's not. Don't visit gaming journalism websites. Let 'em burn. Done deal.
  21. Well played. Sorry, I did just wake up. Not trying to excuse myself, but I should know better than to not double-check on that.
  22. I for one am upset with Huffington Post on this. Why? Here, I actually wrote up my reasonings on this. Please do me a favor and actually read it: http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2jbzoz/why_the_huffington_posts_coverage_isnt_good/
  23. http://imgur.com/OPj5gLc Again, THESE are the types of reasons that yes, I am starting to become untrusting of the other side. Put two and two together and figure out why Malaysia is the most common supporter of StopGamerGate worldwide.
  24. "Asshat" is also a favorite of mine. OH MY GOD IT WAS ME ALL ALONG. ULTIMATE PROOFZ!4!! Yeah the conspiracy theorizing about the death threats is pretty silly. Chances are that the psychopath who made the threads read lots of her tweets & writing (or how else would he have become mad at her?), and used her terminology "back" at her. Or, you know, coincidence. I know it's hard to relate to how someone could make threats like that; or the terrorist threat against Sarkeesian's speech, that was even more horrible. Like, who does that? Lack of morals would not be enough, because in a country with law enforcement, committing a senseless crime like that really does not benefit them at all (nor their 'cause', whatever they think that may be), so I guess they'd have to be literally crazy too? But difficulty to imagine it, should not be taken as an excuse to lazily (and conveniently) think it's not real, or dismiss its effects on the victims. Anyone who watches the news knows that there really are people like that; people who would also follow through on those threats. I'm NOT connecting difficulty to imagine doing it myself with an excuse why it's fake. I think the threats against Anita are genuine. I think the threats against Wu are false. Call it a personal hunch from having seen her now, combined with the fact that within a 24 hour time frame, we've been provided evidence that she makes sockpuppet accounts and that she's deleted a hateful tweet of her own and then blamed it on her account being hacked (for all but four minutes, apparently...), combined with the general suspiciousness of the threatener's methodology, aka he seemingly knows her address but doesn't know if she has kids, he posts in a way that draws attention to her account, she herself seems VERY fond of tweeting and the threatener's uses the same idiom as her. As I said though, I see little reason to discuss this further cause either you agree with the circumstantial evidence + my hunch or you don't. I just wanted to make it clear that I don't think EVERY threat is a fake, just this one.
  25. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sd042v THANK you~ Come to think of it, I have a friend who's a cop, though he moved away recently. If I catch him on the phone I may ask him what cops advise as standard protocol for threats. Even so it all rings true; anyone with decent experience on the interbutts knows to starve trolls and I do know for example that suicides spike when a suicide is reported in the news due to the same copycat effect. Let's be real here: real threats or no. I highly doubt these people are exactly scared of them and mind those threats, as those threats are giving them attention and assisting their careers. "Any publicity is good publicity." I for one, for example, had no clue who Jennifer Lawrence was until her nudes got hacked and leaked.
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