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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I actually prefer the percussion in Wilderness tracks - like BG1's Exploring the Plains and stuff like that. Percussion helps simulate the feeling of walking, so it adds to the atmosphere of walking in the wilderness. It also helps add warmth to the track. It is also used well in tracks like Hrothgar's Home in Icewind Dale. I thought it would go well thematically with Eir Glanfath in this game, so we'll see if you went that direction.
  2. They need to fix that issue with Ranger Animal Companions and Rangers having split Health lol
  3. Managed to produce some bizarre results doing my usual Medreth encounter kiting trick, video incoming. It's pretty broken in this build.
  4. Yeah the Combat Only flag is a thing people aren't a big fan of (me included). There's been multiple discussions ongoing about it in other threads.
  5. Well, lots of those will be multiplied by AoE hits, and atm there's some issues where friendly healing spells are counted as hits too.
  6. I think it was deliberately excluded in this game for a reason edit: many reasons, actually.
  7. Not really. Hits and Crits are displayed, so why not the others?
  8. One thing that we haven't considered I guess is that you'll probably get items with skill bonuses and the Stronghold (if you upgrade it) will provide skill bonuses when you rest, so the checks probably are okay for the full game, dunno about scrolls though - might be a bit high.
  9. I get 20-40 FPS in the Skaen Temple and noticeable stuttering too. It's pretty unplayable on my system, so I've never actually bothered to complete the dungeon. I also have a few FPS issues in Lle A Rhemen I also have a 120Hz monitor, so you can imagine how bad it looks for me
  10. the Action Speed bonus from Dex has never worked properly, so it's hard to tell for sure, but the maths says Might is better for DPS. Dex is good for getting more actions and that is valuable if you want to drink potions, need to cast lots of abilities/spells etc There are probably cases where Dex does provide more DPS than Might does though, but they would be edge cases.
  11. In this video, I demonstrate that targeting reticles no longer move for anything except AoE abilities. I think this could possibly be intended, but I don't like it, and I don't think there needs to be a different display for AoE and single unit targeting. The two are mutually exclusive, you're either targeting one unit, or multiple units - so there's no reason to have different displays. I also think when you target a character to initiate dialogue that their selection circle should change to a targeting reticle as well.
  12. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70349-435-return-of-the-v278-invisible-stone-beetle/
  13. Slow high damage weapons benefit most from more damage IMO
  14. Not really, the faster you attack - the more often you oppose DT, so you're effectively raising the DT of the enemy by the same % as your attack speed bonus.
  15. Previously it used to have the 0.0 sec lines but the damage and healing was displayed in a separate combat log entry, which appears to have been removed.
  16. Loading Tip ID 67 has a spelling mistake Severe FPS lag from Armor of Faith VFX, over the top after FX Double clicking to center the camera on a unit causes tile shaking Persistent Enemy Tooltips Auto-attack - when it should and should not occur Targeting Reticles no longer move - FIXED INTERNALLY
  17. I think it is actually dealing damage and healing, but the combat log is not correctly displaying the values. There have been several problems with the spell for a while http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70282-435-iconic-projection-combat-log-feedback/?hl=iconic http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69939-392-bug-with-iconic-projection-targeting-fog-of-war-and-walls/?hl=iconic http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69936-392-iconic-projection-has-wonky-combat-log-entries/?hl=iconic
  18. In these videos, you can see that party members react to being hit with attacks by enemies, and enemies using certain abilities to move next to them (like the Stone Beetle burrow) which causes them to auto-attack those units. In this specific instance, you can see that when the BB Fighter was hit with a ranged attack, he automatically targeted the unit he was hit by, and then his targeting was overriden by the Stone Beetle burrowing next to him (but the Stone Beetle had not engaged him yet, so it was not auto-attack from being engaged). I had not issued a single command to my party members, but here they are running across the screen to attack enemies without my permission. I have also noticed my party members changing targets to auto attack enemies in the middle of combat, causing them to suffer needless disengagement attacks. This should NOT occur. I request that these types of auto-attack clauses be removed from Party AI. My party members should only auto-attack enemies I target specifically with weapon-based attacks and weapon-based abilities. The Infinity Engine games (when characters were not issued with a script) only had the following auto-attack clause: After the unit a party member is attacking has been killed, they would then target the nearest enemy of the same typeThis would, however, need to be adjusted for Pillars of Eternity to the following: After the unit a party member is attacking has been killed, they would then target a unit they are being engaged by. If they are not currently engaged, they would target the nearest enemy of the same typeI made a previous bug/issue report about auto-attack interaction with being interrupted here - http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69921-392-issue-with-spell-castingability-use-interrupts-and-engagement/
  19. The damage ranges of weapons do need to be tuned, because currently they're balanced against 0 DT, but they're not balanced against DT You can make dual wielding have good DPS with the two weapon fighting feat though
  20. Just an update on this - Beetle interrupts and death animations appear to be blended, but Lions and other creatures/characters are not.
  21. Still exists in v435 Caused by simply having the area map open when ALT-TABBING Odd thing is, is that you can see the correct area map, and then it changes to the random letters (probably a font image or something) Closing and re-opening the area map fixes it.
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