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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. @Adam Brennecke Do you guys think you'll move to using the Unity 4.6 UI engine for the expansion or sequel? I've heard it's a lot better than NGUI and much faster to create UI with.
  2. Party Light Radius is also hard to see on the area map in fully explored areas
  3. v435 Fog of War Issues Friendly buff hits counting as hits on the character personal record
  4. In this video I demonstrate two issues with the fog of war Items disappear after the characters holding them with a noticeable delay, it would be better if they disappeared at the same time. The edge of the fog of war is too soft, I would prefer a harder edge of the fog of war, and units also appear inside the edge of the fog of war. This causes issues in combat because the player can see enemies before they can see them, and generally doesn't look right. I also don't really like how units "fade" in and out of the fog of war, but that's just my opinion and it's not a big deal or anything.
  5. Got another video to add to this When you have the action bar open, the area between them does not register a click in the game world. When you open a submenu such as Chanter spells, the area is clickable from about just before the halfway point of the second spell slot Expected result: all of that space should not register a click in the game world
  6. When you level up a character with Sword and Shield style and your character is equipped with a shield, the Inventory Stat display will not update until you re-equip your shield
  7. Can't shift-queue actions because of hotkey bug- RECOGNIZED BY QA
  8. Expected Result: Shift should not bind itself to a hotkey when shift queuing actions, and hotkeying abilities should have a different method so it doesn't bug out in game commands like this.
  9. Expected Result: should only cast it once (though I'd prefer there be no cast animation or anything anyway, but ymmv)
  10. Yeah I just use two-part chants myself rather than longer ones. Longer ones don't seem worth it ?
  11. Pillars of Eternity is faster than the Infinity Engine games on 30 FPS, that's for sure.
  12. In this video you can see that the right side of this rock area could use a bit of tightening as there is a full selection circle sized area where characters/units cannot path around.
  13. When you pause the game, you also gain about 20-25 FPS is it possible that sound, in-level animations or anything could be contributing drops as well ? Although I suppose it's mostly related to the units themselves, as all of their update loops would be stopped.
  14. Adra Beetle Shocking Blast Friendly Fire Several Issues with Combat State / Fog of War / Animal Companion Beetle Targeting / Pathfinding issues Another Dyrford Crossing Navmesh Issue Paladins cast combat only modals twice in a row
  15. In this video, I sent my BB Fighter in against this group first. The Adra beetle was the first to reach him, and the Adra Beetle and my other party members are blocking the path to the BB Fighter so the rest of the beetles cannot target him in melee. None of the Beetles re-acquire a new target once they work out they can't attack the BB Fighter. One of the Stone Beetle manages to Burrow behind the BB Fighter, but as you can see there are two Wood Beetles and one Stone Beetle standing there doing nothing because they can't reach their target. The problem here seems to be that the Beetles aren't checking for a new target when stationary, and the AI targeting loop while moving was too slow to make them re-acquire a new target when they were moving. I'd suggest to also add the same loop that runs when enemies are moving for when enemies are stationary and have no queued action or something, as you can see, there's a clear problem here where it is easy to technically disable a few enemies by using the navmesh edges and your other units to block the path to the targeted unit. Another thing that could help alleviate this problem (but it won't fix it), is to update the AI targeting loop while moving faster, as this is still causing quite a few problems with the AI in the game.
  16. In this video, I try my usual test that I do every patch where I try and pull Medreth's group around the Church to see if the game now has updated AI targeting clauses. In this version I noticed a few changes that are either buggy or not implemented correctly: Most units now completely lose interest in combat if they can no longer see you through the Fog of War The Cowled Priest and Medreth now seem to have heat-seeking AI, which is fine but the group AI is inconsistent There appears to be updated AI targeting loops while moving for character classes now but it's very slow, I tested it to see if the Cowled Monk would attack my Wizard as I pulled him past, but it took three attempts to even get it to finally work Now that Ranger and Animal Companion Health is split, there is are a few issues with the Ranger Animal Companion getting knocked out - They are still targetable on the ground (but any targeted moves automatically cancel) - If you kill them and there's no other enemies in sight, the combat state ends and they repeatedly get up over and over again I would suggest that units still chase through the fog of war, they just need to update their targeting faster while moving. Units in the Infinity Engine games did this virtually instantly. I can provide videos of what happens in the Infinity Engine games if needed. I would also suggest that enemy animal companions be killed when they are dropped, rather than knocked out. They could also possibly be tougher (Animal Companions in general) as they go down really easily, and the Ranger gets a huge debuff from it. Makes them quite a liability.
  17. Just wanted to bump this one with some videos to demonstrate the two problematic areas and why they are a problem It's possible to block all the spiders with a single character (in this one I'm using a High Deflection character)
  18. Nearly 100 damage there - I'd suggest tuning that down
  19. Here's another one Stock damage before reduction 89 ... bit high don't you think ? I'd also suggest to remove that smoke after FX from the hit, it creates FPS lag and just adds clutter to the screen - you can see that there were hits by the per-unit lightning hit FX, which is all that is needed.
  20. In this image, the Adra Beetle cast Shocking Blast on my character at melee range. It ended up critting itself for 52 damage and killing it's ally - the Wood Beetle with a crit for 91 damage, as well as grazing the nearby Stone Beetle. I'd probably suggest changing this ability so this doesn't happen (and hitting itself is pretty dumb).
  21. it could be related to a bug where the stat sheet doesn't update it's display unless you re-equip an item.
  22. Weapon and Shield Talent doesn't appear to work properly in this build. I also haven't found building high Deflection characters useful
  23. ^ I agree about a lot of those statements. Good post.
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