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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. The largest area in the beta (in file size) is 146MB. There are 170 areas in the game. There are some areas that will be larger than that. The smallest area is 4MB. So yeah ... I can see 25GB being about right. That's what I thought it would be.
  2. In this video, I demonstrate a gib in Pillars of Eternity (it's at the end of the video). The gib pieces fly from the body up in the air and then sit on the ground, kind of like a spout. It doesn't look very good. The version in the first game trailer looked better (though very ridiculous). The Infinity Engine gib animation is way better In this video, you can see that the gib pieces fall to the ground first, directly from 'mid height' of the killed creature or whatever, and then they bounce from the ground - looks much cooler and impactful that way. The current version isn't very visceral, and the gibs flying up in the air for long periods of time is silly.
  3. Inventory Weapon Set and Quick Item Bug - FIXED INTERNALLY Weapon Switching Abuse Bonus Damage Strings should be changed from x to + Please Improve the Gib Animation
  4. Aside from the Might Attribute, bonus damage in Pillars of Eternity is displayed as a damage multiplier. Fine: x1.15 Damage Sneak Attack: x1.25 Damage I believe this is somewhat confusing, especially to people who don't know how damage calculation is handled in the game, because nowhere at all is the formula for damage calculation explained anywhere, so people will not know whether damage multipliers are multiplicative or additive. To avoid this confusion, a simple change to the way damage multipliers are displayed would suffice - change them to look like the Might multiplier display, as damage multipliers are now additive. Might displays as +30% damage in the Character Record, so ... Fine could become +15% damage Sneak Attack could become +25% damage That way people can easily work out that 15+25 = +40% damage.
  5. Weapon Switching with melee weapons In this video, you can see that switching weapons during the attack animation ignores recovery time, and often glitches out the weapon animation Weapon Switching with ranged weapons In this video there is an inconsistency regarding recovery time lengths when you continuously switch weapons. This is the same bug as with melee weapons (it affects all weapons), but the behavior after the switch is different. The first weapon switch uses the "weapon switch recovery" only. The moment you switch weapons and make an attack, one frame after the attack animation begins, the ranged weapon recovery time from the previous weapon starts playing, and your next weapon switch will add it's recovery time to that recovery time. This behavior repeats in this pattern. Every odd weapon switch uses the weapon switch recovery only, and every even weapon switch uses the ranged weapon recovery from the previous weapon plus the weapon switch recovery. How to address it? Allow switching weapons (and action cancel) to override attack animations before the hit frame, but not after the hit frame (as what currently happens) When you click switch weapon during a weapon attack animation backswing, queue the action. Always add the switch weapon recovery to the recovery from the previous action, but similar to the new interrupt, don't always add a new 2 seconds every time you change weapons, just reset the extra recovery to the switch weapon recovery time maximum - as it's possible to accidentally switch weapons twice and add 4+ seconds to recovery at the moment, I've done it a few times. It sort of does bring up the question as to whether there needs to be extra recovery time added for switching weapons if the normal recovery from the previous weapon was always used though. I thought the 2 second recovery was just for switching weapons only *shrug*.
  6. Expected Result: Icon art should not persist through character changes
  7. Penetrating Shot is amazing if you're using a Blunderbuss (even better, if you're a Rogue using a Blunderbuss).
  8. I don't think AI will make the game fun, it's probably still a bit too fast (the default pace), and it's also because per-hit damage is really high. Because of their split health system and the DR system, they've made it difficult to balance per-day health with per-encounter health along with integer damage reduction. As a result the game has very high lethality, making it imperative that all of your actions count, and be correct. If the default game speed was the slow speed, but rather with full animation speed rather than slowed animations - that would probably be a lot more manageable for some people.
  9. The most fun thing about this game IMO is making a build. There are a lot of options and a lot of combinations that you can pick. I'd say that's probably the single best thing about the combat side of the game so far. The actual combat gameplay isn't really fantastic IMO, it's not reactive enough for my liking and the base game puts much more emphasis on initial positioning rather than reactive movement, but making builds is fun at least. The emphasis on build and strategy largely outweighs reactive tactics and execution as long as you know the basics dos and don'ts.
  10. Combat log event sort order appears to be backwards Combat State - it's pointless to attack before seen Racial Ability Descriptions have incorrect icon size
  11. This isn't part of balance discussion, if I wanted to make a statement about it's balance I would have pasted it in that thread I created. I didn't say anything about this being OP or not, I was just demonstrating that Penetrating Shot works and is useful with Lead Spitter. My Blunderbuss Rogue got off two shots during the Medreth fight. The first one completely killed the Ranger at the start of combat, and the second one almost killed another character from full Health. The total damage was over 100. It was not the highest damage dealt out of everyone, but the opening shot was super valuable for reducing the incoming damage to the party, as was the second. In total I took very little damage during that encounter. So as a result I would like to retract my original statement from my post on the first page about Penetrating Shot not being very good. Now I know of two builds where it's actually great. TBH if anything, I think the -10 Accuracy reduction on blunderbusses is too much. edit: For this particular build, you can choose Crippling Strike as well as Blinding Strike, and have three special attacks at x1.25 damage - that should be enough for most encounters, actually. If you drop some status effects on enemies after combat, you should also be able to get a sneak attack off on every hit.
  12. Fighting Spirit (human ability) is showing the source icon size rather than the reduced size for the Ability Description UI Hale and Hardy - Mountain Dwarf Minor Threat - Hearth Orlan rest are likely the same
  13. In Pillars of Eternity, characters passive abilities and talents do not activate until the combat state has begun. This creates an issue where if you attack from Stealth (you know, where you're supposed to get an advantage) or you attack a neutral NPC to initiate combat you get NONE of the bonuses from your talents or passive abilities. I can understand things like Chants not working until combat has begun but stuff like the Rogue's passives like Deep Wounds, Dirty Fighting, and all of that stuff only activates in combat - therefore if you play like a proper Rogue with a high stealth, stealth in and make a sneak attack to open combat, you get none of your passive bonuses. This forces you as the player to let enemies see you first just so you can get the bonuses. So if I'm in stealth as a Rogue, I have to press ALT and exit Stealth mode just to get my passive abilities to activate, so that the combat state begins before I make my attack. This is incredibly annoying, unintuitive and gamey - and I think it will short out a lot of players, especially new players, from the bonuses they should be getting in combat. For attacking neutral NPCs, this forces you to open with a character that doesn't have any passives to waste, such as using a Fighter Knock Down instead of opening with your Rogue. After the Fighter's Knockdown has past the hit frame, you have to wait a split second for all the passives to activate THEN attack with your Rogue or whatever. It's really annoying. I will paste a list of all of the stuff that does not activate when you do this, that should always be activated as a passive ability rather than enabling and disabling itself at the beginning and end of combat - which also pastes needless stuff into the combat log. Dirty Fighting - should be always active, like Weapon Focus Deep Wounds - should be always active, like Weapon Focus Reckless Assault - should be always active when enabled Zealous Focus - - should be always active when enabled
  14. It doesn't matter what the dice roll is. There are only four results: Miss, Graze, Hit or Crit None of those attacks were a crit. Two of them missed. Two hit and three were grazes. The eight attack didn't even happen I think because the guy died on the seventh. All of those damage rolls roll a number between the min and max damage independently of one another. Those individual results are then modified by the attack resolution roll (graze/crit). The three grazes were 16-17 damage. For a Blunderbuss that's HUGE. And yes that is a high Might character. Even still, Lead Spitter's default damage is 8-12, and that attack was a Blinding Strike (x1.25 and a Sneak Attack x1.25) so even without a High Might, it still would have done a fair bit of damage.
  15. In this image, I kill an NPC in the Inn. The order of which things are pasted into the log are backwards, I think. The order is: Reputation Loss > Killed > Attack Rolls When it should be Attack Rolls > Killed > Reputation Loss
  16. That's not a crit, crits are 101+ It was a hit (for that roll). Look how high the graze damage is on the lower entries.
  17. Extra 5 damage per projectile, thankyou very much.
  18. Nah, it would bump the DT penetration to 12 from 7. That would mean full damage to most creatures in the beta. That's pretty good. Gonna give it a shot today.
  19. Same. It's a shame because originally the plan was to render at 1440p, but they dropped it to 1080p. I bought a 1440p screen in 2013 because of that, but ended up selling it.
  20. Creature Collision/Selection Circle Sizes Occlusion/Dithering not working for Creatures through geometry Into the Fray minor bug
  21. All spiders Here's a couple of relevant videos here: Spiders had large selection circles in the Infinity Engine games, but creature size relative to area size is a lot larger in Pillars of Eternity, and that needs to be compensated for IMO
  22. Expected Result: If Into the Fray is not going to deal any damage, it should not illicit a non-interrupt hit reaction (or cause interrupts, which I think it might) or play blood VFX on the target when they are hit. Extra: This ability is extremely underpowered for a 5th-level Fighter ability and is way worse than the Fighter's level 1 ability Knockdown See below video for comparison I think it needs to be changed/buffed
  23. Yeah the UI for AoEs could definitely look better, but I disagree about selection circles. I prefer a single thin line. In the latest version of the IE mod you can change the selection circle thickness with a console command.
  24. Cean Gwla MASSIVE selection circle size, even bigger than spectres - could also be party member sized. AFAIK they should be the size of a normal woman, according to the lore I read a while ago.
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