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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah I reported that in a separate bug report. Damage multipliers should be changed to +15% from x1.15 IMO. There should also be a separate label for proc damage and how that is calculated.
  2. Neutral NPCs go into recovery if you attack them Poorly explained mechanics in the Cyclopedia
  3. I'd MUCH rather they spend time on EMEMY AI than implementing scripts for players. Enemy AI sucks at the moment.
  4. So far the best solo build is a defensive kiting Chanter, because you can summon creatures to do damage for you while you run around in circles. AI is still borked at the moment though.
  5. The eight damage types - Crush, Slash, Pierce, Corrode, Freeze, Burn, Shock and Raw should be linked to the default Damage Types string. The actual word damage should use my string, or a string similar to it.
  6. My experience is the same. Engagement was never needed to dictate who targets who.
  7. I edited the Damage Types string to Damage. I think there's supposed to be one for each, but I'm not sure if that's possible. Anyway - here is my first pass at an actual Damage String. <Entry> <ID>194</ID> <DefaultText>If an attack scores a graze, hit or crit and has a damage component, the attack will roll for damage. Damaging attacks usually have a base damage with minimum and maximum damage values. E.g., a sword has a base damage of 11-16 and thus can roll for damage values between these numbers. This value is then modified by damage multipliers. The formula for a single damage multiplier is simply base damage * damage multiplier. When more than one damage multiplier is applied, the multipliers are added together. Grazes and crits are both damage multipliers, as is the bonus damage from the Might attribute, quality enchantments for weapons and damage multipliers from Abilities and Talents. A character with 15 Might and a Fine Sword may roll for 14 * [1 (base) + 0.15 (Might) + 0.15 (Fine weapon) + 0.5 (crit)] = 25.2 damage. After rolled damage is determined, damage is then reduced by the opposing DR type. </DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry>
  8. With that said, the game should also probably display the decimal value of the varying DR types in the item descriptions and character sheet.
  9. Here is the edited Cyclopedia string with improved formatting, removed unnecessary words and including MISSING INFORMATION - such as the bit about different DR values being a percentage of the base value rather than a flat integer. <Entry> <ID>158</ID> <DefaultText>When an attack hits, there is one primary means of mitigating damage: Damage Reduction (DR). DR is usually derived from armor, but many creatures have natural DR, and it can be raised through the use of magic, Abilities, Talents, or other equipment. DR is subtracted directly from all incoming damage. E.g., an attack that initially does 20 damage to a target with 7 DR would be reduced to 13 damage. Damage will never be reduced below 20% of the incoming amount. You will see a MIN message in the combat log on the attack line when this value is reached. Many suits of armor and many creatures will have different DR values for different Damage Types. These values are a percentage of the base value. Lower DRs absorb less damage, making the target more vulnerable to attacks of that type.</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry>
  10. Bug #1: There is no entry in the Cyclopedia for Damage Reduction, or DR Bug #2: The tooltip for DR is HUGE and clips off screen when the item description page is in its normal position Bug #3: There is no entry for damage. Just Damage Types. The word damage uses the Damage Types entry, the same as Slash, Pierce, Corrode etc do. There needs to be an entry to explain how damage is calculated. I will provide fixes for issue #2 and #3 in the bottom post
  11. I think he's better off as a Fighter anyway. You want to make your own Rogue with the correct attributes, skills, abilities and talents and blow mafkers away with Lead Spitter Backstab Sneak Attacks, tbh.
  12. Slow mode is good for people who find the pace of assigning actions too quick or don't like to pause. Slow mode does not change the fact that units die very quickly.
  13. Yeah someone pointed that out in the other thread. Stealth is currently broken atm so it's impossible to pull off.
  14. We've got some custom bottom bars made by a forum member here for the next version of the IE mod whenever that comes out (either after the next patch, or after release). They look better than Obsidian's default Solid UI.
  15. Slow mode is not the answer though. I am not sure. There are many factors at play. It's going to be a thing to assess after the full game comes out. There's no reason adjustments can't be made post-release - look at Divinity and Wasteland 2. WL2 is revamping their entire character system.
  16. It's mostly just an issue of the percentage of endurance that per-hit damage represents. They've made it difficult for themselves to balance due to using integer DR and percentile damage bonuses, along with how Constitution works (only attribute that scales with level and differently for different classes). Enemies also have rudimentary AI and don't use potions or anything like that.
  17. That was my thinking as well. Definitely a good idea to mask it
  18. Combat is actually resolved a lot quicker than that if you actually use your active abilities and set up an opening of the encounter. Josh was playing fairly lax in comparison - not assigning characters initial opening actions and not using his per-encounters. I think the demo was fine for the stream, but combat is actually a lot quicker than that if you apply a smidgen of effort/attention.
  19. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70349-435-return-of-the-v278-invisible-stone-beetle/?hl=invisible
  20. I see it now - Point Blank Blinding Strike Lead Spitter Backstab Sneak Attack - l8z
  21. I still lol @ the selling of Wizards through their self buffs. Unless something has radically changed in the next patch, it's simply a waste of a spell.
  22. I replaced my mousepad the other day. It was good to see the devs listen to feedback about the last stream - they involved everyone on the Panel (except Chris, I guess), showed off some companions (which is important for marketing IMO) and it was good to show off the Stronghold. Shame Tim didn't play though.
  23. What Adam said in the stream sounded positive, looks like it was unintended.
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