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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah that was a demo party. Blatantly stacked hard with items and levels, and when Josh entered the area map to go to Valewood - he hadn't even been to the starting area of the game, so yeah.
  2. They have a habit of doing things like this late, and I don't believe they even began optimizing the game for performance (other than memory usage) until a few weeks ago.
  3. The worst bugs are actually with the creatures in the area. Just wondering (if a dev has time to reply) whether it's worth reporting those bugs.
  4. It was also probably done to correct item clipping, like the Arbalest wing going through your armor/leg.
  5. Yes, but it's not correct/official info. System requirements haven't been released yet. The game is going to be very CPU bound though.
  6. Yeah I agree about that bit. I think it is something they could improve post-release ... I find it very strange that stuff like that just uses an interface rather than being an actual NPC in the area with content :S I think I understand what Anthony Davis meant when he said the Stronghold felt underwhelming now. The good thing about the BG2 Strongholds were the quests and content. Some was better than others - Five Flagons, Fighter Stronghold and maybe the Planar Sphere were probably the best ones. I'll be disappointed if there isn't quest content other than the Warden's Lodge.
  7. Trying to make the game feel like turn-based is not fun real-time with pause gameplay for me IMO. It's just a balance problem, it's not an action speed problem IMO.
  8. I agree with this, autosave should happen BEFORE you enter a new area
  9. With cheats, you can remove the water from Stormwall Gorge and enter Lle A Rhemen 02. I heard previously that it was in fact accessible during the beta but I was never able to get to it. The area contains some horrible bugs. Has anyone else been there?
  10. Bored on a Sunday evening, so time for another panel/stream feedback thread First of all Thankyou for listening to the community feedback about the last panel. It was *much* better this time. Most of the developers were involved in explaining things about the game and made comments during the gameplay, and seemed more invested in the presentation than sitting there while one person speaks and plays like last time. Josh did a good job at demonstrating the game and is good at speaking while playing. He maybe played too passively to hide the amount of pausing required in the game, and didn't really show off the active abilities of the classes as much as he could have, but the demo was good for viewing. Cliaban Rillag looks like an excellent environment and the amount of detail put into it looks sweet. I still think that a higher camera angle would be better suited because characters seem to get lost behind black walls in corridors, and it would be better for combat gameplay, but maybe in the expansion/sequel that could be looked at. The new Female Aumaua and Male Dwarf pictures are great, MUCH better than the unfortunately not so good ones included in the backer beta (IMO some of those should be removed because they just do not match the art style or quality). The different armors and items in the game look great, much better 3D models than I was expecting (I've already seen most of them after my item bug pass though) - it's nice to look at a fully equipped party and go man my guys look cool. Dimitri has been doing a great job touching everything up. I like the change to the stance in the inventory, and I was glad to see a few of the bugs I reported with the inventory had been fixed. The stronghold interface has been vastly improved and the much whiter parchment looks much better than the wood panels. There looks to be lots of CK2 style content there, although I hope that visitors and such are also visible in the game world as well, but going by the interface it doesn't look like they are. It would be nice if you could (eventually) interact with those elements of the game in person while at the stronghold and do it via the interface if not AT the stronghold. The Warden's Lodge bounties seem like a good idea and I like that it appears that they use previously explored maps to add some reason in to re-traverse areas. Baldur's Gate 2 used this effectively with several of it's quests - such as the Paladin Stronghold quests sending you to the Umar Hills a few times and things like that. Hopefully those fights on hard are indeed, hard. There also appeared to be an improvement made to interactables. Druid Shapeshifting appeared as if it was finally not terrible. The game also appeared to run smoother, although that laptop probably has a much more recent CPU than mine. I get FPS lag, long frame times (causing animation glitches) and microstutter. I wonder if all three of those issues have been addressed ? Now for the critiques Firstly the save/load screen needs a touch up because the wood panels on them aren't very good for text visibility. Falkon Swiftblade pointed that out in the other thread. I submitted a bug report about it, for posterity. There needs to be a larger delay between combat music ending and wilderness/area music starting to play, the delay is too short currently IMO. There needs to be some breathing room between them. The slime animation looks like they 'sink' into the floor in some instances. Looks like the teleporting enemies bug is back (haven't seen it in v435) - a Pwgra teleported on stream. The hit frame is way too early on Rolling Flame, the ball of flame appeared instantly but Aloth was still casting the spell on stream. Incantation VO really needs some reverb/echo - like the temp incantation videos shown in an earlier Kickstarter Update and like the Infinity Engine games. Repetition of the circle on the ground for Consecrated Ground needs to be removed IMO, because it adds to the visual clutter - only the per-unit FX is necessary once the spell has been cast IMO. Visual clarity/combat clutter is still a problem in this game even though it has been improved over time. Removing unnecessary FX will help with that. I also have the same issue with the VFX for Returning Storm - the circular smoke particle effects need to be removed from the spell, several druid spells have this issue currently where, when they cast a spell it just adds a big puff of smoke on the screen and it makes it difficult to see things. Trolls didn't look very threatening, looked like they were constantly being interrupted ... I'm disappointed that the combat log has not been changed, because the transparent texture doesn't look very good with the Solid HUD background. If you increase the size of the log, it looks quite bad where it overlaps the UI. The combat log transparency is implemented on the texture side, rather than being programmed to be transparent - which is not good. It would be better if the game made the texture transparent itself so that the transparency could be disabled for those who are going to increase the size of the log (probably most of the people who use the Solid UI). There is also a larger issue IMO with the combat pace, that is present in the current build and looks to be in that one too whereby combat is still resolved too quickly due to the very high per-hit damage of the game (doesn't have much to do with action speed). Josh was not playing optimally in the stream, and if he did - all of the encounters would have been resolved MUCH quicker. I think this is a problem that will persist into release. I showed some of my mates the stream today and they both were concerned about the speed and the amount of pausing even without Josh using his per encounters or setting up large alpha strikes. Personally since I play DotA, I can deal with it just fine, but in general the gameplay still flows in a much more disjointed way than the Infinity Engine games did, and just saying "you can use slow mode" is not an answer to the problem, just a bandaid. I think this may be an issue on release for many people, and I think the problem might lie in the percentage of total endurance that per-hit damage represents, among other things. It will be a difficult issue to fix due to a number of factors (DR, % damage increases, how Constitution, Endurance and Health interact with each other), and I think it will be something to re-assess post-release. I had a few other minor ones as well but they're probably not really worth mentioning at this stage. I really hope that there is another backer beta so that I can continue to contribute to reporting bugs leading up until release. Progress is looking pretty good. With some improvements made to the Cyclopedia entries to better explain the mechanics to new players, better pathfinding, AI and performance, among other things - I think it should be a successful release.
  11. It's actually +30% rolled damage. I submitted some new mechanic descriptions in the bug forums to better display damage calculation. In the item tooltip it should probably say +30% damage instead of x1.3 because the multipliers are no longer multiplicative.
  12. Actually currently monk fists aren't very good, after a while you'll be better off using enchanted weapons, because you can't enchant your fists. I'd prefer fists to be more viable throughout the game though, personally.
  13. DoTs are bugged again though, that's probably why.
  14. Like the issues with the previous Stronghold interface and the shop interface - the panels for the save/load interface need updating as the contrast between the text and the wood is fairly poor. They could probably be changed to be like the new Stronghold interface, or use darker panels like this
  15. 2 bugs: Arrow pointing to the current Cyclopedia entry clips out of the UI When you click on a link to an entry on an uncollapsed tab, the arrow goes to the position of where the entry would be IF the tab was collapsed, instead of also collapsing the tab.
  16. I wonder if it's possible to swap them with the Icewind Dale ones or something. I don't think they externalized voice sets though.
  17. Thanfully the beta is only 15 areas or something, and the game has 170. I also have deliberately been skipping through the dialogue and not really focusing on the quests. I've still never completed The Blood Legacy in the beta because of the poor performance I get in the Temple of Skaen, simply cbf putting up with 20 FPS.
  18. I don't think there's much of a problem with Dexterity, it's a useful attribute it's just not an attribute that you want to MAX without finding some specific niche for it. For me, the largest problem is Perception, because Interrupt is just not a useful attribute for casters, really. Weapon users can enchant their weapons with accuracy bonuses and damage multipliers, and they can take talents to improve their weapon use. Spell casters cannot do either. Their spell damage does not scale, and they are non-weapon attacks so they merely use base accuracy + level, which is always going to be worse than weapon accuracy. Perception as I imagined it - Accuracy and Interrupt, would actually be great for casters because they *NEED* the accuracy, as that's the only thing that can improve their attacks with spells drastically other than Might or Intellect. Accuracy in the current version isn't really even that important after a point, because the extra damage multipliers you can get for weapons mean A LOT more than a 1% chance to deal +50% damage. When weighing +8 Accuracy against x1.3 damage, that's a no brainer - take the damage.
  19. Unfortunately the player voice sets are quite underwhelming compared to the companion voice sets, and even the Infinity Engine voice sets IMO.
  20. If you properly position your characters at the beginning of combat they'll attack the party members you want them to attack, usually. You can also run other characters back. In Lle A Rhemen one of the Crystal Eater spiders usually tries to target a ranged character, I simply run that ranged character back and the Crystal Eater wanders around herpa derp for a while before selecting a new target. The targeting updating is too slow ATM.
  21. Please add reverb to incantations. Thankyou.
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