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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. There's no loot at the 13:xx minute encounter with three Glanfathans, they all drop nothing. In Pillars of Eternity on normal difficulty you will have a capacity of six sets of camping supplies. I think you find one or two in the starting dungeon. Who gives a **** if you can rest spam in the IE games, I don't rest spam - that's technically an exploit. Orc Archers have a higher THACO than the melee ones, they're usually the ones that do the damage, they also have more attacks per round, too. The Orc Shamans cast Curse on you to lower your AC and they also cast magic missile or chromatic orb - both spells that automatically hit. Sometimes you can interrupt the Shaman's spells so that they don't get them off. I don't reload the game if I don't manage to do it though, it's not a huge deal. Your own characters also don't have a massive THAC0 at the beginning either. The best you can get is THAC0 14 with a Fighter with 18/00 Strength. Characters that are not straight Fighters, Rangers or Paladins will have 18, 19 or 20 usually. Sure, I agree that it's an easy dungeon. You take more overall damage in the BG2 Irenicus dungeon. I just don't believe that you've gotten through it without ever taking a single point of damage, I think you're slightly exaggerating. My original point in the post I made about the difficulty is I expect more/better enemies on higher difficulties. The current amount is fine for an easy/normal playthrough. I don't think that's a ridiculous statement.
  2. So? You have a crap tonne of starting Health, technically four lives and the combat looked easy on that difficulty. Brandon did some sub-optimal play such as taking a disengagement attack and thus finished that part of the game with less health than he should have. On hard/PoD - I hope it's harder. Maybe on very easy difficulty. I usually play Core Rules, and I build every character with 18 Dexterity in IWD because there's no reason not to. Even with all martial characters wearing the best possible armor (Splint, but there's a limited quantity at Pomab's Emporium and Chain Mail) your chars will still get hit a few times each during the Prologue. Sure there's like 0.0000000000000000000001% chance to never be hit because of the random rolls, but even with optimal stats and gear, on some play throughs one of my characters has been critically hit by the Ogre in the cave on the first hit and instantly killed, and that's with the best AC and HP possible. I played Icewind Dale literally last week and I probably had the best luck regarding the opening of the game and didn't have to rest at all until somewhat into the Vale of Shadows, but I did use nearly every health potion I found. If you go back and look at what happens when the bodies fall, they stay there for a few seconds and then DISAPPEAR and there's no loot icon/loot left behind.
  3. You're dancing about architecture there, with an analogy that is pretty unrelated to the quote. Not only that but your PS provides information that I already provided to you in my first post in the thread. By doing so it appears you're trying to oneUP me for some pointless reason. A selection circle is not a personal fashion statement, but yeah sure it can have an art style. My main point in all of my posts that in keeping with one of the key pillars of this project - "The IE feel", I think the selection circles should also follow suit.
  4. All a selection circle is supposed to do is highlight the area that you can mouse over to select the unit. It only needs to be a one pixel circle. Planescape Torment had a slightly more elaborate circle, but I *really* prefer the IE style single pixel for an IE-inspired game.
  5. It was always END DIALOGUE in the IE games. No reason to change it.
  6. In the Infinity Engine games, there is a slider called "Marker Feedback" under the Feedback tab in Gameplay Options. With this slider you can control the exact verbosity of selection circles. You can read what the various settings do down the bottom. So even in the old games, you could basically disable them for every single unit except the units you have selected. They would of course, appear when you moused over them. On the other hand, I have the exact opposite opinion to you. I think the selection circles are not close enough to the IE games, and I don't think mimicking the ToEE selection circle style does anything to enhance the IE-feel of the game, it rather detracts from it. This game was pitched as an IE successor and IE-feels are important to me, and many of the other backers. Selection circles IMO have a huge impact on that feel, because they are omnipresent. I've seen pre-alpha screenshots of the game that have the exact same style selection circles as the IE Games in light blue and yellow, but they've been changed since then to the ToEE style. I think that the IE style selection circles AND targeting indicators (the pulsing triangles, rather than circles) should be used in the game rather than the ToEE ones. I also think that PC controlled units, NPC units and Hostile units should all have a different color, rather than NPC and PC controlled units sharing the same color as they do currently. We know that the default of blue has been chosen due to accessibility reasons. I understand this, however I think green for PC, light blue for NPC and red for Hostile should at least be an option, so I vote for the ability to change the color of the circles of PC and NPC controlled units out of a few presets, or have a legacy circles option that makes them the same as the IE games. Furthermore I request the same Marker Feedback slider as shown in the BG2 screenshot so we can have control over when selection circles are shown. This would please everyone as the people that think that they are non-immersive can turn them down to the lowest feedback setting, and the people who like them always showing (such as myself) can flick it up to the maximum setting.
  7. I also agree about the hide armor not looking fantastic and could be slightly more detailed. The Brigandine from the Ixamitl Plains outfit was awesome though.
  8. I'm surprised at how many people spazzed out over that comment. This demo was likely played at Easy or Normal setting. The number of enemies/challenge of the encounters is absolutely fine for those difficulty settings. I will not be playing Easy or Normal though. I will be playing on Hard or Path of the Damned. In multiple replies, Josh has said that Hard and Path of the Damned will feel more like IWD2/BG2 difficulty level. At the start of Icewind Dale, you face a band of like 8 Goblins, followed by two Wolves and then a dungeon with like 30 Orcs/Orc Archers/Shamans and an Ogre. In one of those rooms you are taking on like 12 enemies. The combat was also a lot more lethal. Granted you could have six party members, but in this demo, the max enemies was the spider group of 5. This seems a bit less than "IE level" and I'd hope that on Hard and PoD that there's a few more. I agree. There seems to be some unfinished AI, or that character was simply not equipped with a secondary weapon. I also noticed that none of the Glanfathans or anything drop any loot ... this goes against what the devs have previously said that all units will drop what they are carrying, but I'm just going to assume that hasn't been set up yet. I'm pretty sure the flame effect is fire damage from the torch Calwhatsit is wielding. Yes, Calisca's torch does inflict a fire DoT when it hits and that's the effect. Well the knockdown FX from the Wolf version of the Knockdown is exactly the same as Calisca's knockdown, torch or no. There's clearly a flame effect and a large amount of blur (which is more visible in the video). My opinion is that the existence of the flame effect and the amount of blur are way over the top for the mundaneness of the ability, YMMV. (Hey look I found a bug! See in the combat log it says Prone heals Calisca for 1 stamina, rather than the ability name) Unlike everyone else, I don't have an issue with the 3D character model in character creation. Have none of you guys played an old game recently? Here's a screenshot of Titan Quest which came out in 2006. The PE models look better than the Titan Quest models, even if the proportions of characters probably aren't 100% final yet. No one complained about these.
  9. Just add more presets then. There's only 32, whereas the IE games had 36, and a crap tonne more if you edited them via Shadowkeeper. Another concern I have is there aren't very many enemies in the opening level, but I assume that is because of the difficulty setting. Looks like the game will probably need Hard or perhaps even Path of the Damned to have an IE like experience.
  10. Hopefully the solid bar is highly decorative, action bar included.
  11. There also aren't enough cloth color choices. the IE games had way more, and even more than that with the 1PP mod. I understand the hair colors are probably restricted due to ethnicity. It would be nice if you could still choose your own custom color with an RGB interface, maybe have like those colors as presets and then an empty spot down the bottom that you click on which brings up an RGB interface, and you can select the custom cloth color you want.
  12. There's also another interview that says for new pitches they would probably use Kickstarter again. Like a "Beta Protocol" or something. Might have been the RPS interview.
  13. Yeah I agree actually. The PCs responses are pretty brief.
  14. No. Read what I said. One or two extra stat points to spend would alleviate this issue. The numbers are quite low compared to the standard IE games ranges. There's some stylistic inconsistency. The Robert Baratheon style portrait would be cool if the character's head wasn't so short in comparison to his Breast plate. It's out fo wack with the others. These portraits also appear to have less detail than Kaz's portraits of Eder and Pallegina which is disappointing.
  15. It's the E3 demo, the other races probably hadn't had enough polish work on the models. We still have not seen a single Aumaua, Orlan or non-human Godlike yet. One negative that I've seen pop up on NeoGAF and the RPGCodex is that there's too much hand holding in the demo. I'd agree with that, as the PC is pretty much told exactly what to do every step of the way, you don't really have to figure anything out for yourself. Most of that is fine but Calisca's give away ambient dialogue line about the the Pillars/Beacons is a bit ham-fisted.
  16. There's also these cracks in the wood behind the text on the Attribute screen that probably shouldn't go behind the text.
  17. Come to think of it the movement cursor and movement indicator might be place holder. The movement cursor is literally ripped directly from the IE games, obvious due to how small it is. I hope they keep that design, just something that scales with resolution (and do the pulsing triangles for the movement indicator).
  18. One thing that is kind of concerning to me at the start of the game is due to the fact that there's no skill selection in the character creation, how is a new player supposed to know what skills are other than seeing a few options in the dialogue? They won't really know about them until they hit level 2.
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