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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I would love the log to be in the middle but it's HARD without doing a portrait sidebar.
  2. My bad about thinking Wizard and Rogue talents are missing. They're not missing they are all just level-gated. However the talent descriptions don't say they are level gated and there seems to be a bug where if I cheat myself up to level 12 and then go to pick a talent, I can pick any talent I want at level 2, regardless of what level it is.
  3. But that is horrible. You don't want tooltips popping up every time you mouse over something.
  4. This is the guy here: http://forums.obsidian.net/user/43009-furism/ If you send him a PM maybe he'll reply.
  5. You can use the TAB key to make tooltips appear instantly, BUUUUUUUUUUUT tab annoyingly has 3 functions in Pillars of Eternity rather than one, and interacting with a UI element is not separated from the game world, so it also brings up every tooltip on the screen and every highlightable object. In the IE games if you moused over a UI element and pressed TAB, it would remove the tooltip delay of the UI element, and nothing more.
  6. What about Class Resources? Cipher Focus, Chanter Chants, Monk Wounds and Ranger Animal Companion ? You've forgot about those - they make it very hard to make a good UI. That mockup has given me an idea though
  7. Yeah the log isn't updating properly anymore. That may have been in an attempt to fix frame rate issues with it ?
  8. I think there's one thing that I have not considered for Dexterity (Action Speed) and flat attack speed increases in general and that is the fact that it allows you to make more interrupt rolls, that's a hard thing to calculate how effective that is mathematically as well. Anyway thanks for everyone's input. Josh also replied to me via PM (as originally I sent a very similar version of this post to him via PM) and I will consider the input I got from everyone before deciding to investigate any of these issues further.
  9. In the IE games, all you needed to do was issue a move command to stop something. That was fine, and that's how I reckon it should be handled in this game too. There is a bug where when you change weapons, the reload animation still plays but with the weapon set that you just changed to - that shouldn't occur. Changing weapon sets should cancel the reload animation IMO. Weapon switching should be an animation in itself, rather than instant.
  10. You can cancel the animation by pressing the cancel key [x]. In the IE games you could interrupt anything by moving. Pillars of Eternity needs a cancel function built into right-click move IMO, I've been campaigning for it since before the beta was released. That would solve this problem.
  11. Yeah classes with extra resources and classes that need heaps of action bar slots really fubar everything up.
  12. My game also crashes when I try and enter the Dyrford Ruins http://www.upload.ee/files/4342873/Pillars_of_Eternity_-_Public_Beta1.zip.html
  13. Pillars of Eternity - Public Beta.zip After clearing most of the Dyrford Crossing, the game starts to become unstable when quick saving and quick loading. Had two crashes when trying to quick load, and one crash when quick saving. Directories attached.
  14. I'm pretty sure the party moves slower in this version ? Enemies still move as fast (if not faster), but party members seem to move slower.
  15. Re-tested Interrupting Blows, it grants +15% to the base interrupt of your weapon. It turns a Stiletto interrupt into 46 from 40, and a Rapier interrupt into 69 from 60.
  16. Yeah and you don't need that decorative **** around the portraits either, and they could take up more space than that, as there's a few pixels on either side unused etc Try this PNG with the green health bar or something
  17. Hahah, I would totally play with that, although the portrait bar would need to be redone a bit. Camping supplies should be under the portraits as well. Above select all.
  18. Mortification of the Soul: Deals 10 Raw Damage to self and grants 2 Wounds (working)
  19. Shielding Flames: +10 Deflection to nearby allies for base 10 seconds when using Flames of Devotion Aggrandizing Radiance: Holy Radiance becomes 3 second duration, 15 stamina heal per tick? (not sure) and and grants the Priest +2 to all attributes for 10 seconds when used Lesser Wounds: Lower's the Monk Wound Threshold by 2, not 100% sure how Wounds work though, but here's some information about them You can have up to 10 wounds, there's a value called WoundDamageReductionPct and the value is 20 (so 20%), Wounds say they have a duration of 20 in the files and apply Raw damage over time, although amount unknown ?
  20. But the globe wouldn't be contrasted with the backgrounds because it would be contained inside the UI border (like in BG2 ....)
  21. Why wouldn't it make sense? just need a small gem button in the top middle of the log and one in the top middle of the menu bar. The flaps take up precious horizontal space. And yeah it would also be nice to be able to flip that around so the portraits were on the right and combat log was on the left, that should be possible with Unity/NGUI. Apparently they recently updated the UI to make stuff a lot easier.
  22. Yes I have, the UI is also a few pixels taller but that's a good thing because currently when the UI scales down to smaller resolutions IT IS TINY. No reason why the middle section / combat log can't be collapsible, they just need a smaller button (like those globes in BG2), and the middle section needs a container. Health bars would probably also be green / blue but yeah I made them in red two months ago and making them not look terrible in green or blue in mspaint is hard. Something like that would also lessen the time it would take to make a solid background, because most of the dead space is being used, only a few decorative elements would be needed. I moved all class resources (Cipher Focus, Monk Wounds, Chanter Chants and Ranger Animal Companion) on the right side. Obviously you can't be a Ranger and a Cipher at the same time, so no reason why they shouldn't use the same space.
  23. Current style HUD without retarded wasting of space: And yes, the area where the level up button would be is taken up by status effects, no reason why the level up button couldn't just be added to the status effect bar always in the top left position.
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