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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Lion is a creature, and it was part of Bestiary XP rewards.
  2. Savegames do not show correct party portraits Beetles are bypassing 10 DT - not a bug, but needs balancing
  3. As you can see here a Stone Beetle can bypass 10 DT. Wood and Adra beetles also do it. Intended or bug ?
  4. In this video, the save game shows four characters. The party size is actually six
  5. The reason they did it was likely to free the screen up in combat, but it's rare that you mouse over one of your own characters selection circles rather than the portrait in combat to read their health numbers, and in the specific instances that you do, it's usually out of combat. I don't think the change does anything to make the screen less cluttered. What they should have done was remove the show all tooltips from the TAB key - THEN the screen would look less cluttered. I can understand why it was done, I just feel that from both a UX perspective it's less sensible and it also strays from how the IE games handled it, which is IMO important to maintain where it made sense - and here it does.
  6. Not happy with the change to party member tooltips. When you mouse over the characters it no longer shows them above the characters, but above the portraits. In v257, it used to always show above the characters only, even when you moused over the portraits. in v278, it was changed (by request) to be split so that when you moused over the portrait it showed the character name, health and stamina there and when you moused over the selection circle it showed it above the character. Now in v392, for party members it only shows above the portrait. Why is this change necessary? It makes no sense from a UX perspective because when you mouse over a character's selection circle you have to move your view to the bottom left to read the tooltip. I understand that a tooltip may obscure some of the screen in combat, but it disappears when you move your mouse away from the selection circle, and by default only shows if you leave the cursor over the selection circle for 1 second - and it's now transparent. Every patch there is a string of unnecessary UI changes that make interacting with the game worse. I request this to be reverted back.
  7. Yeah, but is it working in the combat log ? Obviously it not being added to the inventory sheet is a bug, but the value likely is applied in the combat log for attack rolls.
  8. Change where? Check the combat log - that is the most accurate way of checking whether an accuracy or defense bonus is applied.
  9. Combat runs poorly for me and you can't create a custom party, so I will be waiting until the next build to do any serious Engagement testing.
  10. Bester does all of the coding at the moment, I provide ideas about what to mod. We're currently going through UI options that make the game feel more like an Infinity Engine game.
  11. I disagree with this one. The UI for spell casting is very simple, but there's nothing wrong with that.
  12. Yeah it's kind of funny that in this build, it's better to leave party members unconscious to spread out the damage between them That may actually be the case in the full game too due to the dual health mechanic + rest system.
  13. The Paladin is probably the second best tank in the game behind the Fighter.
  14. You will also notice in this video that you can hear Pig VO playing when the camera is nowhere near Rumbald's Sty.
  15. I don't use FRAPS, I use Bandicam and hardware accelerated H264 on the fly encoding. The FPS drop when recording is like 1 FPS (scales with the amount of FPS you are getting, when it's like 600, you might get 550 FPS when recording).
  16. Bester modded out Voice Overs for me to test if the audio was causing the hitching, and here is a video showcasing that there is no hitching with VO disabled ... indicating that it is probably the VO being loaded that's causing the hitching.
  17. 1-5 won't be a problem as they are story related things. Obsidian are pretty good at that stuff and have pre-addressed most of those problems in the design. 6 is debatable, but IE puzzles weren't difficult. The Watcher's Keep one with the different rooms was cool. It won't be hard to be on par with IE puzzles. 7 could be a problem, but if it is it will be a minor one, and there'll be stacks of loot anyway. Never played Skyrim. Don't like any of Bethesda's games.
  18. Why would you want ALT to highlight AoE? First of all, you actually have to have an ability selected to qualify for the AoE showing. More important than circle toggling, there should be a selection circle slider option, where you can choose the amount of circle feedback you get. I personally used BG1 style in all of the IE games - circles on for everyone all the time.
  20. I have a 120Hz monitor and I play with VSync off. In the earlier beta builds I would get ~90-100 FPS in the Dyrford Village just walking around, now I get around 60. In combat I would get 60-80 FPS, now I get 20-50, which puts me off wanting to enter combat, because I *hate* poor frame rates.
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