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The Sharmat

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Posts posted by The Sharmat

  1. They specifically ask for a non gender race in the OP you know, like the Asari?


    Why is everyone ignoring that and having a massive knee jerk reaction.

    A nongender race, done well, could be interesting if it fit the setting. Including a nongendered race simply to have a nongendered race doesn't sound promising though.


    And the Asari are not a nongendered race. The in universe sophistry aside, they're an all female race created specifically for titillation. A blue version of Star Trek's green Orion women. The developers even admitted as much. I really don't think that's what the OP is looking for.

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  2. Could you imagine a game not including different skin colour options for a character, and the developers saying "sorry we didn't have time to cater to EVERY possible character option...just imagine you're black."

    If it's within a geographic area in the setting that makes it very unlikely that you're black...then yes, why not?


    Differing gender identities and sexual preferences shouldn't be excluded from a game just because they're not yours, or part of your understanding of the world.

    Even accepting the above, there are far more people of various races in the world than transgendered individuals. When you go to lengths to support such a vanishingly small percentage of the population it starts getting hard to justify choosing that one over many myriad other underrepresented rare demographics.

  3. If they drained that many resources they would have to be overblown and would get in the way so no.

    If you voted 'no' you said you wouldn't sacrifice romances even if they drained that many resources. You misread the poll.


    EDIT: In fact I'm seeing people that said they're against romances being in the game voting in the poll, despite the fact that the question was only polling people that were pro romance. I guess I suck at wording things.

  4. If it actually had something to do with the plot (like sleeping with Benny and killing him in FO:NV) sure, but not tacked-on embarrassing nonsense.

    So you're not against it on principle, just against the largely lackluster attempts so far?


    EDIT: Nikolo summed up absolutely everything I don't want in an in-game romance. (Well, except the unrequited/doomed part. I agree that would be cool.)

  5. I wasn't asking for "We'll bang, ok?" I was suggesting something on par with the romances I cited. Only under player control. Although something more trivial is fine to as long as a more trivial amount of resources is assigned to it.


    Edit: Tale, yeah that would be a nice spin too. Think Visas was supposed to be creepy in that way, though. Lady has issues.

  6. From what I remember of the BG1-2 and IWD paper-dolls, I'm not that worried about the in-game representation of women being too sexualized. IWD also had some amazing portraits and of them it was really only a few human female wizards and a bard who were obviously drawn to look sexy.

    Torment's renders were ridiculous for absolutely every female character though. Well, except maybe Ravel.

  7. Cute. That is *not* what we're talking about here.

    My point is that there's no reason a romance couldn't deeply affect the plot. What does it matter if it involves the PC instead of some NPCs or being purely in the background? Just because it hasn't been done that way doesn't mean it can't be.


    Of course having everyone romanceable and trying to force in some critical plot turn based on a potential romance with all of them would be a disaster.

  8. No, they are not. In any way. Take the "romance" out of PS:T and what do you have? The same game minus something completely innocuous, minor and unimportant.

    Deionarra. Ravel.


    take away the romance from MotB and you have the very same, great game

    Absolutely vital to the crux of the entire plot. Only love could be so cruel.


    Why the segregation between character interaction beyond the player's control and character interaction within it?

  9. This brings up an interesting point for me. Are role-playing games for projecting your own persona, essentially playing yourself in a game, or are they for assuming other roles, basically play acting? I know the answer is personal and there is no right or wrong way to satisfy it,

    All of the above. And they aren't mutually exclusive. I do multiple playthroughs of good RPGs, and while I like to RP as different characters, usually one of them amounts to "what would I do if I was in this position."

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