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The Sharmat

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Posts posted by The Sharmat

  1. Is there any possibility that kickstarter funds could be used to raise further development funds? If we raise 3-4 million in donations purely for a concept, couldn't you go to a bank and take out a loan based on "Hey, there's clearly a market for this. Give us a couple of million and we'll pay back with interest."? Could do the same thing with some investors. I'm not talking about going to a publisher or relinquishing any amount of creative control. It'd be a purely financial thing.

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  2. I've always wondered why we have such fantasy maps which seems to be scrolling beyond the edge of the frame. Like we have in Wheels of Time, Middle Earth. I know an common explanation is that area beyond that point is desolate/unexplored, but even then a rough sketch of the area and lore explaining why that is so desolate enriches the world.

    Huh. That is kind of a neat idea. Perhaps fuzzy, obviously poorly charted areas along the edges of the map like those antique maps of the world where they assume a northwest passage in the Americas and California is an island.

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  3. One thing that isn't really breaking the mold for this developer so much as the industry as a whole that I'd like to see: subversion of the gameplay and story segregation trope. Remember in Planescape: Torment how respawning after a loss was actually justified in the plot and was a major feature of the storyline? How getting stronger as you progressed through the game and killed your enemies was explained in KOTOR 2? I want more of that.

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  4. Obsidian deserves the thanks. They're undertaking a very high risk low reward venture here to produce a type of game that most industry bigwigs think is no longer profitable, simply because it's what they want to do. It's also pushing a change on the market that I hope leads to the end of the publisher, so success in the industry is once again based directly on the relationship between developer and consumer instead of stock market meta-gaming and random economic fluctuatins.

  5. I do get that this might be their strategy to milk as mouch money out of this as they can. It's just dissapointing that developpers use Kickstarter and are all idealistic about direct contact with the fans bla bla bla. And in the end it turns out that all they want is our money and we get the same marketing BS that we're used to from the big publishers.

    Even if this game's kickstarter is a startling success, 4 or 5 million is a pretty small budget for a game these days. Milking everything they can to have the funds to deliver the best game possible is something I hope they don't shy away from.

  6. Thinking everyone in this will have some sort of magic to enhance their abilities, given the emphasis on magic coming from the soul, and your party being composed of strong souled individuals. Doesn't mean the magic available to the classes can't be very different. Your fireball slinging wizard could be matched with a perception altering rogue and a warrior that can turn his sword into a lightsaber.

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