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The Sharmat

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Posts posted by The Sharmat

  1. I mean wtf do you do if you hate those options. You'd be molding your character's personality to fit theirs.

    Or you could just not romance anyone. That's why it's an option.


    But emotional attachment to an AI program? That's pretty damned difficult to pull off without seeming weird as hell.

    Do you not become emotionally attached to characters in games you play? What about books or films? I thought that was the whole point of having characters in the first place.

    • Like 4
  2. I've said this before. Going through the motions of a romance with a character written by Chris Avellone is almost just like romancing Chris Avellone himself which is just a dream come true. More romances please! The more titilating, the better.

    I've actually seen people insist that Avellone should not be allowed to write romance because it would end horribly.


    I welcome a horrible end. Tragedy would be fun to see for once. It's not tackled in that many games. Usually the protagonist gets what they want.

    • Like 2
  3. If human males and females have the same stats I want that to be explained in the game lore.

    I don't really require that because I'll just assume it's the sort of minor concession to gameplay over realism that is standard for the industry. Not all compromises are bad.


    EDIT: Yeah I'm with Tamerlane now. I think everything that can be said on the subject has been said. If no opinions have been altered then they're not going to be. At least not here, in this thread.

  4. The WNBA would destroy a band of kobolds at basketball and you know it. Most fights in RPGs aren'te cream of the crop vs. cream of the crop.


    Besides, I was arguing against the notion that women lose against men 100% of the time in all physical confrontations, to the extent that they shouldn't even bother wearing armor because women in combat never happens ever and is fantasy directly comparable to unicorns.

  5. And for the poster above: It would give a woman a disadvantage since the burden is heavier for her than for a fighter.

    Less utility is not the same as no utility. Women tiring more quickly in heavy armor does not make heavy armor useless for women.


    She's big that's all. I bet that in real life any trained man could kick her ass from here to sunday though. Practically no women out there that combine size, strength, and quickness the way that the best men do.

    But that's the point. She's exceptionally large and could beat many average men due to being a very above average woman. A man her size would have her once again at a physical disadvantage, but most men aren't her size.


    And any trained man? Really? A 5'3 man that weighs 110 pounds should, nine times out of ten, beat a 6'5 woman that weighs 220 pounds?

  6. Do we think that wearing a bikini armor is absurd in a fantasy game? No

    But as this thread has demonstrated, that depends both on who you're talking to and what sort of fantasy game it is. I'm not asking for a blanket ban on games that feature bikini armor. I'm just saying it's absurd in a fantasy game that takes itself seriously.


    That's where you lose me. The average man is tougher than the average woman. With training the difference only increases. Therefore, the toughest men are A LOT tougher than then toughest women.

    I think Delterious meant that men and woman can wear the same sort of armor because we both have two arms, to legs, and a head; and further that if in your mind both genders wearing bikini armor is fine because armor is just cosmetic, why not just have both genders wear regular armor?

  7. There's something... odd going on here.


    There's this weird jump being made between "women are, generally speaking, weaker than men" and "there is no reason for any woman to be a warrior".


    I'm not entirely sure how some of y'all are bridging that particular gap.

    We aren't really. I'm just arguing on those terms because all other arguments have been ignored.


    Generalizations are not invalid, but they're just...general. Not representative of every case by definition. For an example in fiction: Take Brienne from A Song of Ice and Fire. She's a female that fights in the traditional style of western European knight...and she can do it, because she's six and a half feet tall and heavily muscled, truly on the shallow end of the bell curve.


    CAN a woman POSSIBLY defeat a trained man in armored combat? Sure. But it's pretty damn unlikely.

    Thank you. And we're dealing with a party of adventurers who are most likely very exceptional people.


    If you're not expecting to fight and win, the only reason why you would end up in combat is if you're attacked unexpectedly.

    Perhaps you know you're going to be moving through a warzone. Or due to some quest you just HAVE to speak to someone in one of the army camps. Or maybe you're one of those females that lead and command armies without fighting in the front line; which you've acknowledged exist; and you don't want to be killed by a stray arrow?


    So unless you would make it a habit of walking around in armor on a daily basis, as you cook and do the laundry,


    You...you have to be doing this on purpose.

  8. I'd love to see a genuine romance arc initiated and carried through most of the story only for it to end horribly on some crucial plot point. Drama is fun. Some aspects of Mass Effect's romances were a step in the right direction (having sex with one character prematurely actually ends the relationship entirely, since she assumes you didn't want anything serious), but they never really tried anything like that.

  9. Ok Dan, let's accept your premise. However, people in wars don't tend to respect your feelings. You don't have to WANT to fight to be in a combat situation. Now you're a woman fighting a man. You know that you're going to lose if this stays a one on one affair, because physics dictates that no woman can beat a man in a physical confrontation under any circumstances.


    Wouldn't you like armor that's actually protective so you can last as long as possible until someone rescues you, instead of immediately being gutted because you just had to show your midriff?

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