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Everything posted by Ieo

  1. The vast majority of people here are getting a physical copy through the Kickstarter or slacker-backer tiers. That said, BAdler said that a physical version will be available for purchase eventually (maybe preorder), but it won't be at the backer price.
  2. This is exactly where I am. I mean, I'm glad PoE can get more money and (hopefully) be a better game, but at the same time, this situation just makes me waffle about the whole thing. :/ Meh. It's possible the dimensions and whatnot will change by the time March rolls around. We're a few months off yet.
  3. If it actually is like that I am for the first time ever officially disappointed. So the cover art says something about Volume one. And unless something has not changed in a big way than from all I can remember the book from the CE is olny one book and not split up into volumes. So I guess there will be at least some sort of difference and if it is just in the qualtity and size of the Collectors Book. At least that is what I dearly hope cause I been upgrading my pledge mainly for that book (even so the signed copy was a nice added bonus of course but it was mainly for the Collectors Book). I agree; I upgraded essentially for the book. Going for the $140 tier and adding the $20 book would have been far cheaper, then. Given what I was told, I suspect the "volume" thing may have to do with adding books for expansions, but that's a guess.
  4. Well. I received official word that the Dark Horse book available for preorder on Amazon is indeed the same as the backer Collector's Edition book. BAdler gave economic reasons for doing this, because working with a bigger print company like Dark Horse incurs greater cost/risk, and Obs thinks that releasing to the public will ensure better quality per cost. I get that... Still, I'm very disappointed. Feels like bait and switch given the understood lingo for limited "collector's editions." That means the only things that separate the $250 tier from the previous $140 physical tier are a signed box (as opposed to unsigned) and an upgraded cloth patch.
  5. Actually, the fact that it's small gives me hope the Collector's book is a separate thing. Need some clarification, though.
  6. I paused all the time in the IE games (enabled nearly all the autopause too) so I'm curious how this will turn out... No and yes. "Difficulty" was not a basic premise of the Kickstarter, but rather the idea of strategic party combat. That is a combat approach in a genre sense, as opposed to something like first-person. "Difficulty" as additional options was added as a stretch goal and further clarified on the forum by devs that there would be multiple difficulty settings like in the IE games. The OP issue thus has more to do with what's "difficult" on the easier game settings, while the concept of "fun" is a bit separate though related. I usually run default (BG1 and 2). But considering that PS:T was my favorite IE game and you could skip 80% of combat in that, I probably lean towards the casual side of things. That said, take something like combat in Dragon Age:O and I hated it so much, so boring to me, that I dialed the difficulty to the easiest possible just so I could avoid spending too much time in it.
  7. Oh, I didn't bother trying to read the details (since I can't), but if it's a...storefront of some kind, meh. German trade law is a good point; still, eBay itself has its own selling rules that may or may not coincide with both retailer rules and other law. I doubt eBay's internal seller rules will differ too much, but who knows.
  8. I just reported the item as counterfeit. I will check in a few days to see if it is removed. If it isn't, I will try to elevate it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. But may be he was saying, You buy it now from me, when it comes out I will buy it and then send it to you. No. There are several timing rules on eBay and with credit card companies that make what this seller is doing unethical, illegal, and just plain ****ty. Now, I don't remember the timing rules off the top of my head, so some of these are estimates*, but you'll get the gist of the idea: You have 30-45* days to file a refund/return request or file a complaint through eBay's buyer guarantee. You have 60* days to leave feedback for the seller. You have only so many days to dispute a charge with your credit card company. Keep in mind that this game won't release for SEVERAL months beyond when that seller started posting. Technically speaking, there is NO SUCH THING as a "pre-order" on eBay, under the definition that a buyer will not be charged until the product is actually ready for shipment (and in a number of cases can also be canceled before that point in time, like on Amazon); you're technically doing a PRE-PURCHASE. But this is a common scam on eBay: Pretend to set up a preorder auction/buyout with a ship date several months out, then just take the money and run. The buyer can't even leave negative feedback by then. You are literally scot-free. I don't know why there are such idiots out there who would fall for this trick, but there are! I never pre-order except from places like Amazon/whatever, and I never pre-purchase (e.g. lots of MMORPG expansions are sold this way, which pisses me off) with the exception of rare Kickstarters like this one---and then you have to think of it as a donation anyway. So moral of the story: This is a completely BS scam. DON'T EVER "PREORDER" ON EBAY.
  9. Yes, the dates change all the time. I'm not concerned about that, but if Obsidian turns out to be selling the actual "collector's" book outside the Kickstarter CE editions, I will be quite peeved. People up their pledges and go for collector's boxes for a reason: exclusives.
  10. I'm curious too. The KS special book is only called "Project Eternity Collector's Book" with the description--"The book will be a full color book that includes concept art, player's handbook, monster manual, exclusive information about the campaign setting and characters, and a special behind the scenes look at making the game." So there should be a difference. I have to say that when KS-items in a different project I had backed became available at the same time as separate purchases on a storefront, I was extremely peeved. After that, I didn't back beyond the most basic tier for that group, because what's the point otherwise... By the way the Pillars Guidebook is available for preorder from Amazon, with an estimated date of March 24, 2015.
  11. The idea of "fully voiced" NPCs was quashed very early in the Kickstarter period. Voiceovers will only be in the style of the original IE games--in other words, partial. There were lots of interviews/articles about that.
  12. Almost forgot about this. Anyone by chance try to ask the seller a Q (in German, I guess)? I don't know if Obsidian can or is inclined to shut that auction down, too...
  13. Shouldn't this be in the backer beta forums?
  14. I was actually looking for the PC Gamer magazine with Pillars on its cover, then just got sidetracked; there are a couple books and a CD with the same title, heh. I've also been considering going for a PAX Pillars of Eternity flask sometimes found on eBay, but maybe someone will do me a favor and buy the one currently up to save me the money. :D (I really don't need more useless stuff, honest.) It really depends on what market you're looking at. Software, for example, is one of the riskier ones, especially if there's any activation involved. Another market I sometimes peruse is quite safe because the supply far exceeds demand. It also just comes down to knowing one's sh--. I've dealt with a lot of auctions in the $$$ range, including some foreign ones, and was cheated only once because I took a chance and didn't find a translator to fully check an auction for me before I bid, oh well. Lesson learned.
  15. I can't read German, but what is this?? http://www.ebay.com/itm/PC-Computer-Spiel-Pillars-of-Eternity-NEU-NEW-55-/321550291084?pt=DE_PC_Videospiele&hash=item4adde4108c
  16. Maybe only the young'uns are asking all the inane questions about stuff that have been answered or in discussion since 2012, including the original KS. Newcomers who can't be bothered to actually read the stuff before probably aren't going to do well with the game anyway. And no, Fubby, if you're that stuck on D&D vancian magic with OP spellcasters (a discussion which has been done to death), you should look elsewhere.
  17. Flying? I have to wonder if you actually understand Pillars will be an old-school isometric (static cam) game on rendered-2D maps. Make sure you read the Kickstarter page and all the posts in the News/announcements subforums, padawan! You might need to fully understand the scope of Pillars before even thinking about modding.
  18. I still find it incredibly weird that there are people in the 20-29 age bracket who are looking for an old school iso experience. Really thought the age bell curve would be solidly in the mid-30s or something. But the sample size is still super low, so...
  19. Well. I always burn patches to their own disc(s) anyway so keeping the physical copies together for reinstalls isn't a big deal... That said. I don't remember if there was discussion about the file locations, but in the old IE games (that I remember), you could patch everything and essentially re-burn its installation directory to media for your own pre-patched version. That would be awesome, but I suspect Obsidian won't be going with that type of old-school "modular" file structure in a modern game, also considering Pillars is being packaged for Mac and Linux and Steam and whatever.
  20. I have the box for The Summoning sitting not 10 feet from me right now. I recall that I didn't particularly like it, however. Not sure why anymore, though. Ooh! Well, we were forced to buy the clue book because of the number of mazes. So, so, so many freakin' mazes. Teleporter maze. Sewer maze. Obstacle-course-with-traps mazes. It's not like there were in-game clues to help us, so the teleporter maze especially was entirely trial-and-error, about the stupidest design there is!
  21. OMG! THAT GAME! MEMORIES! I actually screwed up that game the first time when I threw away the bottle cork. I was like "wtf is this junk?" *TOSS*. Then my brother figured out what it was for and I had to start over. :D
  22. What I remember most about the SSI Gold Box Dragonlance series is that my brother found exploits (like giving everyone the bracers of strength--or was it a girdle?--and equipping EVERYONE with a dragonlance, including the Kender). Or in Vengeance of Excalibur, letting your party rest in a church forever during the 2nd chapter/act until they got to godly levels of faith, enabling Bors or whoever to instantly smite stuff. I think. Games back then weren't really designed to avoid "degenerative gameplay." And I realize only a mere 80-ish people have voted in the poll, but why is my age bracket in a trough...
  23. Well, 2nd poll is "how long have you been a COMPUTER gamer," not consoles. Still waiting to see if anyone else has played The Summoning by SSI (or its prequel, which I didn't play). The first computer games I remember were for the Apple II+. Oregon Trail, something about fishing, and...Legend of Heracles? It was a Heracles thing. And Paws, the typing game! I'm not sure if that counts as a game.
  24. What does this have to do with Pillars of Eternity?
  25. SSI? The Summoning box is sitting on my bookshelf right here... I haven't met anyone else who's played this, though. And no idea what happened to our Champions/Death Knights/Dark Queen of Krynn SSI/TSR boxes. That kind of makes me a little sad.
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