Please, I beg of You, read the stuff You are commenting on, not to mention opening a new topic for.
The goal for $2,2M is:
I'd say You haven't read the w hole thing 'till the end, but the massive content upgrade is mentioned before the linux support, so I have no idea how that could've happened.
No need to beg, I did indeed read the stuff I'm commenting on. The fact that there are other aspects coming with the update is irrelevant to the subject. Resources are still being dedicated to a Linux port that could be spent on even more game content.
Disregarding the asumptions in there, I invite You to answer - to Yourself - these three questions: Why is the following dedicated, why is it small, and do linux users want to run windows for theire games?
I'm sure Linux has its advantages when it comes to programming or whatnot but why on earth anyone would really care about what OS they're running while gaming is really beyond me. How can staring at the homescreen of one OS vs another for the 2 minutes or so that it takes your computer to load up and shut down possibly affect your gaming experience in any way?
The fact that Linux costs absolutely nothing plays a pretty big role in that. I'd rather just use Linux all the time and never have to pay for an OS again, than have to run Windows along with Linux and switch between the two when i do and don't want to play video games.
Plus, there are a lot of background things that go along with your computer running an operating system. Linux doesn't take as many resources to run as windows does, and it takes less hard drive space on top of that. So its a little bit more than a background for 2 minutes.