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Everything posted by Delfosse

  1. Absolutely impossible. As far as I can hypothesize, the engine doesn't support maps bigger than a certain number of tiles in length and width (even if maps aren't made of tiles, there are still limitations, there always were in the old games), and even if it did, you'd have to rewrite half the game, because most scripts are attached to areas they exist in, for example "upon first entry, do this", etc. If you were to merge areas, you'd have to merge scripts, rewrite most of them under new rules, some of them would conflict, you'd have to go through all of them and rewrite so many things, it'd be almost like making half a game from scratch. Besides, what's the loading time with modern specs and an SSD? I don't see what your problem is. A number of technical tweaks would be possible though, for example: to get factions reworked. If you suddenly become hostile with shadow thieves, the ones who are on another floor shouldn't know it. Or line of sight tweaks. And other tweaks... I'm sure they could also ask the community for other good ideas, be it technical or story tweaks/changes/features. Yet they don't ask for anything but your money.
  2. Success indeed! Although when I read you were gonna make a dark game, I never imagined it would be that dark. And bad news for the snake. Not too much vaseline in the post-apocalyptic world. How do you solve this?
  3. It was rumored, so it's not like he's canceling something nobody knew about. And the market isn't saturated enough for a tough competition and bribes, they're not gonna cancel games for a kickback from another company.
  4. And don't forget the zombies and social aspects.
  5. I wonder if they really needed 400k just to make a cross-platform version, cause to me that's just money thrown out of the window. Gamers that run macos/linux have a second OS anyway for games. I hope that making it cross-platform will only cost them 10k max and then the rest is used to increase the scope and depth of the game, so the cross-platform feature was only a teasing maneuver.
  6. I've been milking this cow for years, what's wrong with the fact that it might actually give me some milk now in 2012? I'm happy for you that you manage to find games that you like. I for one haven't found anything remotely interesting since Vampire the Bloodlines.
  7. When a character achieves godlike status, it's absolutely not a dead-end. There are two ways: either provide him with godlike challenges, or strip him of his powers. Besides, if your character chose to be a mortal, the adventures continue. I always saw TB's ending as a hint to a sequel.
  8. Alright, got it. I just don't take their word for it when they say they're gonna make BG3 if those "enhanced" versions sell well. They're just blackmailing people into buying their product, which is now bundled with their empty promises. They hire, say, 15 people to "enhance" BG1&2, which costs them half a mil, because it takes them half a year to get the job done. Let's say they need to sell at least 20k copies just to get into positive ROI, which, let's say is theoretically doable, although I wouldn't get my hopes too high. Now, if they want to MAKE a BG3, that's a different story. They're gonna hire more people, including actors, scenarists, programmers, designers, and make BG3 on Infinity. It's gonna take them, let's say a year. So now the game cost production jumps to 3-4 mil, but the market is still just 20k people. Unless they suddenly start selling BG for 3 times its normal price, it can't possibly be profitable. Now all those numbers that I used, they're not real or anything, I'm just trying to show you the picture of why nobody ever makes cRPGs with dialogues nowadays. Because they ****ing can't. It's unprofitable.
  9. Alright, so somebody says I'm deeply wrong in a neighbor thread. I'd appreciate some explanation.
  10. So why are you all so excited about this? Can't you play BG now? There's a trilogy mod allowing to do this, plus a ton of other mods. All this "Enhanced Edition" allows is to play on your tablets, and there is one bonus character and some 1 minute bonus content. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's all there's to it. If you something think hipsters are going to "understand" or even play this game, you're deeply wrong. This is not even an attempt to revive the genre. It's just an attempt to rob some people of their money, that's all.
  11. Yes, censorship. Really. http://forums.obsidi...ions-announced/ Here's what you're looking for. And yes, closing the thread because of length is a reason. Thanks for answering. I wouldn't want to waste our (mine and yours) time debating over something as idle as length being a good reason for closing threads (which in that context was only meant as a technical reason, but knowing a little something about coding, it's not a reason at all, so let's just not...) Enhanced edition is absolutely not what I was looking for, since there's nothing enhanced about it, it's a simple iOS port and I don't own anything apple related, since it's a stupid way of wasting money on a brand, not that there's a smart way to do that (oh yeah, imho, so don't even bother, please...) What I was asking about was this: http://forums.obsidi...lack-hound-faq/
  12. Hey everyone. I just spent half an hour googling the **** out of it, but found nada. I've read on a random site that somebody was trying to make Baldur's Gate 3, and there was even a thread on this forum, which was closed due to its length (how is this even a reason?). Anyway, I'd like to inquire as to its status - is it in a coma, is it dead, but not buried, or is it completely gone and the sources aren't even shared for somebody else to continue? Anyone? (oohhh, censure?! really??)
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