Alright, got it. I just don't take their word for it when they say they're gonna make BG3 if those "enhanced" versions sell well. They're just blackmailing people into buying their product, which is now bundled with their empty promises.
They hire, say, 15 people to "enhance" BG1&2, which costs them half a mil, because it takes them half a year to get the job done. Let's say they need to sell at least 20k copies just to get into positive ROI, which, let's say is theoretically doable, although I wouldn't get my hopes too high.
Now, if they want to MAKE a BG3, that's a different story. They're gonna hire more people, including actors, scenarists, programmers, designers, and make BG3 on Infinity. It's gonna take them, let's say a year. So now the game cost production jumps to 3-4 mil, but the market is still just 20k people. Unless they suddenly start selling BG for 3 times its normal price, it can't possibly be profitable.
Now all those numbers that I used, they're not real or anything, I'm just trying to show you the picture of why nobody ever makes cRPGs with dialogues nowadays. Because they ****ing can't. It's unprofitable.