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Everything posted by Delfosse

  1. Very true, but at least since 2004, aren't MMOs one of the last places you'll get that? LA2 was the last bulwark of morality in this sense. Koreans killed their own creation with stupid addons, but it was somewhere around 2007. My wife played it, but I completely missed it unfortunately. Got stuck in muds for too long. Looking at the current sorry state of MMOs, I'm absolutely sure if NCSoft or Blizzards decided to open a few vanilla servers for their games, those servers would become overcrowded in less than a day. Sure, WoW was **** compared to other true mmos, but now that those old mmos are dead and WoW has become this giant teddy-bear game with rainbow lights sticking out of every character's ass, a vanilla wow would be like an oasis in this ****ty mmos world. They would definitely make money with it, too. And they know people are begging them to make it happen. But they've refused on numerous occasions, cause doing so would be confirming their own impotence and stupidity.
  2. Then you should check out Darkfall, imo that is MMO you are looking for I tried that, couldn't get more than 10 fps back at the time. Should definitely try again with a new machine. Also played Fallout Online (on a rewritten fallout 2 engine). This was really great. Endless possibilities for making a tough character, and there was always someone smarter than you with a character using unusual tactics. People got bored with it too quickly though and the servers became almost empty. Well there wasn't enough people to stumble upon in the desert and that was it for me. The game was the best I had played since early 2000s.
  3. Because you think I'm gonna try to convince an impregnable arrogant insulting fool that he's wrong? Are you serious? No, I'm gonna take offense in your gibberish, tell you who you are and be on my way to do actual interesting things instead of talking to a spastic. If you want to become someone better, drop everything you're doing right now, lock your doors, shut your phone and start reading philosophy/history/politics books for a year. I know you're not gonna do this, so even writing this was a waste of my time. By the way, soviet national is an oxymoron.
  4. Well I don't consider saying "you're a thief" as something other than name calling. He refuses to even try to imagine himself in place of others, insulting everyone with his arrogant generalizations and his lazy nonchalant spite towards what he considers as lowly countries (jerkwater regions as he calls them). Oh, am I generalizing? Well if you look at what your buddy's saying, you're gonna see that I'm not the source of the problem. This xenophobic remark beats everything your american buddy said, congrats.
  5. It's irrelevant in which region they're gonna set Elder Scroll MMO, how it's gonna look, etc. Wherever and whatever. I just want a ****ing HARDCORE mmo, like they used to be before WoW started this bull**** where players died and kept their equipment, and then it became more and more teddy-bearish. I want people to be able to ****ing track you down, ambush you in an unfair fight and take everything you collected for a month, and I want you to lose a level too, which took you a week to gain. I want you to ACTUALLY SUFFER from death. Because when there's no real suffering, there's no real joy either.
  6. No, it's OK, I already thought you were a liar. Oh, he's not a liar. Half americans are like that. Offtop it may be, but I can bet a 100 bucks that he votes republican. He's really that dim, that redneck, and that much of an arrogant bigot. That's how people like him operate. They're always right and everyone else is always wrong. Even when their own fault is obvious, they refuse to admit it. Here's a little example. They covered it up for a year, was it? And even when it got out, only one guy served 3 year of house arrest. Because foreigners aren't worth **** to them and your problems make them laugh, cause you're all retarded nations to them. All this makes me sick.
  7. After you. Have you ever tried feeding one dog and giving nothing to another and make it watch the other one eat? Now think of how it works with humans. Anyway, do try to live without TV/PC/BOOKS/MUSIC for a week. Come home every day after work and don't do any of it, and don't do anything that costs money (baseball, making movies and even painting costs). Then report back. Everyone is so big on giving advices these days from their candyland...
  8. Entertainment is as much important for human beings as food, medicine and energy.
  9. Well it's my approach anyway. Would that I could help it. Some opinions just get on my nerves. Why would it be detrimental? People would suddenly drop dead or go work at factories? Most people who produce content just do it cause they like doing it. I know Gene Hackman only starred in films that payed well, but he's sort of an exception. Colin Farrell starred in Fright Night just cause he loved the original movie. Most painters paint not cause they hope selling their art, because they know they most probably won't. Etc, etc. Most creative people create because they want to, not for money. The value system has to be reworked? I think just the tax system has to be reworked. It must be scalable. The more you earn, the more you pay in percentages. Make it the way that nobody can earn more than 2 mil per year. And when that happens, the price on creative content will drop to $5 a game/film/audio disc.
  10. I don't need your explanations of how the law works, that isn't what is being debated. You're like the good girl at school that always gets A's, always reports on everyone and sides herself with the teacher. Good for you that you know the school rules. But this is a grown up discussion and an adult world, in which the school teacher will pat you on the head for siding with her, then she'll take those millions that she got thanks to you and fly away to c
  11. But that's the point of creative rights. Just because someone made it, doesn't mean they have to share it just because you want them to. They have their own personal right to use their creation as they see fit/feel like...whether we personally agree with it or not. You're funny. You assume people who created this material don't want it to be distributed, but I'm talking about some media company that inherited rights to the material whose creators are long dead. This kind of stuff, you can't even buy it anywhere, because those media companies aren't selling it, because there would only be a 100 buyers in the world, so it's just not worth it for them. And this way, priceless material is lost and forgotten. Just like Caliph Omar destroyed the priceless library of Alexandria, current laws are destroying all non-mainstream material. Posterity will call you ****ing idiots. You're just a bleeding heart for the rich, unable to see the difference between the law and the morality because you've been brainwashed not to.
  12. They did that with youtube, although they allowed everyone to patrol youtube, not just the "bleeding" companies. Tons of creative material just gone. Things that you can't even buy, because nobody's selling it. They just own rights and they store it in some warehouse in the basement, so now nobody can have it.
  13. You protect laws that were lobbied by the rich for the rich. In the west, rich trumps poor. That's all there's to it.
  14. I'll offtop a bit, cause I get provoked to answer very easily. I don't know what you're all happy about. While USSR model was a real alternative in the world, western capitalism couldn't afford making its citizens look poor or stopping the progress and development. Now that USSR is no more, they're doing exactly that. Look at PIGS, look at British and US debt. Is it getting any better? No. All the cheerful talk about the crisis being through with is just a fake, all 3 major credit rating agencies agree that all western countries are more and more prone to default, even US is having its rating downgraded gradually by major and minor agencies. Now look at the Chinese growth. According to many analytics, their shadow GDP has already surpassed USA's partially artificially inflated GDP, and it will officially happen in 2017 if the trends don't change. As Lenin said, "politics are a concentrated expression of economy". The current worlds leaders aren't gonna want to leave without a fight, Anglo-Saxons never did it in the whole history. USA is already planting their bases in Australia for example. Precisely because the bipolar world ceased to exist, and because monopolar one can't exist in its current state, there will be a war. Keep on enjoying your gay iphones. For you, there are no consequences to anything. Even to gigantic things like the destruction of one of the two most powerful states in the world. "Oh it's dead, cool!"... You probably don't know it, but there were 7 civil wars immediately after the dissolution of the SU. Wonder why you don't know what was the price of the SU destruction in human lives? I doubt it. The price of a foreign human life in the West is $3 a piece.
  15. I realize the intricacies of such simple things must be confusing you, but the passport copies what is written in the birth certificate, and you can't modify birth certificates. Don't worry, it's okay, you get confused about many things. I hear Americans even think they're the ones who won WW2. And that in their school books, the war is told to have been started on the D-Day. And that it's never explained that d-day actually means the opening of the second front line, because then all kinds of questions would arise, like "where was the 1st front line then?", etc. That might make people question things, etc. Don't want them to do such thing. Hell, you're even taught "intelligent design" instead of evolution, so what am I complaining about?
  16. Says "Born in USSR" in my Russian passport. Says "Born in Leningrad USSR" in my Belgian passport. I love how americans talk without knowing a single thing about the eastern world, it cracks me up.
  17. What third party? The imaginary harassment agency? Listen, don't be so scared. I'll only **** with you a little, you'll still be able to find a job, cause not all employers google you. And your wife won't leave you, probably. Jesus Christ, what a chicken**** you are. Bweh, disgusting. Alright, hide your head in the sand like a crybaby and keep trying to look tough by telling everyone that anonymity is bad. The truth is, with your ***** character, anonymity has probably saved you more times than you can imagine.
  18. Pretty cool idea, but it's too bad they don't talk about the combat system at all. I would've given them all I have if they decided to go with the 3d dnd edition.
  19. For the reading impaired... But you are probably more concerned about the chip on your shoulder getting stained Oooooh, you mean mob justice then. Hey, well, in that case, how about you stand by your principles and give me your name, address and home number? That is if you want to face up to your actions like you say you do. All that with a proof of course, take a picture of your mail and passport. I don't want to waste my time setting up an account on gay dating site for a guy who doesn't exist. And I'll give you my credentials as well, no worries. Like in your beautiful theory. We'll test it, ok?
  20. Fair point. You too noticed he wrote "within it's jurisdiction"? I don't think he actually has a book. Maybe a comic book? Because frankly, illiterate writer = division by zero.
  21. So are you saying you're actually for freedom of speech? Reread what you wrote. It didn't make any sense "i want freedom of speech and total anonymity, then everyone will be held accountable", I just assumed you meant "i DONT want freedom of speech", because how the **** are you gonna hold everyone accountable if you don't know who they are.... ah never mind. I know you hate expression of opinions that don't coincide with yours. Seriously, Muslim Brotherhood is recruiting. And you love fancy quotes. You're the perfect candidate.
  22. I knew you didn't give a flying **** about any of it right when I saw your post. Cause you wrote a book. And you're so superior now. A writer, not like that everyday scum! Not like everyone else around who is just a biological waste, and if they want to read your oeuvre d'art, they have to pay you cause you're a genius. I know people like you, buddy. You're not surprising anyone, nor do you look unique with your "i don't give a **** about anyone but myself" approach. Behold the typical byproduct of post-modernity. In case you're wondering - no, I don't want to read your book. But if I did, I'd probably go to a store and read it there legally and then I wouldn't buy it, just to piss you off. But hey, since it's legal, means it's okay (morally good!), by your own logic. If you had to face up for your last action, my friend, I don't think you would've liked that And hey, good news for you, they already did that in China, everyone has to register in MMOs and on forums with their passport! China as in "the country that takes the last spot in the countries graded by freedom of speech". I think you should move there, or Saudi Arabia, especially since you're big on travel.
  23. 1- Torrents aren't used exclusively for pirating. I download approximately 10-15 gigabytes per month of historical and political shows that aired in Russia on free television channels. That's just one of the million examples to use torrents legitimately. 2- What do you qualify as basic property rights, as opposed to advanced property rights? Owning physical objects such as apartment and a car is basic. Owning rights to a certain sequence of ones and zeros, that once decoded with a certain algorithm, turn into singing of words (that may have been "stolen" from previous singers), how is that simple? A singing that you did just once, then went home and made millions from it, that's not "basic", because it raises questions. How do you own rights of a sequence of ones and zeros? For how long should it remain YOUR property? How many millions is a person allowed to make yearly, since our resources aren't unlimited and by making so much money, your slow down humanity's progress, and since certain amounts of money are immoral, especially since they come from simple luck and no real useful accomplishment? Keep in mind, that money could be spent on research and development, or on sick kids, or on medical research for cancer. It's basic to you because you make absolutely no distinction between malum prohibitum and malum in se, which is a common trait of Westerners. If something is prohibited by law, then it must be bad (even if it isn't). If something isn't, then it must be good (even if it isn't). Independent thinking is frowned upon. 3- There can be models, in which private property in cultural and entertainment spheres doesn't exist, simply because those are essential to human beings, like medicine. Depriving people of such is one of the most inhuman ways to treat anyone. Providing a poor with a digital copy of his favorite song that he can't afford and WOULDN'T have afforded anyway (which means nobody loses anything), is it really a crime? Is it a crime that a kid whose parents are poor or simply don't spend money on him, gets to listen to someone sing? What a grim world you must live in. Nothing is simple about digital content.
  24. Anyone surprised? There's no freedom (of speech or other) in the West. It's a big joke.
  25. Okay, GW2 is supposed be a heavily pvp-oriented game like its predecessor. PVE content is just "for fun". So can anyone who plays the beta tell us (instead of talking about how you kill one line scripts that look like big bad monstas) about the pvp mechanics, how well balanced classes are, how much skill does the game require, things like that? What is a typical team pvp scenario? What is a typical tactic? (ie look for healer, CC the DD, nuke healer, etc?)
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