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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. it's ok, the mods are canadian, they have no idea what we're talking about Shaq is a hell of a quartercenter, eh?
  2. if they are building an engine form scratch, it's going to take alot o time, late 2006 at best is my guess
  3. actually that lead to Sayid finding the french women Locke is like a prophet or something now
  4. Well, imo, what a power forward is/can be in the league has changed drastically. You can't really compare Garrnett, Dirk, or Duncan to Malone easily. As anyone one of those guys can play center, but usually have a "true" center on the floor with them. *remembers the Jordan days* enjoy it while you can. It can be a llllllllong wait till you get those phantom calls again He doesn't have the quickest feet, but he knows just how to position his body and how to move his feet well. Doesn't mean much, Yao has blocked shaq *almost* back to back in thier third meeting of all time, iirc. No one is going to argue that Yao is better.
  5. opportunist???? exactly how? Did I miss an episode? First, he didn't divide the group, Jack and Kate did. He is apparently slowly informing the group of whats really going on as he himself figures it out.
  6. Ain't it Cool news has a few Constantine reviews up, all I've read were extremely positive
  7. All I know is that TO was supposed to have his agent send papers to the league office as well as the 49ers. Neither went through. I suppose something could have happened with the phone lines, but don't you think you check up on something like that? "Hey NFL, did you get my message?" "No?" "OK, I'll send it again". And the 49ers had ever right to "screw" him. They owed that man nothing. They had him under contract and they traded him. He was a cancer on their team, and they cut him out. Simple. The heal process would have bene worse if they waited. The reason it ended like it did was simply because TO was going to hold out till he could be a free agent next season, so the Raven agreed to at least get a pick out of it. Btw, did you expect the players association to do anything besides back up the player? Come on now. Hell, the NBA players association sided with Ron Artest.
  8. No, but I don't subscribe to playboy, so I am obviously not support them. Much like I don't support TO. Not to meantion what else has that reported done? Nothing that anyone knows of. TO repeatedly is, because of his own actions, is in the center of some issue. but wait a minute.......you think TO was justified in all his several temper tantrums on the 49ers sidelines? Yelling and getting in the faces of the coaches and other players? Then holding out when he was traded under contract, because of his own mistakes, which he made an innocent team pay for? You thought it was funny when he ran (twice) onto the Dallas star like he single handedly scored those two touchdowns? I'm proud of the Eagles players tho, because they won the game they brought TO in to help them get past, without TO. So basically, he's done nothing for this team that they couldn't have done by themselves (and have done in years past). Deion is another guy I could go on about, but that wasn't my point. My point was, as bad as deion is, TO is on a whole other level. They thank god after winning the super bowl, usually for "giving me the courage/strength", which is still retarded in my eyes, but I can understand it since the players are overcome with emotion and it's almost cliche at this point. But to think god is helping your ankle heal a little quicker so you can play in the super bowl is again on another level. That isn't, by any means, damning by itself. It's just another straw on the camels back. You have to wonder if TO finds a dollar on the street, does he stop and thank god. You should look into how much charity work Vick does before you make such an ignorant comment. That guy is a hell of a human being on and off the field. Not to meantion Hakeem doesn't quite understand that him not signing a contract prolly won't make that particular shoe, forget shoes in general, any less expensive. But I understand the thought was in the right place. He gets meantioned with the great centers all the time, but if you want to talk basketball, Tim Duncan (hell the spurs in general) are players I love to watch. Tim Duncan is everything TO is not. Thats also why I'm so proud of my Bulls right now. They play like a team. In closing, TO is a punk. My favorite memory of him is when the Bears scored a touchdown to win the game off a Mike Brown interception. This interception came when Jeff Garcia hits TO in the chest (hands) coming across the middle only to have him get leveled by Brian Urlacher and cough the ball up to Mike Brown in the closing minutes of the game. Makes me warm just thinking about it.
  9. Sounds like there's more KotOR in the horizon <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm going to take the wait and see approach to anything Mr.Gallo would like to claim in the future
  10. That depends on if they are planning on building thier own engine or using someone elses. A new engine can take quite awhile.
  11. I think he's pure "good", as in he always does what is ultimately best for the survivors. Remember there are two sides on this island. One light, one dark.
  12. Notice I didn't say everyone, or even a majority, but the truth is there would be less outrage if the sketch had been done as originally intended, with John Madden instead of T.O. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. If you were trying to paste that label on me, **** you. 2. It would have been less offense to people if it was Madden, but largely because a fat guy was doing it. If you had the ex-fattie gumble (or is one of them still fat?), you would have gotten a similar reaction as Madden. I guess you can argue America has a problem with fat people being seen as funny and disarming. Plus, lets face it, how Madden and TO would have treated the part is a little different. Thats the main difference. I didn't particualry mind it, but I can see how people with kids did. To a degree, color plays into it, but I doubt to the degree you think. I think it's VERY VERY VERY sad that an athlete can apparently do anything he wants, short of having murder charges leveled against him of course , and I can't comment or I'm a "hater". **** that, I'll be a hater. I prefer my athletes to have a degree of down to earth-ness. A la Brett Farve, Micheal Vick, Walter Payton, Steve McNair, or hell, a Jeff Garcia to a degree. Just play the game right. By "right" I mean, don't argue with your coach on the sidelines, don't consider your stats as much as you consider actually winning the game, don't try too, on numerous occasions, to comment on the sexuality of your ex-QB (regardless of what it actually is), don't screw teams over because you don't feel you have to honor your contract, don't celebrate in the endzone like you will never score again, it's the superbowl, and you just scored with no help. Going out of your way to pull attention to yourself like that is pathetic, when you have a whole team that made that touchdown possible. Do all that out of respect for those who played before, and I have yet to see an old vet approve of the way TO plays (hell, deion sanders had his reservations, what does that tell you) But to sum up owens, I think I'll just use his latest quote: "God is healing me" Thats right, the man believes himself soooo important that god is healing him to allow him to play in the Super Bowl. God killed 160,000 with a tidal wave, but god wouldn't allow TO to miss the big game......
  13. ALias is better that last season, but I'm not enjoying the "new baddie" every week for no particular reason thing.
  14. Thats because your cursed with exceptional taste my friend. I know your pain. actaully, I'm in the middle of replaying BG2 (im in ToB now)
  15. I just got caught up with Alias and Lost. And Locke is god.
  16. I guess, but his mistakes ultimately killed them. Scratch that, his mistakes made sure they didn't have a chance. I have to wonder what Maddux does if they had put him in. I guess you have to wonder is it better to build Roes confidence for the future, or to give yourself the best shot to win.
  17. Yes, but to go back to my SC example, there are plenty of examples of TB strategy games. RTS and TBS play different and have a very different feel. So you can't really imagine making SC TB. Which is of course my point. To say, well other RPGs are RT so FO can be too, is too say other Strategy games are TB so SC can be too. At least, in my eyes. You CAN switch both games over, but it changes what they are.
  18. If you think Obsidian isn't thinking up and pitching ideas for their own IP for awhile now, your retarded. The question is when it will happen.
  19. I do. First, removing SPECIAL from FO would just be......bad As for TB, could you picture Zelda going TB or Starcraft going TB? Thats the kind of change that we're talking about in my eyes. As for the perspective......it wouldn't be the worst thing if it went away from iso, but I'd prefer it didn't. I prefer that perspective for RPGs. If it went to FP or over the shoulder, it would be nice if the camera could zoom out for an iso perspective for combat.
  20. Yes, on the surface, but you are going to get strong underground rebel movements, as well as the general population being against you. So popular support should have turned against you, but the Death Star should have prevented uprisings in all but the worse conditions.
  21. My god, as much as I don't want the Pats winning again, Owens must be prevented from getting a ring and defiling the trophy
  22. I hope you can't turn her back. The dark storyline, where heros lose, is party of what made SC, SC
  23. At least you got to use the Death Star, before some punk blows it up. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, at least they got to blow up Alderaan before the Death Star went 'boom'. But seriously, what's the point of having the power to destroy planets if the result is, not fear and submission, but virtually every system in the Galaxy suddenly turning massively against you? If Rebellion weren't already a crappy game, that aspect of it might have been annoying. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, they turned against you is terms of support, you didn't nessasarily lose the planets I mean, it's not like people are going to be happy that you blew up a planet.
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