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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. Nice random sampling of data that doesn't agree with each other. I'd like to know what they base those numbers on (BTW, if you are talking 8-10 times strong, large chimps can lift and carry around small cars) second, using Jane Goodall estimations, shortly before a chimp reaches maturity (I googled) it is stronger than most adult humans. Thats not "a hell of a lot stronger than me". but are we talking human adults who excercise, or just your average american who doesn't. Have to consider these things. Tho you have shown that a chimp has a similar strength too me and that "strength" isn't a edge, but it can be a negitive factor.
  2. agreed another natural defense I have to use on the chimp is if he bites me, I squirt him with a acidic juice in his eye, blinding him temporarily. seriously tho, I see no reason, minus people posting bad facts, that shows why I couldn't take a chimp
  3. We are not any more prey by nature than we hunters. We essentially have the same diet as the chimps. In fact, some tribes HUNT chimps.
  4. SEVEN TIMES THE STRENGTH!?!?!?! BULL****! Lets say, for just our purposes, that the average health person can lift 80 pounds easily. Easily meaning they won't rip their arms off and they can carry it around for short periods of time. I'd bet the average healthy male can do more than that, but lets just stick with 80 pounds. That means the average chimp can lift a Harley Davidson no problem and carry it around. bull****. EDIT: I assume they figure seven times via power to weight ratio, but considering a chimps weigh about the same as humans, they should be able to lift a harley and carry it around by the seven times stronger logic
  5. What you don't have, is the physical strength and sheer ferocity. Never underestimate psychology, no matter how much you try to tell yourself that the mouth frothing eating machine ahead of you is slightly smaller than you <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ok, see. I'm looking at it like this: I HAVE to beat up this chimp. Life or death. Chimps might go crazy, but humans do some amazing things when adrenline kicks in.
  6. Im not a terrorist. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you did, seemingly, vote for bush......
  7. also, remember this is all out fighting, I can pick things up as weapons (intelligence) where the chimp can't.........no folks, I can barely believe I am arguing this either
  8. Chimp stats Length: 2.5-3 feet. Weight: 125-175 pounds, males slightly larger.
  9. 1. Chimps do not wield the force or a lightsaber. Our abilities in the force will not decide this conflict. 2. I admitted that 2 chimps pose a problem, but I still say I can take 1 chimp.
  10. Seriously now, not kidding Ok, the monkey might have jumping and pure energy on it's side, but I got weight, strength in general, reach, and the ability to kick. Maybe two is an issue, but I gots to be able to take one chimp. I've talked about this in relation to rottweilers. I'd say the average health young male can take a rottweiler. In both cases I'd think the trick would be staying on your feet at all costs.
  11. The guy was pretty old tho (64). I'm thinking I can take a chimp if it came down to it. EDIT: Prolly even 2 chimps. BTW, koala's are mean too! Knowing that robbed me of my childhood. Actaully, anything from Australia is mean or docile but deadly by accident. ****ing platapuses. Really dolphins are the only animal that seems to actually like us (minus dogs, face it, cats hate us). (I'm also upset that my giant crocidile story didn't get any love, but raging chimp is amazingly popular)
  12. I would like it noted for future reference that decent posts can come from just posting news stories.
  13. It's a cool demo, but not the best flash game Try here: http://www.newgrounds.com/games/ I recommend Alien Hominid for a kickbutt contra type game
  14. actually the number on the forum isn't right, I forget what the situation was, but relitively early on there was some mix up and the count has been off since, iirc.
  15. Well, from what I've read, there is a bit of MYSTERY involved. There are reports of people being muscled into being at the rally and reports of Syria busing in protesters from Syria
  16. I posted a news bit I felt the community might be interested in. I didn't know I had to now direct the discussion and/or posts from that point on. I mean, considering the possibly massive changes all around the middle-east, I figured some people might be following events there in recent days. and who doesn't like a freaking giant man-eating croc? Whats rule number 6? Actually, I'm more worried about the elimination of light-heart posting than I am of hard off-topic debate. Seems we can't even kid around in "way off topic", but I suppose we all expected a bit of a crackdown. Weather the storm and all that.
  17. I'm not sure how, given the forum I'm in, but I'm surprised there seems to be alot of fantasy fans. I'm more of a non-fiction, phisophical, or fiction along the lines of Fight Club or For Whom the Bell Tolls.
  18. It was actually me who caught it, using just 3 fingers on my left hand. Thats why I nominate myself as "The Greatest American" Trying to find a better picture Story: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...da_crocodile_dc
  19. If anyone has read it, thoughts? Anyways, some of my favs, in no particular order: Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club, Lullaby) Bill Bryson (In a Sunburned Country, A Walk in the Woods, A Short History of Nearly Everything*) Daniel Quinn (Ishmael, The Story of B) Ernest Hemingway (For Whom the Bell Tolls) Richard Dawkins (The Selfish Gene) basically, I'm hitting people up for recommendations. (Yes Phos, still getting around to "The Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy". I know, I'm a bad man)
  20. Thats good to hear While I can understand the reasons this threat was made, I have to agree with ShadowPal that all the devs/Feargus needed to do was to start a thread to talk to us. Wouldn't have taken much more effort than what was done. but no harm no foul I suppose.
  21. no idea, I searched "lost schedule" and it took me to a Lost fansite were they had that
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