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Sargallath Abraxium

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Everything posted by Sargallath Abraxium

  1. Possibly offensive to overly uptight fellows. I ended up drinking much more than I should have and spent an hour driving around to various fast food places to satisfy the midnight cravings of several drunk friends and I pissed in a parking lot. All in all it was a disappointing but still fun night. Also, Indie music is generally ****ing terrible. ...ya drove??... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  2. ...is OK, lad...we's all makes mistakes...I was wrong once, too...hehehe... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!... Is that the "I was wrong once, I thought I had made a mistake when in fact I hadn't." ? ...not accrodin' ta those that knows me 'ere...hehehe... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  3. ...Kilmer & Clooney had ta play Batman in campy movies; had li'l choice on how to portay character...sounds as if Affleck will get more o' a chance ta make the role memorable; more substance, less shtick...or mebbe he gits all Reindeer Games an' peoples walk out 15 minutes in... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  4. ...is OK, lad...we's all makes mistakes...I was wrong once, too...hehehe... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  5. ...these pics make me think o' a puswa elf version o' He-Man...hehehe... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  6. ...well, I didna say both at the same time, but I did tell the lad ta sample the whole menu, so...hehehe... ...figured ya'd be used ta me level o' dipravity by now, lad... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  7. ...bah, live a li'l, lad...hehehe... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihUIPlLw2ZE ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  9. ...yer s'pose ta be tryin' ta git yer willy wet an' yer postin' 'ere instead??...FOCUS, lad, FOCUS!!...hehehe... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIwzRkjn86w ...good, ol' East Coast floorstomper!!... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  11. ...mebbe later; goin' wit' me original custom avvie fer the time bein', memories an' all that...you want it, have at 'er... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  12. Jiggles McPuswa ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  13. I even like Starship Troopers 3. It's 2 that I found not likeable. What makes Fallout: BOS a bad game in your opinion? Since you say it has a badness that transends genre ...was a terrible attempt at a cashgrab by a dyin' INEPT-play...end o' story... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  14. ...put it this way, lad; why waste the resources it'd take ta make 'er an option when theys can be used elsewhere... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  15. ...at least she had the sense ta serve beer wit' her taco... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  16. ...bah...enjoy 'em all now, regardless o' age...why jus' choose appetizers from the menu??...sample 'er all while yer still young enuff ta enjoy it... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  17. ...wife plays cards wit' her group o' ol' hens on Thursdays, so it be Chicken Nuggets & Grill Cheese sandwich night fer me & the rug rats... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  18. ...yer too hard on yerself, lad...I's'd bet ya has yer share o' tales o' yer youth that makes ya laugh when ya thinks back...if not, I's enuff fer both o' us, I's'll share... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  19. ...hehehe...we's jus' too old fer all that foolishness now, 'Tep...jus' say ya was wild in yer former years an' now yer jus' wistfully reminiscent...hehehe... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  20. ...ne'er read a Dragonlance book, lad??...damn...The Legend of Huma be one o' me favorite books...e'en read a few o' the smaller stories ta the kids fer bedtime...no Dragonlance...damn... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  21. ...always liked Hickman & Weis, meself... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  22. Have you taken a look at the "other" Torment game? ...not yet, been thinkin' on it...problem be gettiin' the time ta invest in 'er...I honestly rarely gits a chance ta game at all anymores, so e'en findin' the time 'ere an' there ta wander 'round Sigil be a chore...we's'll see... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  23. ...jus' don't fergit ta wrap it up, lad...wool sock & duct tape it if'n ya gotta... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  24. ...started me yearly run-through o' Planescape: Torment...oh, how I's missed ya, ol' friend...hehehe... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  25. ...an' e'en freakier in theys mid-late 30's... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
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