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Everything posted by Exitium

  1. It's just a feature in the board they are using.
  2. We don't actually encourage that sort of thing at the Codex and if someone does it for too long he gets the boot. NMA forums are a more likely candidate for that sort of behaviour.
  3. What the heck are you talking about?
  4. Fun is always a good thing to have; a pity that his posts are completely bereft of the very material he seems to boast about.
  5. The generic voice reminded me a lot of a Californian surfer boy/girl. Jedi Academy suffered from a similar problem, to a much greater degree.
  6. That is certainly a feeling one would infer from reading his posts but if you knew him as well as I, you'd realize that the only reason he writes responses is to spark off an argument of some sort with someone whom he personally disagrees with on some other more personal matter.
  7. Oh Xindell I'd hate to see you go back into obscurity just because of one little troll.
  8. Fair enough. I completely respect your position on this, Shadowtrider. You have shown a great sense of maturity in comparison to Volourn who insists on arguing on behalf of Gromnir whom I am certain is in the position to defend himself.
  9. I don't see how any of this could in any way be conceived as 'fun'.
  10. I would inquire as to who exactly you asking to stop or leave, Shadowstrider.
  11. I don't think this belongs in suggestions, heh.
  12. I would obviously much like a Role-Playing game. Preferrably a good one.
  13. Would you care to elaborate on the disagreement?
  14. We don't give them a false sense of confidence. Their personal skill is what matters in this case.
  15. I would prefer to see an elimination of romances altogether, or at least ones as subtle as those of Planescape: Torment. It's difficult to imagine focusing on a serious romance while you're trying to save the universe.
  16. You seem to take a lot of pride in being an ass, Volourn. It is a position which I personally don't particularly find to be in any way pleasant or even desirable.
  17. Accepted by the majority who patronize and frequent the boards, Volourn. That's who. Sometimes, I just don't understand why you insist on having others point the most obvious things out to you. We are all capable, or at least decent English speakers so having someone who deviates from the norm by insisting to speak in his own 'brand' of language is found to be an atypically large source of aggrivation in any thread of discussion.
  18. I'd have probably liked the game a lot better if they gave more life to the locations and the characters there. It seemed like almost every character encountered was just a clone of the next one. Having a wider selection of faces and dialogue would have been nice.
  19. I think that there are far too many post apocalyptic games in development so a change from the usual Tolkeinesque worlds and Fallout would be a pleasant diversion from the norm, I would think.
  20. It's suggested not once, but twice. One of the NPCs at the race bar on Tatooine suggests that you can buy upgrades at the shop in the center of town but none of it ever amounts to anything valid.
  21. With that said, I hardly think you're in any position to judge Gromnir's speaking 'ability'.
  22. If you want to launch into technicalisms, I'll be specific and to the point: "piss poor" is a legitimate expression, in both British and American cultures. "We is" is neither acceptable nor necessary. It does not matter whether you regard this as an 'internet geek message board' or as a 'discussion forum' (as the rest of us do). The point is to communicate clearly and efficiently and evidently, speaking in some farsical form of adult baby-speak leaves the speaker to be found wanting of the necessary manners to communicate, as I said earlier, in a manner both clear and efficient, and most importantly: polite. Polite to every other reader present on the forum for none of us deserve to be submitted to such intellectual derision.
  23. I don't happen to be a person who particularly likes or approves of the promotion of piss poor language skills that try to pass off as legitimate forms of communication.
  24. I don't ever recall "we is disapproving of you. HA!" as ever being a part of my standard English curriculum back in primary school. You must have a very flexible grasp of the term 'fine'. The fact that he has a very weak grasp of capitalizations, nouns, plurals and grammar in general is a major source of my argument against his (in)capability to speak the English language in a manner both acceptable and proper.
  25. I forgot all about that. I didn't like how you couldn't mess with your NPCs inventory while on the ship. It was a source of much discontent, to be sure. It forced you to take them on as party members and exit the ship just to swap the inventory around.
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