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Everything posted by Exitium

  1. You make it sound as if I abuse my moderating privledges at the RPG Codex or the Circle of Eight forums, both of which I administrate, Gromnir. I may have proposed banning you (don't take it personally) from the Codex due to your constant trolling but not once did I even lift a finger to quell my personal disagreements with you by force.
  2. Assuming that is true, that will be most certainly the case.
  3. While I wholeheartedly agree that the forums could use a little moderation, I would have to say that I wouldn't like to see moderation in the form of overzealousness as such an attitude would certainly quell any possible chance for meaningful criticism. I would nominate myself for a moderator position having the time, interest and the responsibility to do it if there aren't any other candidates up for the job. It would be most unfortunate if one as overzealous as the infamous Elara were to take such a position on the forum and bring with her the brand of sadism she assumes she's known for.
  4. Who, pray tell, is Blackmoon?
  5. I certainly hope so. The gaming industry has been barren as of late, particularly in the RPG genre. I wouldn't mind at all if Obsidian turns out to be the bearer of fruit to satisfy our taste and quench our hunger for games.
  6. Before I jump into the fray, Visceris, I must say that I can barely begin to understand your inclination to start off each discussion with your brand negativity and you are as always successful in managing to pull everyone into it, myself included. Your attempt at pulling a 180
  7. I think you're way off on this, Visceris (per usual). I wouldn't be so quick to sign off on Obsidian Entertainment's new game. Chris Avellone has more than proven himself as a good writer and game designer in the past with Planescape: Torment so I'll be willing to wager that he's more than capable of recreating at least a sum of his accomplishments in this new title.
  8. Exitium


    Hey kids. I like the color scheme you guys have going, oh and I just wanted to say hi, that is all.
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