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Everything posted by Exitium

  1. The Romeo and Juliet scene was priceless.
  2. I can't understand what you're saying. I believe I speak for everyone when I say please learn some English.
  3. It was fun, for awhile - but it was biased against the player because the player always started first. This meant that you drew an extra card (with all the detriments and risks) while the computer did not. This basically gave the computer an unfair advantage.
  4. If you want examples of fun minigames, I can easily point out Anachronox and Beyond Good & Evil as two games with some of the most interesting minigames. The minigames in KOTOR seemed like an afterthought by the developers.
  5. The containers on the ship were by far the most useless thing in the game. It was impossibly difficult to place more than a few items into the containers because you had to scroll through them and insert the items one at a time - hardly an efficient method.
  6. It's rather early to be bringing this up, isn't it?
  7. That's usually how things are on PHPBB and VBulletin.
  8. Exitium


    The posts are fine.
  9. This one's a given, Axel. I'm pretty sure the Obsidian boys have the very same thought on their minds.
  10. Frankly I don't even want to try to understand what you just wrote, Volourn. If I interpreted that correctly, you just said that people who get executed have no right to complain about it, because if they do, people will be unhappy. Wow.
  11. Don't forget the concussion grenades and those sparkling new Masers the CIA just acquired from their tech labs.
  12. One of my largest qualms with KOTOR was the inventory management or lack thereof. A more user-oriented inventory interface would be preferrable to the console scroller that Bioware used.
  13. I second that, Meiz. It'd be somewhat shameful if they proved Visceris right.
  14. I would personally love to see a game set in a unique fantasy setting of the developers' own creation rather than a borrowed one.
  15. Come to mention it, I certainly hope that Obsidian's game has physics. If I recall, KOTOR didn't have any physics (except in the race) and it was a constant source of irritation, especially in a 3d engine.
  16. I'm certainly sticking around, and I'm certain many others are as well. I hope things don't get too messy around here.
  17. Exitium


    It's nice to see the whole family here.
  18. I second that suggestion. Let's pick our things up and move along. Next topic, please?
  19. I don't hate you, Volourn. You're okay in my book these days, especially since you toned down your rabid behaviour at the Codex.
  20. I wonder how long it'll be before the member count hits a thousand.
  21. I certainly hope that if they develop a dual platform game, they do so simultaniously rather than port it. Morrowind was developed this way and it didn't turn out too bad aside from the combat and dialogue, which wasn't any fault of the X-Box.
  22. I'm not really worried, either. I'm confident in MCA's ability to make a good game.
  23. He is well known for his opinions and his ability to completely contradict himself in the very same thread.
  24. God knows that we all want the meek, the disheartened and the unwilling to lead a society, or in this case moderate a forum. What a fine display of logic.
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