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Everything posted by mista_me

  1. Uhh well when i reload what the trade route... it doesnt always have nomi's armband just to let you kno! :D
  2. Although i hated this games ending i disliked the first games ending also, I mean what ever happened to great cinematic endings that show you what actually happened bcs of what you did , I mean in the first kotor you either got a medal or brought the "sith" together, but i mean whatever happened to those great cinematics!
  3. you get the romance if you are a girl with juhani, well thats only the best thing i've heard today, well ive only plyaed as a girl on the darkside so! :D
  4. yea to the best of my knowledge you can't and i've beat that game more times than i can remember!
  5. in the ifrst game you were able to sell things for over 250 it would just ask you if you really wanted to selll it!
  6. uhh you could wear teh mandalorian assault armor from kotor! Yay 600
  7. And where might one find this mod looks very interesting to me!
  8. Uhh... you realize that revan did basically the same thing that exar kun did, except revan didnt even use the sith artifacts he used the rakatan artifacts, and anyways exar kun was known for being a very intelligent man, who happened to be incredibly powerful. now can we just let this topic die!
  9. So is anyone going to try to actually mod the game at all, cuz i would really like to have a vader suit that would be the best
  10. Well i have been wonderin about this to, but I must say that the sith dont really have a central planet, korriban is supposed to be their "tomb world" like egyptians!
  11. Wooooooo first one to vote for Bane, ok so palps is the **** of all that is the bomb**** but he was very very wrinkaly and had clones thats just low i mean cmon the guys power was made in a ****in factory. but bane was hte man to invent it all i mean the word darth of course! :D
  12. Yea if you think about it the next game (if there is one, and if there isnt one ill kill someone.. jk? ) It could have some great pottential for having some great battles that would be as rememberable the movies (the old ones not the new ones but e3 looks assome) but i want some rememberable bosses that will be fun to play against and will also have some significane to the plot cough*Nhilus*cough! :D
  13. Thanks jaguar this will be pretty helpful on deciding which crystal to aim for getting! :D
  14. May just be me but i think that that was a recording cuz he was sayin things like, "if you are seeing this, we need to blow up malachor..... blah blah blah" stopped listenin!
  15. I like violet and blue but in the end i thought that blue was goin to have more votes but currently im wrong so i voted for violet. :D Violet or blue look really good with the darkest robes you can find, and imo red looks really kickass with jedi master robes. :D
  16. if by hohohohoh you mean the same than that's what is for me! I loved the extra features and the fact that it was a sequal to my favorite game, but I thought that kotor the furst one had a much better story and had more pizzaz! :D
  17. Single violet or red is the bomb****! :D
  18. Yea you would expect being in exile that long he would practice up on those jokes/cruelity of his! :D
  19. its the same ****ing game which ever side you choose to take, thats why I prefer to just play nuetral (except now those stupid bitches took out the ability to go anywhere you want as a nuetral sider @$%$#$&s) so Which ever way you choose it really doesnt make much of a difference!
  20. Beware of this glitch if you are LS...your FP will not regenerate, and if you run out of FP in the middle of 40 Hssiss, the results could be...dangerous <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually your force points regenerate regarless of which side you are on, it's just that on the lightside your force points regenerate at a very very slow rate which is barely noticeable, my advice is to just leave your character in a safe spot for an hour or two if you can spare that much time that is, or just go darkside
  21. If that's what really happened that would've been so badass, it just would've been a neat little thing that they put in the game, but I think that they chose the right colors bcs it looked totally badass in both games! :D
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