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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. Ahh, well, you forgot to mention they were filthy heretics. Burn them, I say! I just lost a stack of 6 macemen that were attempting to head off a stack that was headed for my capital. The enemy stack was mostly horse archers with one city raider maceman thrown in for good measure. I dunno how I lost 6 fights in a row. My troops supposedly had a 90% chance of success in each fight yet somehow they all died and then he took my capital. Also, the apostolic palace voted on whether he should end his war against me. He voted that he wanted to end the war, but he still won't talk to me to offer a peace treaty?
  2. Ars Technica Toms Hardware XFX Official Site I'm so happy. Finally we get a vendor that offers a decent warranty on their parts!
  3. Sonic Unleashed
  4. Deraldin


    When was the last time Toronto had 9 goals scored against them? A loss is one thing, but letting in 9 goals?
  5. No! Give peace a chance! I tried giving peace a chance, but those bastards are all angry because I converted everyone else on the continent to Buddhism after they founded Hinduism. I could switch over to Free Religion now and actually get some bonuses from it thanks to founding Islam and having had one of my cities converted to Hinduism, but why do that when I can stick with whatever the civic is that gives your units bonus experience (Theocracy or Organized Religion, can't remember which). I've had enough of their insults damnit! The Americans are getting a little uppity as well, but I'm not entirely sure just where they are as I haven't bothered to explore past my immediate neighbours.
  6. Deraldin


    I just checked the score. I could have sworn Chicago only scored 7 goals, but no, the scored 9 goals. Also, how the hell did Montreal get called for 11 penalties including three 5-on-3's to Carolina's 1 penalty (resulting in a penalty shot)? The fact that Montreal managed to keep it close (lost 3-2) is a little bit of good news, but still.
  7. Deraldin


    Didn't actually watch the game, but it was on in the other room. The only thing I can really think of to say is "Ouch".
  8. Bah! Those damn dirty Ottomans are getting on my nerves. They attacked me 40 turns ago, but I got a nice random act right after the first battle that offered me a chance at a peace treaty so I went for it. Now they've decided to attack in force again. They even razed one of my cities! This time there will be no mercy... *turns all his production over to military units*
  9. I picked up a copy of Prince of Persia when I grabbed a replacement for my dead Beyond the Sword so in between bouts of Civ4 I'm giving that a try. I've only gone through one area so far, but I'm enjoying what I've seen. Only complaint so far is that I can never remember which button I mapped to which action. The game does a great job of telling me which button I need to use (It actually mentions the right button number for my Logitech Cordless Rumblepad!) but I don't use the thing often enough to get the hand of which button is which number.
  10. Okay, for some reason I didn't realize I picked up an Accelero S2 rather than the S1 Revision 2 that I need for my card, so I'll be sticking with the stock cooling for the time being. I removed the bright led fan and now my room is almost as dark as it was before I brought the computer in which is much nicer. As for moving the furniture around, I haven't yet moved the bookcase, but it almost seems like I have less room now than I had before, but it's still easier to get around so I think I'll stick with the new layout.
  11. Some classes and builds are way easier than others - If you're not a cleric/favoured sould/druid Gann is essentially your only healer and he burns spells likes he's addicted to them.. That makes things a little tougher.. and if you're a class that doesn't deal much damage, well then it's alot tougher. What about Kaelyn as healer. I mean, she is a cleric. Some combos are definitely easier than others. My Ftr/Brb/Rog powered through the entire thing almost single-handedly with his absurd DR and even more absurd hit points while my Rogue was constantly getting splattered, because even though he had an pretty damn good AC (mid-high 40's) at the start of MotB, there were a lot of enemies that had equally high attack bonuses.
  12. Deraldin


  13. Unfortunately I've only got the one duvet, but considering how often I've slept on the couch anyway, sleeping on the floor wouldn't be that much worse. Still, the new layout is a little better. The desk is now in the far corner so the chair doesn't block access it my bed anymore. Still need to clean up all the junk that is sitting in the doorway and move my bookshelf into it's new location. I also somehow removed a section of paint from the wall when I moved my desk. It ripped a piece of paint about half the size of my palm off the wall that was stuck to my desk for some reason. I've also decided to take the opportunity to dust my computer and move the led fan from the front of the case to the back so the light isn't quite so bright in the dark. I've still got that Accelero S2 that I've yet to install on my graphics card that I'm thinking about putting in now.
  14. I've been cleaning and moving furniture around in my room in an attempt to create at least the feeling of a little more space in my room. It's only 8 feet by 10 feet so it's not a large room by any means, but it feels even smaller since I moved my computer in and have started actually using my desk. This is made somewhat worse by the fact that the desk is right in the middle of the long wall so if my chair isn't right in against the desk, it can take up what little remaining empty floor space there is. I also seem to have disturbed a spider that had covered a decent sized area of the floor under my bed with it's web. It's currently trying to hide underneath the carpet.
  15. Deraldin


    TSN is reporting that it's likely down to New York or Vancouver. So Hurlshot, how many more games do the sharks have against Roloson this year? If Edmonton wins tonight they'd be in 8th place. San Jose - Edmonton first round playoff matchup? :D
  16. Is it possible to get *too* excited over playing a computer game? It looks like there was a piece of tape stuck to the bottom of the CD at one point and when it was removed it left some of the adhesive behind.
  17. Ha! I didn't read that post this morning, but I did decide to jump into a game of CivIV (BTS, with the latest BUG Mod, which doesn't change gameplay at all, adds a lot of more informative feedback). It's been a few months, so I stepped my usual difficulty down to Prince. I just discovered that my second BTS CD is screwed up. It's got what looks like some sort residue all over the back ot it that won't wipe off and it won't install. I don't want to play just Warlords, I want BTS damnit!
  18. The pull of Civilization is strong. I read this post this morning and all day I've had this urge to play Civ4.
  19. Prince of Persia PC DRM Free apparently. Thought some people here might be interested in this news.
  20. Although Macroeconomics is almost as much fun.
  21. I think I just figured out the last little bit of this question! Hurray! Now I just have to hope that my ghetto math is correct. My entire answer for this question is really loosely held together by a few basic assumptions about how I'm supposed to get through this. Calculating Materials, Labour and Overhead Variances is so much more complicated than it needs to be when you only have about 10% of the actual information to start the problem with. I swear the problem required me to work in circles to answer everything.
  22. I'm trying to figure out this last problem for my accounting exam. It gives you such a small amount of information to start with that I'm not sure how to proceed. I know it can be done, but I'm just not sure how.
  23. I see what you did there... So does it have co-op?
  24. Buy GTA4 for the PC. Please. Do it. Is that a DRM issue or just a buggy mess? As far as I know it's just a buggy mess.
  25. Had my Macroeconomics exam this morning and overall I think it went rather well considering how badly I screwed up the midterm. I was 15 minutes late getting there (damn roads were horrible) but apparently that wasn't a problem. A couple other people walked in at the same time I did. The exam was only supposed to be two hours, but I was out of there in just over an hour. *checks his Accounting Exam* W00T! It isn't due tomorrow! I don't have to finish it tonight, so tonight will be sleep night! Hurray! Accounting exam is due Friday by 1pm.
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