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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. No, tell us about the pizza, instead.
  2. Everyone who's played Caesar IV seems to be of the same opinion. I only use Plaza #3, myself.
  3. System Shock 1 was scarier than Doom.
  4. "Feel the arcane power of my Magic Missile!!! Ooh, I've forgotten how to cast Magic Missile, I need to go lie down for eight hours..." In case you didn't get it yet, DnD wizards are moronic.
  5. I like women with short hair. Does that make me gay?
  6. The Devil Wears Prada It's good, if a bit predictable.
  7. I'm still playing Caesar IV. I do love building stuff and watching it grow.
  8. I use AVG Free Edition. It has yet to disappoint me. http://www.grisoft.com/
  9. I have all my games installed on drive E:. All work fine.
  10. Actually, despite all my love for System Shock 2, I didn't find the big revelation particularly scary. It was the whole way the game was designed that really blew me away. It was how the ammo was always on the verge of running out; it was counting your bullets before going up against The Many; it was the weapons always being on the verge of breaking down; it was the way the logs made it seem like you were always about to find someone else alive but never actually managed to; it was both The Many and SHODAN continually harassing and egging you on; it was the way all this together made you feel so terribly alone; it was the way all those logs made you care for all the people dying, and even for the ones you had to kill. In fact, when thinking about it, the moment that really stayed in my memory was when you finally manage to catch up to Delacroix. :'( Goddammit, System Shock 2 is truly awesome. Edit: And the monkey shrieks, and the midwives' mechanical steps, and the noises the spiders made, and the robots' helpful voices, and positional audio, and the freaking ghosts. :ph34r:
  11. There was a placeholder image stating the server didn't support hotlinking or something. In fact, I got my image directly from the image link you posted.
  12. I don't think you're making any sense.
  13. Awesome stuff! (w00t) Yay for all Obsidian artists.
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