That's the date for the release of Bioshock in Portugal, Spain, and I think France, as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the 31st was the release date in all of Europe except the UK.
Edit: The release date in France is, indeed, the 31st.
Tried the demo. Seems to run fine on my system with everything maxed out at 1280x960. Fraps indicates between 20 and 30 fps, though.
The graphics are sweet and the ambiance seems to be genuinely scary. The gameplay seems to be mostly run&guntm with added plasmids. I guess it could be described as a more actiony System Shock 2. The faster pace kind of clashes with the scary atmosphere, though. Here's hoping the full game plays differently...
System Shock 2:
- It's a Survival Horror FPS
- You can hack turrets to attack your enemies.
- You can hack the security system so that it stops reacting to you
- Your first weapon is a wrench
- You can modify your weapons
- If you die you are taken to a regeneration chamber instead of having to reload.
- It's a Survival Horror FPS
- You can hack bots to attack your enemies.
- You can hack cameras so that they stop reacting to you
- Your first weapon is a wrench
- You can modify your weapons
- If you die you are taken to a regeneration chamber instead of having to reload.
Since I haven't played System Shock 2 I do not have anything to compare it to. Besides from the look of it is a new IP. Its Bioshock, not System Shock 3. I don't see any reason why the two games should be comparable.
Actually, the gameplay is very, very similar. I'd say in some ways it's practically the same game.