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Everything posted by deuxhero
Memorials problem.
deuxhero replied to Ladyjess's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
The Kickstarter backer who wrote that short poem must be swelling with pride now that people are considering him an "artist" There's good art, bad art (like the stuff purchased with tax money to decorate government buildings) and even art by Hitler (The book was a piece of ****, but the paintings are absolutely better than the stuff my tax money gets used for!)! "Art" was never some seal of quality or minimum standard you have to meet to be protected, it's simply any work produced for entertainment instead of "practical" value. Free speech, the inalienable right that all human beings are endowed by their creator with, is universal and exists to protect unpopular works (popular ones require no protection). -
Memorials problem.
deuxhero replied to Ladyjess's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
I love how you highlighted Wishfire's comment. The comment literally says words to the effect of "you shouldn't descriminated against, but don't expect everyone to bend over for you". If such a reasonable position is what "transphobia" is, why would Obsidian need to remove anything to avoid it? -
Memorials problem.
deuxhero replied to Ladyjess's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
I'm going to have to call you out on that one - So by your logic nothing is allowed, anywhere? Because I'll bet you that we can find plenty of examples of harmless jokes aimed at any culture, sexual preference and even race in the world. Now and then. Personally I'm not a big fan of kicking people who are already down, particularly when it's a group that has a near 50% lifetime suicide rate. Ten times the US average. Stuff like this, the "it's just a joke, stop being so easily offended, man up," it matters because it contributes to that. It's not harmless because it is a part of the larger societal treatment that is ultimately a major factor in driving people to kill themselves. And with that, I'm bowing out of this discussion because I'm getting too upset myself, now. You just said 5% of Americans commit suicide in their life times. NA anual's rate is about 10-13 (depending on year) per 100,000 according to the AFSP and CDC. Even if we multiply that by 100 (and most people don't live that long) that's still not even 1% Why should anything you say be taken seriously after that? -
Memorials problem.
deuxhero replied to Ladyjess's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Did is reserve the right to retract approval? -
Memorials problem.
deuxhero replied to Ladyjess's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
You have to be truely selfish and ignorant to think your people are the only people anywhere who face any form of discrimination. From what I've seen most of the backer content seems to be especially horribly written and out of tone with the rest of the game from what I've seen (Only the RPGCodex's club seems to be subtle enough to not scream THIS WAS WRITTEN BY SOMEONE ELSE ENTIRELY ), so seems good. -
Memorials problem.
deuxhero replied to Ladyjess's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Someone who literally preaches genocide and an actual neo-nazi should not have their demands met, much over a paying customer who spent $500 for goods that wouldn't be deliviered for over a year. In-fact, the fact that the backer paid for this makes for some very sketchy legality. -
Great, so the one impressive thing about BG1 isn't even from BG1... It's still just a minor detail, as almost no-submap has multiple exits in BG1 so they are useless for running away anyways. I was stuck in combat mode even after webbing the remaining assassins and running away into one of the tombs and I've run far enough away from enemies to lose sight of them for what would be over 30 seconds if I wasn't playing the game on higher than intended speed.
Making looting more tedious doesn't make players not loot everything of more than neglibible value, it just makes it more tedious. DId anyone who played BG1 (and didn't abuse the dupe glitch) NOT grab all the gems (which were intended to be the main method of money earning as most enemies don't drop more than a handful of gold and only "special" enemies tend to have magic stuff) even though carrying them all was arbitrarily difficult because of limited inventory space? No?
It doesn't "count" because it's an increddibly arbitrary barrier that only exists because of game mechanics. Leaving sight range, even after webbing them doesn't work (unless easy tutu broke that, and honestly if it had this many holes I'd think SOMEONE would mention them). Even leaving leaving the submap doesn't work (I will give the IE points for letting enemies chase you between load areas, which is still pretty rare). You're stuck in combat mode and the AI knows exactly where even if you are on the other side of the map after webbing them. I handeled the "amazons" north the hidden mine exit by exploiting this.
'Tis not defeat to flee from battle. 'Tis survival. Allowing retreat allows more possible outcomes to combat and exploration (Is there anything particularlly interesting or fun about "saw a high level enemy, have to reload because the game didn't implement retreating" that merits keeping it?) Yeah, but what can the player expect to fight in Wilderness Area A? Will it just be low level fights (with higher level stuff appearing in WAB, then C and so on), placed by some logical scheme (like gothic throwing nastier things at you the farther you got from the main roads) or what?
really? I recall that you could use fear or confusion which made creatures to lose control and wander around, but I don't recall a morale system in bg\bg2 and neither in PoE for that matter :/ Edit: maybe you mean "morality" i.e. the alignment system? no he menas morale... there were often messages saying morale failure. if a character or creature was getting overwhelmed, it would run away in fear. your party's morale was deternimed by the leader's charisma Never seen this happen. Either (easy) tutu has broken it, or the system's design makes it rare (now that I know the right term, google has told me the main factor is HP, and BG characters of either side rarely stay at low HP long). Yellow/green would not be easy to notice, but I've never seen it announced in the log either.
I'm trying to force myself through Baldur's Gate 1 and one thing that is very apparent is that you can't practically run from fights. Short of travel via the world map, I can't actually get enemies to break combat and stop chasing me (which is actually a problem in an annoyingly high number of games now that I think about it), even with half the map between the characters. As Baldur's Gate has really random enemy placement in wilderness areas (like a pair of dire wolves directly along the road as soon as you exit the tutorial area, or how Peldvale has a group of Black Talon Elite in a random spot that will instantly kill low level characters who arrived from the Friendly Arm while most of the area is low level animals), all of whom instantly start attacking as soon as they are visible, something that gets annoying VERY quickly (as the only effective "counter" is save and reload abuse). Another related thing is that enemies in BG had no concept of morale. You can kill half a pack of dogs (literal and metaphorical) and its alpha in a round and the rest will still charge at the guy in full plate with a rusty dagger. Some special abilities would "force" enemies to flee (turn undead, cause fear), but that doesn't really count. 1: Will running from fights be possible in PoE? 2: What kind of "rules" for enemy placement do wilderness areas obey? Are the areas largely around a single power level in each area? Does it use a system like Gothic where the roads are mostly safe (some common animals with low aggression the player can simply run past if really needed), but danger increases the further you stray? Is it like Baldur's Gate and thus completely and totally random? 3: Is it possible to see fights before they start attacking? I know prebuffing is out, and interaction with that is the main problem it would pose. 4: Can enemies lose morale short of effects that specifficly cause it?
I'd be amused if Rhode Island (smallest state) was the name for the XBLA game.
Also got to note that the two games that aren't considered horribly buggy from Obsidian are Alpha Protocol and Dungeon Siege 3. These are also the only two to not use Bioware or Bethesda engines. Given we all know how much a mess Bethesda's engines are, and CD Projekt confirmed the Aurora Engine (which was the base for NWN2 and KotOR2's engines) is terribly coded, I don't think it is a coincidence.
If Obsidian + Kickstarter = ?
deuxhero commented on Chris Avellone's blog entry in Chris Avellone's Blog
Good turn based combat like Temple of Elemental Evil, Age of Decadence combat demo or Jagged Alliance 2 or something fully original (Baten Kaitos is a fairly recent example of an entirely unique battle system) did. Unique world, not a Tolkien rip off, or generic space opera or generic modern day/spy fiction (though AP went for a less than serious parody approach in many places). Unique space opera or unique modern day (Like the World of Darkness or Deus Ex's web of conspiracies, and even then DX is near future) are fine. Licensed (Planescape, Avatar: TLA) or new doesn't matter. No boob armor/gratious cleavage. It can be appropriate to the character (Sie's Bond girl parody), but I really prefer it not get used Choices and Consquences I actually wouldn't mind seeing a non-sexualized female as a "fixed" player avatar (Like TNO or Gearalt or Mike), though customizable dood takes preference. And, as much as MCA would make it redundant to say: No ****ty romances. Graphics, as long as I can tell things apart and the prospective is consistent and not head tilting bad (coughKotCcough), same with voice acting Magic should never be bland. One great thing about 3.5 D&D is that while spells are broken even used as intended, they had effects beyond "blast, buff, nerf, heal" and rewarded creativity. Temple of Elemental Evil captures a lot of it, though is limited by the system. Extensive character customization. Easily modable. -
How do I comment like he asks?
Obsidian isn't even doing the writing? Why the **** would you hire Obsidian then? I also don't see how Feargus would call this something any dev would think you have to do...
Obsidian is working on project for leading animation franchise
deuxhero replied to funcroc's topic in Obsidian General
One of the few RPG makers in America? As in there are at least 2 more? The reviewer knew PB is German and CDPR is Polish right? -
Obsidian is working on project for leading animation franchise
deuxhero replied to funcroc's topic in Obsidian General
THQ has the license for some Disney/Pixar work (though Disney Interactive Studios has the rest) as well as Nickelodeon works. -
Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment!
deuxhero replied to PoetAndMadman's topic in Obsidian General
Will Cain be doing any work on the "major animation franchise" game? -
Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment!
deuxhero replied to PoetAndMadman's topic in Obsidian General
Whee! Arcanum 2 would be awesome, though that would *shudder* require working with Kotick's people. Hmm, wonder what they will do. Perhaps Bethesda agreed to let them do Fallout 4? -
Obsidian is working on project for leading animation franchise
deuxhero replied to funcroc's topic in Obsidian General
PC doesn't need an artist to know how to throttle their work for 6 year old machines. -
I personally, would prefer a game outside the (former) US. If it had to be the US, Miami. It gets a decent part on American TV, so it should be known to international audiences.
Obsidian is working on project for leading animation franchise
deuxhero replied to funcroc's topic in Obsidian General
^^ But it's not really a franchise and it's part of a films franchise.