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Everything posted by SadExchange

  1. I'm not too far off, but I also believe it deals with the games you choose to play. Like for me, I did complete the story of Assassin's Creed: Origins, but I play a lot of Terraria/Stardew Valley which soak up a bunch of hours but I never "finish." I did complete Oxenfree, but only one time so far and it's really only 4 hours. I have these grand visions of completing more games, but then I'm in a loop of really enjoying a game that really doesn't have a finish, so that backtracks me a bit, or just stagnates me. And from there, I tend to feel somewhat bad when I see others completing games left and right, but I try to remember that I'm progressing through these unending games overall......
  2. Mario is great obviously but Steamworld Dig 2 is a gem and if you’re looking for another gem on the switch, I’d recommend Steamworld Heist. I’ve put about 8 hours in and have really enjoyed it so far. Perfect game where you can pick up and play from 5 minutes to an hour each time.
  3. Does anyone know though how the load times are? Last I heard they were pretty bad which Torment suffered from as well.
  4. From what I understand, it's a good port with the exception of load times. I think I heard the controls actually translated quite well, however the load times were quite long. I'm not sure if that was patched or not.
  5. Just want to come back and say WoW to Image & Form Games. After playing through Steamworld Dig 2 on the switch and loving it and now putting in a few hours into Steamworld Heist, I have to say whatever they come out with next, they have my money. Their characters have charm, even without actual voices, the worlds express creativity and the load times on the switch, unmatched from any developer. It's crazy how I can bring my Switch out of sleep and have a game loaded in less than 10 seconds, not even mentioning that the load times within the game are either non-existent or less than 1 second. Anyway, enough gushing, but after reading Keyrock talk about Steamworld Heist so much expressing his joy with it, I'm very happy and excited to continue playing this gem. Yup, that's a guy pressing a barbell as he guns down enemies lol
  6. Played through Oxenfree on Switch (first time playing through the game) and really enjoyed it. Great voice acting and dialogue and due to choices made, excited to go through it again sometime. Also, playing with a friend in Ghost Recon Wildlands and really loving it. It was fun in single player, but the dynamics definitely change in Co-op with a real life person. Also, playing through some Hammerwatch, Unepic, and Enter the Gungeon on the switch. Awaiting the release of Steamworld Heists today on the switch. Have put off playing it till now. Eyeing my copy of Hollow Knight on the pc that's been there for months now, but also awaiting the release on the switch..... Honestly, I think that was the hardest part of the making top 10, 25, 100 of the games or game of the year because I know there are superb games that I haven't even tried like Hollow Knights or Neir Automata and I only say they're superb from hearing about them everywhere. I will reserve my actual opinion till I play them, but luckily, a lot of my opinions resonate with a lot of you here which is nice and great when talking about games.
  7. It's called Dead Cells, still in Early Access. I've put a couple hours in, but am kind of waiting for release to fully delve into it. I't s a roguelite I believe, kind of akin to Rogue Legacy would be the best analogy. Good mechanics and solid gameplay.
  8. I’ll be turning in my list later today as Work has kept me busy and I’ve been trying to figure out how I’m going to do the point system
  9. Great choice. Works perfect on the switch.
  10. Well, I just recently finished the story part of Assassin's Creed Origins after approximately 30 hours, per Uplay. I know the AC franchise takes a lot of flack, but I really liked this installment. It's been a while since I've stuck through an AC game till the end and I know I will be spending even more hours roaming the land of Eqypt completing side quests and doing some of the trials they have from time to time. I believe I ended at level 37, so I still have some levels to go to max out and I definitely have more tombs to raid, but I will say one last thing about this game...It's beautiful and detailed to the point that it astounds me the hours of development time taken into just creating this game's world. It's HUGE and very fun to explore. Also, just completed my first run through of Nine Parchments on the switch and will say it was a fun ride. Definitely has the spirit of FrozenByte in it for sure and the gameplay is quite solid. Not the deepest game, but overall fun level was quite high and quite a bit of unlocks to be found and collected. I will say it makes me think of a true ARPG on this system and I have to say, if any part of the rumor of Titan Quest coming to the switch is true, I may need to convince my wife that I don't need to work lol. Other than that, roaming the land of Skyrim on the switch. I will say, from hearing Keyrock talk about it so much, I'm excited for Steamworld Heist on the switch before the end of the year. Steamworld Dig 2 was phenomenal on the switch so I'm hoping this is a good port as well. Really can't wait for Terraria or Hollow Knight (which I've been putting off playing on my pc) to come to the switch in the early part of 2018 and what's this I hear? Wasteland 2 is being ported over as well. There's no reason to get out of bed anymore:) Man, there needs to be more hours in the day and a coffee pot that holds more coffee.
  11. And due to the good mentions going on and on about Elex on this board, I've bowed to peer pressure and got myself into another open world game..... I will say that I've really been enjoying the exploration this game has to offer. Definitely been enjoying the idea of games that don't hold your hand, have to talk to play with npcs to actually see if they have quests instead of question marks across the screen. More than confused when it comes to my inventory. Should I be carrying around all these mugs or just selling a lot of stuff in my inventory? I'm coming to grips with attributes and their reasoning, traits and going through with those. A LOT of depth to this game for sure, but again, a great game for exploration.
  12. Wow. THQ Nordic is good peoples. That’s the same thing I was thinking and the next thought was where am I gonna find time to play through it. Lol
  13. haha I would also stretch the PS4 Pro's legs out with Horizon: Zero Dawn. Even on my launch PS4, that game looks and plays superb.
  14. In the past week or so I've put quite a bit of time into Grim Dawn and its expansion which has been superb. Honestly, those looking for a fun ARPG with hours of solid content and gameplay, give this game a look. Also, picked up Super Mario Odyssey for the switch and am enamored with the game. Think I have around 12-15 hours and have collected about 300 moons and honestly just love picking it up for 15 minutes here, or even an hour there because it's just fun. Is it mindblowing? No, but I don't know quite how to explain it, it's just like Nintendo knows how to make the gamer feel nostalgic/creative/and also like they're having a great time pretty much 99% of the time while playing. Also picked up Rocket League for the switch today which has been good fun and yeah, I'm one of the people picking up Skyrim for the switch on Friday. Yeah, I've bought it numerous times, but I'm mostly looking forward to it on the go. I would say I play the switch in handheld mode about 90% of the time because that's what it is for me. Something on the couch, away from my house, etc. I would like all the "youtube influencers" or whatever they call themselves constantly saying how the switch is screwed or doomed to fail because it can't run DOOM 2016 at the same rate as a PS4, or how graphics are muddied, resolution is small, etc. We get it, it's not a handheld PS4, but lets stop expecting that. I could care less if the AAA games of this generation were constantly ported over. Give me the last generation of great games on the go, give me the superb indie games, like Stardew Valley which has been awesome, or Golf Story, which is also great fun or Hollow Knight, coming sometime in the future. Sorry, rant over. I know everyone doesn't feel the same, but I'm getting tired of this whole "I expect everything to be/run perfect for me" stuff that's been going on.
  15. "Yo dawg, we heard you like paying so we put a F2P model in your $60 game so you can pay while you pay..." This is why I can see people being mad. It’s the idea of components of free to play games slipping into $60 Games. Either you pay $60 for the game or yeah, spend 40 hours to unlock that character like you would in a free to play game. I think that’s the problem.
  16. Probably about 8 hours in so far. Just roaming around taking in the sites. Love their photo mode in game though. Look forward to taking more screenshots as I go.
  17. Right now, about 15-20 hours into a playthrough of Stardew Valley on the switch which is the perfect platform for this game. I think I'm about 1 week into Fall and just having fun. Nice game to chill for a "day or two" at a time at night. Like the switches that seasons bring and the new crops. Playing Grim Dawn with the expansion and just love this game. Enjoyed my time with Diablo 3 enough, also with Path of Exile, but Grim Dawn is my jam when it comes to ARPGs. Waiting on Assassin's Creed: Origins (PC) Really hoping this game is everything, or mostly everything it's cracked up to be. Really enjoyed Black Flag and hoping the extra year of development helped the team to create a good game. Also, love the time period and location. Also waiting on Super Mario Odyssey. For this game and AC:O, I've tried to keep away from any gameplay or info about the games, wanting to go in blind and very excited for these titles. Constantly looking at Elex, but gonna wait till later in the year or after the holidays hoping to hear about any possible patches. Would like to pick it up on the PS4 for something to play on that system, but want to see how patching goes. If not the best, then I'll pick it up for the PC in hopes of a community patch as there appears to be some things either not working or improperly described in the UI, like attribute points and what they actually attribute to.
  18. These screens of Elex are looking really good. Love seeing the different atmospheres. And I believe someone said in another thread about playing another and not having a jet pack might be trouble and I can totally understand that statement.
  19. I’m looking at it more and more because of this forum....but trying to convince myself of my lack of time lol
  20. What about bugs, controls and animations? Those are the worry points for me. I have only played for 3 hours. Haven't experienced any bugs. Animations are PB style all over. Controls work well enough. Exploration is good. The jetpack is a cool addition. It's actually useful when exploring. I've been to some places that I am not supposed to, that meant death. You can expect to die a lot if you explore the wrong place at the wrong time. I've been murdered by a human, some abominations, some other abominations, raptors and something more that I can't remember. ELEX is a better game than Risen 2 already. (I have R3 on Steam unplayed.) Combat will take some time to get used to, but then again, I hated the combat in Risen 1 for the first 4-5 hours, and I really ended up enjoying that. I bought this for £22 and so far, it has been worth every penny, to be honest. There are factions and all that, but I don't know how much C&C there is in the game. What maters is that I am actually having fun and prefer this over Risen 2 by a large margin and I didn't even hate that. Also, are you playing on the PC or PS4? Sorry if you mentioned it already.
  21. Man, what an amazing month for indies. First SteamWorld Dig 2, then Cuphead, and now Battle Chasers: Nightwar (I'll be picking that up soon) comes out. No day 1 DLC bull****, no ludicrously priced season pass (**** season passes in general), no greedy as **** microtransactions, just really great games at a fair price. No wonder indies have gotten 90+% of my money over the last few years. Indies just keep getting better and better, while the big publisher games (for the most part) just keep getting greedier and greedier. I agree, I've been playing mostly indies on the switch so far and feel that Nintendo, throughout the rest of the year have almost weekly solid releases or release weeks which have 2-3 great games. This week alone is Golf Story, Axiom Verge, Stardew Valley, Oxenfree, etc, and with titles on the way like Hollow Knight, Rocket League, Battlechasers, Terraria, plus a bunch of other indies and that's not even counting the bigger games like Mario, Skyrim, and Doom. I realize a lot of these are not "new" games but having these indies on a portable machine that boots up a game in seconds from sleep mode is just superb. But I said when I bought the system, just give me these great indie games on a portable machine and I'll keep supporting these great devs!
  22. Might I ask what level you were when you finished the game?
  23. And once you get 100% completion, I believe you unlock an extra challenge area.
  24. . Same boat as you sir.
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