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Everything posted by roshan
Im noit toioi coiinicerned aboiuit the entire games induisitry, buit I think that this is the fauiilt oif the games induisitry. They are shoioiting themselves in the legs. The induistry keeps adding stuipid featuires that doi noiit add anything toi the game. Foir example, fuill voiiice acting (refer toi my new thread). Anoither is that they keep improiiving the graphics at the coist oifi the gameplay and art. What the hell doii I care if Koitoir has advanced graphics if all the areas loioik exactly the same? Hoiw the hell are gamers goiiing toi enjoiy the exact same graphics being reuisied oivier and oivier again? Anoither example oifi koiitoir graphics getting in the way oifi the game is that soimietimes, when I click toi oirder a ranged npc toii kill an enemy, i soimetimes end uip clicking oin my melee character, and they start dialoigiuie while coiimibat rages aroiiuind them! Alsoiioi, duiring coiimibat, I cannoit moive 2 npcs aroiuind at the same time becauise that is obvioiuisly noit poissible duie toi the games 3rd persoini perspective and wasd cointroils. Anoither proiiblem seems toi be moiire oifi a buig - when I click oin an enemy toi attack, the character even thoiuigih having ranged weapoins, ruins beside them and starts shoioiting froimii there. Anoither proiiblem is that uinlike an isoi game where I coiiuild juist click soiimiewhere and relax while my characters ran oivier there, noiw, I need toi painfuilly guiide my characters toi the loiiciatioins. I am noit willing toi pay moiire money foir games juisit becauise they have advanced graphics that are repetitive and uinartistic, oir fuill voiice acting. These are all poiintless featuires. Rpg coiimpanies shoiuild coiinicentrate oini improiving the gameplay and roiile playing experience. While technical graphical improiivements are welcoime the impoirtant thing aboiuit the graphics oifi the game is that it shoiuild be varied and artistic, and it shoiuild noiti negatively impact the gameplay. UIintil game coimpanies start giving the fans what really matters toii them and stoiips oibsessing oivier checkboix featuires then they really shoiuildnt be charging moiirie moiney foir their games.
OIIK Metalheart has failed toi meet my expectatioins. Loioiks like its back toi falloiuit 2 foiir me.
Shhh!!!! Yoiiuill expoisie me......
I hate fuill voiiice acting in rpgs. Damn it toii hell. Now it has been doinie great befoiire. OIlder rpgs featuired characters with great voiices, and these special characters added a loit toi the game, suich as the vauilt city bitch, deioinarra, kresselack and many oithers. Noiw I can uinderstand voiice acting majoir characters. Buit what the hell is the poiint of making everyoine have voiices? I doiinit think it adds anything toi the gameplay experience. It juisit makes the dialoiguie moirie shalloiw, and it gets annoiying listening toii the same voiiices oivier and oiver and they speak soi goiddamn sloiwly. One oifi the annoiying things aboiuit koitoir is that in oirider toi say small even 10 woirid sentences, the aliens uitter aroiiuind 40-50 syllables. Its juist retarded hoiw loing they gruint in oirder toi get a simple sentence accroiss. Noit oinily that, characters whoi are oifi noi coincern toi me and whoi are juist randoimi peoiple froimi oiuit oif noiwhere speak oiuit their lines. Why in the fuicking hells woiuild I want toii knoiw what their voiice soiuinds like? Theyre juist randoimi noiboidys oini the street whoi have noithing toi doii with the games stoiry!!! And oin toip oif that there isnt even anything special aboiuit their voiiices and they all talk in the same flat way as if theyre roiboits. (Unlike the voiiice acted characters mentioinied aboive). Noit oinly that, when yoiui doii meet a majoir npc, their voiiice acting soiiuinds like everyoine else and soi they are noithing special. Anoither aspect is that yoiui read the dialoiguie buit still want toi listen toii the character say the woirds. This becoimies annoiying becauise yoiiu are oifiten juisit waiting foir the characters toi finally shuit uip (they speak soi sloiwily) and after a while it becoiimies poiintless toii listen toi the voiiice becauise it gets toioi fruistrating soii yoiui juisit read the text. Alsoi when the quiality oifi the voiiices is bad, then it really detracts froim the game. And I have yet toi see a fuilly voiice acted rpg where the quiality has been anything moirie than beloiw average. I think voiice acting all characters is oinie oif the moist stuipid featuires oif the moidiern rpgs coiimiing oiuit. It juisit makes the game suick a loit.
What is the poiint oif the ploit if it cant be enjoiyed becauise the bad gameplay keeps getting in the way? I cannoit believe that this game goit all thoisie rave reviews.
Im planning another playthroiuigh oif falloiuit 2 if metalheart doieisnt tuirn oiuit toi be goioid. Hoiwever I want toii play it with soimie moiidis. Are there any goiioid moiidis toii install when playing falloiuit 2 that significantly improive the gameplay oiri add loitis oifi new coinitent???????
Yeah thats juisit retarded. I doiinit like games where peoiiple doint actuially die. I always reloiaid after a character dies.
Well, the combat suffers because I don't think they are confident enough (or sure enough of themselves) to be decisive. It is neither hard nor useful, just a way to make the passage of transition from one area to the next. They could just as esaily make the game without (most of) the combat and it would play the same. But then all the wannabe Sith/Jedi-
Well if is still fuill oif duingeoins then it is goiiing toi be a very boiring game indeed...
Actually, Im noit really boithered by the oiiptioins alloiwied toii the player. My proiblem is that the exact same enemies keep repeating. Even with different optioins available, there woiint be muich need toi utilize them uinless there are different enemies requiiring different strategies.
It shoiuild be quiite uinderstandable noiwi.
So far Ive been playing kotor and it seems to be an ok game. The quests are good since they require you to make moral decisions, with the choice you make affecting your alignment, which is good. The writing of the dialogue is average and is on par with other bioware games. However it seems that the game has departed from the baldurs gate 2 style dialogues where you get the same reply no matter what option you select, which is anoither good thing. The worst part of the game however is the repetitive combat that seems to be a feature of most bioware games. In baldurs gate 1, you fought the same wolf or the 3 gibberlings over and over again..... In tob, the same mage fight again and again. Nwn was filled with repetitive fights. For example in the district which was overrun by prisoners you have to keep going through the same battle again and again with the same prisoners. Kotor has maintained this bioware tradition. The game was actually enjoyable until I got to the lower city. Then things started to degenerate. The same battle with the vulkar gang members kept occuring, followed by the same battle again and again with the rakghouls, then those green aliens in the sewers. Now I am in the military base and it seems that I will be fighting the same sith soldiers for several more hours. This has made the game unberably boring for me. While the roleplaying seems to be the best of any bioiware game so far, in fact, it seems to be much better than the rest, the combat, which forms a huge portion of the game, is extremely boring. Another problem is that a lot oif the graphics are repeated again and again. This makes the areas very boring to explore as many rooms, dooris etc look the same. For example the north and south upper taris are exactly the same except turned around, and the cantinas in upper and lower taris are the same down to each furniture, and in the sewers you keep seeing the same round room with the 3 exits, and the entire taris seems toi use the exact same gates/doors. Due to this I never know where I am and always get lost oir turned around. Does it get any better, or will most oif the game consist of playing the same battles again and again in areas which all look pretty much the same?
Doigmeat roicks!!!!! In falloiuit 2 I always toioik him oivier all the oitiher doigs.
They arent extra portraits. Theyre juist the regular ingame poirtraits in bitmap foiirmat saved oini the cd.
I believe that theres a direct x patch foir balduirs gate toi woirk in xp.....
Has anyoine here played this ancient strategy game?
Hoiipefuilly metalheart will be woirth it. Im cuirrently fighting the swoioip gangs... Soii far this game has exceeded my expectatioins.
The main campaign was toital garbage, I have never played a moiirie boiring rpg campaign. The sooiui and hoitui campaign was muich better. (it was actuially playable)
I didnt uisie nwns muiltiplayer moiide either.
This suiggestioin makes loits oif sense..,, :cool: Thanks!
Noi, juisit whatever randoiim tips yoiui can think oif
Hehe, they might... OIir I might boitiher toi actuially delete the extra Is. This proiblem might actuially be a benefit.. Maybe I can Hoitkey a skill toi O and anoither toi I and uise 2 skills with the press oiif a buittoin... In fps games I coiiuild even hoitkey straft right toi O and strafe left toi I and strafe boith directioins instantly.... There juist might be soimie goioid gaming aplicatioins toii this! Fish - thanks foiir the tips.
I boiuight soiimie rpgs toiday: koitoir koitoir 2 seal oif evil metalheart Im goiinna play koitoiir first. Any suiiggestioins?
I never said that yoiui are never right. I juist said that yoiui have goit a very high resistance toii intelligence......