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Everything posted by roshan

  1. Since Bhutto was discussed in this forum, I thought some would be interested in the following facts: www.rediff.com/news/2007/dec/31gautier.htm
  2. I was wondering, what are the best NWN2 modules out there? I suppose enough time has passed for some long quality modules to be released. In particular, I am looking modules that feature either challenging combat or lots of roleplaying, and at least 15 hours of gameplay (I dont like anything short). Thanks.
  3. I just downloaded it. Its good as well. But I prefer the simplicity of the original song. Any others?
  4. Hellmarch has got to be one of the most famous video game tunes out there. Any other good video game themes with a metal sound to them?
  5. Turmion Katilot - MTV DNA
  6. Strapping Young Lad - The New Black
  7. System of a Down - Toxicity
  8. nice! lol nsbm But yeah, Drudkh is up there with Empyrium and SSOGE. Monty Python - All things Dull and Ugly SSOGE?
  9. Correction: Damn nice! Now I am listening to: Burzum - A lost forgotten sad spirit.
  10. Drudkh - Glare of Autumn PS. I think that for the next version of this thread, it should be compulsory to include a short review (how hard could it be to write one sentence?) of why its good or worth listening to. Otherwise the songs posted have no meaning or relevance to anyone reading through the thread, and the thread is just spam.
  11. I watched Battlestar Galactica Razor. It was boring.
  12. Lots of posts seem to deal with belief in reincarnation. Note that criticizing or commenting on belief in reincarnation is not the same as criticizing or commenting on the actual concept of reincarnation.
  13. Not really necessary - Buddhism accepts reincarnation, while explicitly rejecting the soul. Thats an interesting question. I have heard lots of Westerners critiquing reincarnation on the basis of it just being a result of people wanting to live beyond death just like the concept of heaven, few seem to realize that when the soul reincarnates, it is a completely different individual. Karma is normally conceptualized as being a natural law. Some theists accept the idea of intercession on the devotees behalf. However, in the end, salvation/liberation/enlightenment depends entirely on ones own efforts at achieving such a state. Well, reincarnation is in fact percieved as being a trap. Whether getting out of this trap leads one to heaven, to becoming a part of god, or to oblivion depends on the sect.
  14. A better rephrasal of the topic would be, "what do you think of reincarnation, and why?". All of the above! But primarily looking for criticism of the concept from rationalist grounds, but criticism from a religious or ethical perspective is acceptable as well.
  15. What do you think of reincarnation?
  16. That is very fiercely disputed. "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great." Qur'an 4:34 Sounds like perfect equality to me.
  17. Not true. The Quran allows a man to beat his wife.
  18. Why would you want the official patch? Get one of the fan patches. I believe that Killaps patch from NMA is the most comprehensive one.
  19. The last episode was crap. Hated the idiotic ending.
  20. I think youre wrong here. Grobnar gets lost thinking of a song to keep the roof up as it collapses down on him.
  21. Gamebanshee has reviewed the Witcher: http://gamebanshee.com/reviews/software/thewitcher1.php It scored a 9.
  22. Having read the thread on Witcher in the Codex, it seems that the opinion on the game generally ranges from very good to top RPG material. ? The thread on the Codex seems to say that the game has hardly any bugs and rarely crashes. The load times seem to be the only performance issue. Not too sure about that. Apparently, the game has lots of choices and consequences and combat actually requires a lot of advanced preparation - including purchasing books to learn about monsters, potions and harvestable materials (you cant make potions or acquire ingredients without first learning about them either through books or dialogue). Combat apparently is tactical and hard enough that Codexers like it, despite it involving player skill. Ive read lots of comments on the Codex about the Witcher being real time combat done right. The game sounds really interesting so far, I will probably order a copy as soon as Ive handed in my dissertation this Monday.
  23. Its a bug. Restart NWN2, or try to enter the black door with WSAD to get in.
  24. Thanks, sounds like good advice.
  25. The card is supposedly supported by NWN2. Ive tried all the texture settings, but to no avail... I cant turn on any shadows, either with NWN2 or MOTB, which is odd, as before I reformatted my laptop, I was able to turn on character shadows, but not environmental ones in NWN2. I just reinstalled the whole thing to see if it was an error during installation. This time, I installed MOTB over version 1.0 of NWN2 instead of upgrading to 1.10 first. NWN2 without MOTB looked fine, but once I installed MOTB, the problem with the pixellation started.
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