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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I did like all of the dialogue nodes however I think there should maybe have been an outright aggressive one, something akin to the terrifying presence perk of New Vegas. However I assume the passionate thread can blossom into such.
  2. When it has been clearly stated that ones words can and will be used against them then the accused is assumed to have due warning agaisnt self incrimination, however sometimes the police can worm around the edges of this through seeming everyday conversation and such. This is where potential entrapment can be argued, which is actually helped if the accused is of lesser intelligence (as most criminals are,) but if one is arrested the golden rules is always say nothing until one has legal representation.
  3. It is fun, I don't take it personally I can't speak for other promancers but I know for a fact you guys have offended people before. Do you know I had 2 people contacting me and saying that weren't coming back to this forum because of the anti-romance propaganda, aggression and dismissiveness of there Romance ideas Well I think that...deserves a round of applause, good work chaps. Little by little we can scourge the debased promancers from our ranks, and send them back to the perverted den of sickness that is the BSN, so long as we remain firm of constitution and purpose. Remember only you can halt the spread of this sickness!
  4. She does have a coherent character arc for me, to open the Exile's eyes to what a crutch the force has become for its users, that its most potent weilders such as Mr Nihilus are in fact pathetic addicts whom have lost any sense of self, and that the Exile is a better man for having suffered his tribulations. The only thing that is not coherent to me is that we cannot join her in wounding the force unto death, but obviously Lucasarts would not allow such a conclusion to any of their games.
  5. Saw a film advertised on the side of a bus this morning called "Begin Again." Two minutes later realised I was humming the song of the same name sung by Vera Keyes in the Dead Money dlc for New Vegas, just when I thought i'd left the desolate depths of the Mojave, the bright lights of the Strip pull me back in. The hard thing is most certainly letting go. Think i'll try my hand at melee this time, i've heard some of the Gunrunner's stock is rather effective.
  6. The pause button on that video must be near wearing out by now. Very interesting and informative, a mix of TOEE and IWD with a little sprinkling of Dungeon Siege 3 if i'm not mistaken, impressive on the whole. However one minor niggle, did anyone else think that the bodies of the characters were a little too angular? It would be nice to see some swelling around the rib and pectoral area, nothing too dramatic just a little curve out to break the straight up and down box like impression it was giving.
  7. Well Bioware isn't always bad. The Sky romance of Jade Empire is good IMO. Not bad, but neither is it as inspired as Obsidian, let's take Jaheira whose romance is probably the best implemented in Bioware history: When one compares her to Kreia, Ravel, Deionarra and many others, the obvious difference in quality really becomes apparent. Jaheira is not bad, Sky and the other woman whose name I cannot remember are alright, but they are pale, indistinct shadows next to the potent, thematically integrated and most of all interesting women of Obsidian's games. Edit: Swapping these great characters for moronic caricatures is simply a clear degeneration, one I personally would not want.
  8. If the current promancer argument is that you want Obsidian to introduce incompetent, unmotivated, idiot slave caricatures (like Bioware's Isabella) who are poorly designed and written, then I have to say that I am totally opposed to the inclusion of romance on those terms. Obsidian writes fantastic multifaceted, interesting and strong female characters, whom have logical reasons for pursuing their goals and joining the protagonist in his endeavours, I wouldn't want to strip all that so the lowest common denominator can thrill over the pixelated breasts of a half dressed simpleton. Personally I would choose better examples and content, and rather than Bioware i'd use the obviously more nuanced and pertinent examples of Obsidian itself.
  9. Mirror Mask Vanity some say is a sin, in Eora for those whom stare too long into certain mirrors it is far worse. None know whence these silver steel mirrors originate, but they are highly valued for their strength, rarity, and unique decoration. Forged entirely of a light and highly reflective steel whose secret remains unlocked to this day, these full length dress mirrors feature unique decorations: Webs of startling angled complexity decorate the frame, and unknown sigils decorate almost every inch of them, in what might almost be a language. Within these webs one can often see a masked face peering forth, with eyes behind the eyeholes which seem too spectacular and faceted. The viewer whom stares too long into the central mirror itself will be fascinated, his mind caught up in admiring his own reflection, and time will pass quickly as he stares and dreams away the day. Over time he will stop to admire himself more and more, becoming ever more vain and distracted, and his mind will deteriorate. And the masked faces hidden in the webs shall smile all the merrier. Soon the viewer will know no peace whether he admires his reflection or not, dreams will overtake him, and he will hear chittering laughter, the skitter of too many feet on polished stone, and experience a scene wherein masked and robed figure sway and slide in a stygian gloom. Their angular limbs moving in an inhuman and too precise manner, such that it sends shivers up his spine. And always there will be one who sits alone above them and watches him, upon a many legged throne, reclining into a web of silver steel, a mask upon his face and eyes too bright and knowing. And the viewer will know a terror of this individual. The owner shall sicken and die, wasting away, and often times he shall black out. When he awakens from such episodes he will be told of strange acts he commanded in his minds absence, of a different commanding manner and eyes that were too bright and terrible to hold for long. The viewer shall think himself mad then, but it matters little for he will soon be gone, and that new commanding presence shall endure. There will be only one sacrosanct rule, that the masters chambers remain undisturbed, and all the servants and family members will feel an instinctual urge to obey it. He shall die alone, his last thoughts of the figure on the throne unmasking to reveal his own screaming face. The next day he will return, recovered and of much firmer mind and manner, a true master of his manse. But there will be a slight etherealness to his presence, and no doors will he open or mirrors allow in the house anymore. In truth this is just a shade, a mask for an ancient and mighty alien soul, that chitters in amusement, and beholds the world through terrible bright multifaceted eyes. It exists but it has no substance, other than what it places into the minds of those it interacts with. No shadow or reflection will the Mirror Mask cast, so by necessity it will remain in the shade and avoid any article of vanity. It will manipulate its staff to commit strange acts, give unusual directions, undertake complex assignments and represent its business interests. If there is a goal to these acts they are so complex as to escape all but the most labyrinthine of minds, for they seem random and nonsensical, and many will think that the master has gone insane as he retires in his secluded abode. And then one day he shall disappear. They will find him rotten away in his bed, far too decomposed, and suspect foul play, perhaps blaming an Animancer or a Fampyr. But always there will be numerous copies of the deceaseds will at hand, and parties who arrive to carry out these last acts of the departed. And somewhere a distant relative or old friend will be delighted and surprised when he recieves a beautiful and rare piece of strange art that doubles as an exquisite dress mirror.
  10. I wonder whether we have to spend all of our attribute points? I sometimes like to really highlight a characters differences and weaknesses, or simply make him worse than his comrades in general.
  11. I'm surprised the gentlemans carer let's him use the computer.
  12. Already setting things in motion, talked with the father in law and he's amenable to a visit before Christmas, so i'm going to pack off the wife and kids when Poe releases. I've got a week of holidays to claim, a hotel to book for the family and a viable reason to bail out at the last minute. I'm thinking Flu or work emergency, both of which I can somewhat simulate. When the game arrives I shall make sure all of my chores are discharged, clean, walk and feed Canthus, exercise etcetera and then alight to my study. At this point I shall don a frilly shirt, partake of heroic amounts of laudanum and sherry (or maybe a fine Courvoisier,) set the soundtrack to play, dive into the manual and maybe enjoy a brief nap full of light and imaginings. After a hearty repaste to fortify my flagging ardour I shall set about creating a hero child fit to scale the heights of the inconceivable, and let time and tide pull me as they will. In the evening I shall read some Poe by the fire and cogitate.
  13. The last time I found Orc's well implemented in a gameworld was probably Arcanum, i'd be for such implementation in Poe but not the WOW sort or other varieties.
  14. Ah good that's one plot point worked out, much obliged Raithe.
  15. A quick question for any W40k loremasters amongst us, i've been coaxed out of retirement by a few old friends whom wanted a Rogue Trader game, but the scenario i'm building up relies on Eldar mindgames which i'm not familiar with (at least in the modern game.) Can the Soulstone of a powerful Eldar Farseer somewhat influence and perhaps even possess the living mind of a Mon-keigh? The campaign will use my own custom ruleset and be set on a once devastated but recovered moon, which the Rogue Traders have set up as a home base and a source of wealth and manpower, but beneath the surface ancient beautiful ruins house armies of slumbering Eldar Wraiths. The game will begin with the ruins discovery and a small adventure inside, with the promise of great wealth strewn around, and build from thereon. However some measure of mind control by the long dead Eldar seems very necessary, as the secret of the colonies discovery mandates that contacting the Eldar for rescue is one of the endgame goals, thus no Eldar presence at the beginning.
  16. It might be interesting to venture into an Opium Den (Svef Den?) establishment, something breaking from the normal tropes we all know, it might also be a place of refuge for a character whose addiction gets somewhat out of hand. Presumably all of the clientele would wish to remain unknown, perhaps necessitating masks and hoods, and thus making such a place ideal for clandestine meetings. Or interrupting such. It might be quite a nice unique encounter as well fighting or talking amidst the heady, dream inducing fumes of the Svef. Perhaps a prominent and upright member of the aristocracy can be bribed, if evidence is attained as to his passtimes? A character may even find truth within the hallucinations perhaps?
  17. A mini game as used in New Vegas' Caravan or the first Witcher's Dice Pker, but played out in one of the Interactive tableau's Poe is using? A Chanter telling Saga's or boasting of his deeds, perhaps with cunning kennings thrown in to his delivery? A chance to play a mini-game of choosing the appropriate lines catered to the audience or a character perhaps, with many different rewards from coin to the patronage of a potentate? Feats of strength or agility, lifting and carrying great stones like the Husafell of Iceland, or tumbling tricks such as backflips, footraces, walking on ones hands and the like? Wrestling if grappling rules are included in the game, or a Pankration like alternative if fisticuff's is the preferred method of unarmed combat, maybe a demonstration between two Monks? The sale of treats and delicacies peculiar to the local palette? Like the fruits one can buy in Sigil's market or the drinks they can consume in the Smouldering Corpse? A skilled Animancer or charlatan offering glimpses into ones past lives, and offering cures for what ails the Soul? A Wizard or Alchemist amazing with displays of fire and smoke, light and shadow etcetera? If these events were delivered within the illustrated interactive tableau's that Poe uses one can easily imagine the background scenes drawn, two opponents leaning over a game table deep in thought on their next move, the Chanter declaiming in the midst of a crowd, a competitor staggering onward under a great weight or breaking the finish line with a cheering crowd all around, something like King of Dragon Pass' evocative illustrations but reflecting Poe's aesthetic. Edit: Perhaps an Animancer, noble or tribal Chieftain might have an auditorium (animatorium?) of Soulstones similar to the sensory stones of Torment, where one can glimpse lives and situations from across Eora, a chance to gain experience, research a long dead subject, or just enjoy the unique charm of the setting?
  18. Not if they are not attracted to you, I suppose you can force yourself upon them Bruce if that's your thing, but certainly i'd not pursue or want such options. Hopefully we will not be involved in a childish save the entire world quest, ala Bioware, as Obsidian are usually much better than that. Personally i'd be more apt in such a situation to focus on my objectives and making sure I stay alive and succeed, or to shrug off this destiny that mandates I alone can save the world, and if in need of stress relief simply peruse a quality knocking shop.
  19. I don't think anyone has ever said or suggested that every single party member will be romantically attracted to the main character. All I'm saying is that adversity can bring people closer and its not unrealistic to suggest this won't necessarily lead to a natural Romance Are you sure that there is no healing magic in the PoE world, if so then yes one would have to be cautious around inordinate sexual behaviour And it's also perfectly natural to not be attracted to somebody whom you are travelling with. Re-read what I said Bruce, very little is the exact wording, healthcare is extremely limited and there is very little heal healing magic from what Mr Sawyer says. I very much doubt that such afflictions as Syphillis can be detected at all, even after death.
  20. The characters might well not be attracted to the protagonist however, or they might just see him as a friend or simply an employer. It's totally unrealistic to believe that everybody will automatically be attracted to the protagonist, or that they have an emotional connection, they may risk their life and travel together but be professional and reserved in their attitude. This automatic attraction is a sign of the distasteful pandering and blatant ego stroking that needs to be eradicated from rpgs, especially if npc's are to have some dignity and self worth. @Bruce: There is very little magical healing in Poe, so STD's will probably be lethal in the long term, especially stealth killers like syphillis.
  21. It seems natural to me that different species that have evolved apart from mankind for millions of years are quite different physically, not just the small racial variations we see in humanity in our world. Helps differentiate them to me.
  22. I'm personally fine with strumpets, camp followers, bawdy houses and such as a natural part of the world, stress relief for both genders if you will. However I wouldn't define these as romance, just another transaction, perhaps with a resulting infection.
  23. Except for all of the poorly executed romances in other crpg's.
  24. Increased childbirth was also popular because of extremely high infant mortality rates which existed until quite recently in our own world, and no doubt given the world of Poe's healthcare situation still exists.
  25. Didn't Mr Sawyer mention a mildly narcotic substance being smoked by mercenaries in one of his updates, I think it began with an "f." It would be nice to see the various cultural aspects and peculiarities of both Glenfathan and Dyrwoodan civilisations, personally I thought that this was one of the high points of King of Dragon Pass, the Orlanthi were brought to life with a wholly different culture and approach to situations. Refreshing.
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