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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. So you're assuming that restricting trade with Britain and instituting a policy of fear and punishment will keep member states in line, rather than sowing discontent and increasing the distrust of the EU? Well ruling by fear and punishment doesn't seem like a great way to build understanding, trust and empathy to me, you could try building a Death Star however if you wish to go down that route. No this is a silly argument, restricting trade does not help refugees, punishing Britain does not help millions of refugees as you claim, nor does it help member states. The reality is that the fatcats are desperately trying to maintain their free ride, they are the only ones who benefit from this.
  2. Punish a rich country by simply not giving it AS GOOD deals as other countries because it behaves in a way that has never been dealt with in order to help millions of people that have fled from war? I'd say it sounds pretty okay... Someone has to loose, so who should it be? The refugees or the rich country? Nobody gains from punishing Britain. It is not about gain, it is about avoiding futher loss to further countries leaving the EU. Obviously work needs to be done to integrate the refugees. And without Brexit, things would have been a lot simpler. But with it more and more people talk about leaving in more and more countries, so it needs to be shown that leaving is not a good option I am afraid. Life is brutal. Didn't take long to do a complete 360" did it. Before work being done to integrate the refugees first you might ask the native people who politicians are supposed to serve first and foremost whether they want that. Secondly don't sever trade links when you need them. Thirdly one could try and reform the Union into something that member states want rather than throwing a childish wobbly that democracy has been exercised, freedom and independence sought. Life is made brutal by politicians catering to themselves rather than those they are supposed to serve. Edit: Why anyone would want to be in a Union that has to punish countries to make sure others don't leave is a mystery to me, what's next if the politicians in Brussels don't get their way?
  3. Long term, yes they can possibly be a benefit, as it is now they are not and also thwarting trade with Britain helps them in no way whatsoever, only a fool would say it does. More likely however is that no infrastructure will be made to accomodate them, no efforts will be made to integrate them, they will be dropped in working class locations without the consent of the native people, and ghettoes will form around them. This is a reality I have seen and witnessed repeatedly over the last five decades. There is a lot of cheap labour available however. Refugees do not gain from Brussels punishing Britain, Britain does not gain from being punished, none of the European member states benefits from severing trade and being flooded with foreigners, MEPs sit comfortably in Brussels and never have to see a ghetto they have created.
  4. Sorry but thats naive, illogical and unrealistic, refugees are a drain on the EU, trade with Britain is a benefit, the EU by accomodating non citizens and foiling trade with Great Britain is cutting off its own nose to spite its face. It gains nothing for the refugees, it gains nothing for member states, all it does is ensure that the MEPs keep their jobs, keep their noses in the trough, and helps threaten member states thinking of independence and freedom. Edit: Everybody loses except the politician in Brussels, this is not a simplistic lesser evil.
  5. So punish a nation and trade partner that simply wants self determinance for the sake of non European non citizens? Yes that makes perfect sense. It's punishment for rocking the gravy train as I said earlier, and of course a blatant threat by Brussels trying to quench any hints of insurrection.
  6. Hardly unexpected is it? We rocked the gravy train, and now Brussels wishes to punish us for that, and send a clear warning to any other member states wanting independence and freedom. It's a sign of things to come I warrant.You will agree with me that having all of the trade advantages of being a EU member while not being a member of the EU isn't particularly fair towards EU members. You cannot make leaving the EU an attractive choice. Besides, that definition of "freedom" is am interesting one... Nobody seeks to conquer Europe. No I don't agree, Europe benefits from trade with as many partners as possible, this is just childish, petty, despotic and proves we were right to exit this institution. It is not the EUs right to punish anyone for leaving a union that no voter has approved. Freedom is a countries right to self govern, and there are many methods to conquer, not just conventional military ones.
  7. Just a jape referencing GhostofAnakin's Geralt being addicted to gambling via Gwent.
  8. Hardly unexpected is it? We rocked the gravy train, and now Brussels wishes to punish us for that, and send a clear warning to any other member states wanting independence and freedom. It's a sign of things to come I warrant.
  9. Being overdramatic is a legit stylistic tool I use quite often (although historically speaking I'm not even wrong... In the queens lifetime, Britain came from its last decades as an empire to Brexit, I understand that as a quite a loss of political impact). And what do you mean by quoting haywire? I only know a movie of that name, and I've never seen it...Besides, what is it I am denying? But wouldn't you agree with me that the British education system is favouring the children of those who are wealthy enogh to afford private schools? The fall of Empire is just a fact, our role in the world changed, her Majesty remained as head of state and experienced no real change as the Commonwealth remained. The overdramatic silliness is just that. Britain leaving a union it never agreed to join is hardly worthy of note in comparison, the Queen has gone through far more interesting times such as the Hun's bombing of London, Irish terrorism, War etcetera. The quoting functionality of the forum is going haywire, as is its wont. You're denying any correlation between limited university places, and foreigners taking them denying natives that opportunity, this should be simply obvious to anyone with a basic reasoning ability. I am more concerned with the worth of degrees, the financial systems sustainability, our working classes future, and the dominance of the City's financial institutions.
  10. You guys have two separate problems: the fact that your education system is not the best if you don't have the money, and the fact that May just got rid of one of your main products. Two separate problems (although related). Thinking about it, I pity your queen... she had to witness the downfall of Britain. Not a nice thing. Denial, the last resort of poor logic. Condescending and overdramatic as well, I think Barothmuk might be correct and this is one of Bruce's alts, demonstrates the same lack of reasoning and basic comprehension. Edit: Quoting is getting really strange.
  11. Teresa May announced that universities should mainly accept British students, that they should be preferred over internationals. Miss May, with the absence of free trade, education has become Britains primary product (much more than it was before). If you can compete internationally with the EU in one thing effectively, it is education. So why do you want to close that market down? So we have a problem finding university places for those less well off, and this will be solved by having more foreign students take places in our universities? Such flawless logic is part of the reason I voted for opting out of Brussels sticking their nose in our business, as well as the fact that I never voted to let them do so in the first place. Of course i'd have preferred that we go back to the EU that was voted for, an economic free market, but that choice obviously can't be allowed by MEPs who would then lose their stipends. Edit: Quoting going haywire again I see!
  12. The new Witcher 3: Wild Hunt dlc, Intervention.
  13. Two linked examples of the ambitious and convoluted narrative that the Legacy of Kain series provides, still some of my favourite moments in any medium:
  14. Too many to name really: Being eaten by a Grue for the first time, a hint at what games might become. The graphics of Marsport, utterly stunning. Completing the Quest of the Avatar, a monolithic satisfaction. A passer by opening a set of windows in Trinsic, revealing my Avatar rifling through a store owners goods, and then giving me a good telling off for doing so. An open world still not bettered or even matched. Forging the Black Sword. Being mistaken for Deaths Hand by the Khans and walking away with Tandi Scot free. Meeting and talking with Harold the mutant and then discovering how integral his story was to the plot of the game as I played through. Arcanum, the revelation of who the antagonist was at the end of the game, which looking back was clearly signposted throughout if i'd paid more attention. Torian Kel. Torment, the first meeeting with Deionarra, and later her sensory stones revelation. The confrontation with Ravel, and the sad return to the fading branching of her that is Mebbeth. Walking around Kuldahar, in large part thanks to Mr Soule. Almost every moment with Kreia in the Sith Lords. Nolaloth in Neverwinter Nights 2, the Treeman in Mask of the Betrayer. Alpha Protocol, my first meeting with Conrad Marburg in Rome, fraught with tension and revelation. G22 and my first encounter with them in Taipei, managing to sneak a single bug into their network, despite all my others being detected. The magnificent chessmaster ending to Alpha Protocol. Finding where Jayne Kassynder murdered the last of the Tenth Legion in Dungeon Siege 3, and damned herself as well as the divine spark at the heart of the Mournweald. New Vegas, Vault 11. This one area changed my whole conception of the game and its factions, the Legion might be cruel and repressive but the NCR were blindly stumbling down the same path as the pre war world, and that was infinitely worse. Previously I had supported the NCR out of pride in how it had transformed from Shady Sands due to my actions, when I walked out of that vault I decided any way was better than theirs. The Witcher, almost all of this bawdy Chaucerish romp amused me, so nice to see vulgar humour and such a well realised world. The Witcher 2, being pincushioned by Iorveth's Squirrels because I decided to be flippant, any other game would not have the balls to kill the player at that point and implement no punishment or impediment for the player. I laughed with delight at a game actually having a logical consequence rather than as usual over catering to the spoiled player. Oh and of course almost all of the Lords of Midnight, tremendously ambitious and way ahead of its time, RIP Mr Singleton. Etcetera. Edit: I must add that there are too many moments to remember in Thief 1&2 where Garrett is hidden mere inches from an enemy who will no doubt kill him if discovered, only his supernatural Keeper shadowmastery and skills saving his hide. Sometimes I actually hold my breath while playing in such fraught circumstances, silly.
  15. Congratulations Mr Fenstermaker. I have heartily enjoyed a lot of your work in Obsidian games, and of course wish you and your family the best of health and fortune, both now and in all future endeavours. A toast in your honour sir, cheers.
  16. Trying to hold all of those ancient nations together, and meld so many wildly different ethics and cultures into one isn't going to be easy, and personally I can't really see the point. Then again, that's your decision and not an Englishmans business. Thank the Lord Allmighty. P.S. Don't go mad and make us have to put a bit of stick about again.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-PIckHrZ0o
  18. I keep looking at the art style of Tyranny and being put off, some of what's been revealed about the game I like but that DA2 art design is just really repulsive to me. I can understand that the designers wished to have a stylised artistry, and ofttimes that's no bad thing, but what they chose seems so simplistic and one step away. Then today I booted up a game I played awhile ago and found the perfect design for a faux Bronze Age setting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oypl2xVpPBI Edit: Beautiful, recognisable, stylised, distinctive and just a little weird in that familiar Hellenistic manner. Enchanting all told, especially to those of us raised on the classics.
  19. It's quite good for Dwarf, but the Amazon doesn't really need it, her rolling, responsiveness and vanilla armoury is enough on its own. Edit: It's the same disappointing ending for each however.
  20. Now don't be ridiculous! You can't compare the blessed gameplay of Severance with the silly jumping about and what have you that that young woman is doing, that's just weaboo weirdness not combat. Set to an absolutely horrible soundtrack I might add. Edit: Just underlines my point that the peasants should be rounded up, put in a field and bombed.
  21. Cough cough. Personally I think its trying to make a system that covers both: The laggy, imprecise nature of the peasants controller, and the clean, crisp, sharp and righteous mouse and keyboard of the chosen people. The end result just feels floaty and imprecise for the more evolved. I'm currently getting this with Revenant, there ought to be a seperate system for each and never the twain meet or compromise. Edit: Or the peasantry should be culled and their consoles burned of course.
  22. Personally i'm afraid I find no need for such playing aids, I still use the Heroquest, Warhammerquest, Mighty Warriors and Dungeon Floor Plans from the 80's and 90's. If they are not suitable I use the simple expedient of descriptive narrative. It does look like a nice, well made product though, good luck.
  23. I thought it was laggy because of the emphasis on catering to the peasant/controller crowd, rather than using the one true control system of the PC Ubermensch.
  24. Competition to do with the new "Tragic the Garnering" card game I think, Wooz is calling us out. Edit: Or was it Routedirector...Waylander...something navigation based.
  25. He's a different species. Pedantry is a terrible affliction, help me.
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