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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I was spoiled by Severance: Blade of Darkness fifteen years ago or so, now everything seems a little...mediocre. In terms of reflex based combat anyway, JA2 and ToEE spoiled me in terms of tactical combat. Edit: In my current playthrough of Revenant i'm finding the combat system very satisfying, though Baez the Ogrok Champion is hilariously OP, thus I cheat and resort to magic.
  2. Hype is the first stop on the route to disappointment. That said i'm also quite looking forward to Expeditions: Vikings, finally a game dealing with the interesting aspects of Norse society, rather than Skyrims (and most other games) idiotic and cliched pseudo Viking Nords.
  3. Will there be various ending states or slides, like in Fallout, or is this a do or die affair? What assets will be available to gather intelligence on your foe? Snitches, beggars, upstanding citizens doing their civic duty, that one honest bobby etc. I have to admit that I do like the inclusion of scouting out the opposition, makes imminent sense, and is rarely utilised in games.
  4. The voice actor for the protagonist and the gumshoe is rather talented, recently played a young Harrison Ford in the film Age of Adeline apparently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdvgE-SmQuw Edit: His John Malkovich is uncannily accurate.
  5. Well in French it's a common diminutive for "Florence", so it may have been better for me! Yes I think in most languages Florence is shortened similarly, however flow has a different meaning in terms of lunar based afflictions.
  6. BSG gets a little too serious and heavy, thought we'd watch something a little lighter for a change, quite amusing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrHdYfORc_4 Edit: Is it just me or is Mr Bean getting craggier/more northern?
  7. Well they couldn't go with Flo could they?
  8. Vigilantes from Timeslip Software, interesting looking combination of Fallout and Jagged Alliance, set in a Noirish (possibly Streets of Rage-ish?) setting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xgc486sqMHM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vunEy0xeS1w Demo available apparently and it's also on that Steam Greenlight thing, bit slipshod (Alpha-ish) at the moment but I can see the promise and like the premise.
  9. For some reason I just can't stop laughing at this.
  10. Sale on chaps, few interesting titles, i'm getting Cossacks personally.
  11. The days they turn into years, and still no tomorrow appears. I'd probably slap myself, point out that those I thought I could trust implicitly are self serving, selfish and unappreciative, then give a few words of advice on the wisdom of "Carpe Diem." I'd also encourage myself to be less noble and far more self interested. Sad really, i'm in the same boat as the First Incarnation.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgee3IGYZsU I feel old.
  13. I was always put out by the films altered ending, and the thus missed epilogue that posited that the Hillbilly gentleman had a certain amount of reality seperate from his now dead creator. Have to read again.
  14. Secret Garden, Secret Window?
  15. Foghorn Leghorn of Sonambulant Dozing? Mystara, wasn't that the original D&D setting? I'm flummoxed.
  16. 'Fore God Allmighty I hope they have a seperate control for party member taunts, the Roostergirl is trying far too hard, exceptionally irritating.
  17. After learning to respect every shambling skeleton in Dark Souls (the hard way) that looks incredibly... cheesy. Oh no you didn't...
  18. So this PS4 Pro I assume is going to be a beefed up version of the regular PS4 with 60+fps and higher resolution graphics as standard, are there any downsides I can highlight to stem the tide of requests from the offspring?
  19. I've always found sewing to be extremely relaxing, keeping the hands busy while the mind wanders, and gives a sharp reminder if ones mind wanders too much. It's a lot like marital obligations really.
  20. Last episode of Battlestar Galactica's first season. The fleet need Starbuck to deliver a nuclear warhead onto a Basestar with her stolen Cylon ship, while the president wishes her to go back to Caprica with it and fetch the Arrow of Apollo. Instead of undermining one another and fighting over this resource, why not simply do one thing and then the other? The fleet is not in imminent danger and neither the President nor Adama are unreasonable before this point, this seems like a very manufactured and inorganic conflict. Still a good programme in terms of quality, though the universe and the characater building seems far less well plotted and paced than Babylon 5. How the devil Gaius is going to bring a child to term with his imaginary companion i'm not even going to attempt to work out, though it seems that the organic Cylons are built to mimic humanity so much that they simply are a manufactured offshoot of the species, strange that Cylons would wish to ape their despised creators so much.
  21. Thought i'd take a break from Thief Gold with a little action, downloaded Revenant off of GOG, mainly for the excellent combat and beautiful Ronny Moorings/Patrick Collins soundtrack. At first I couldn't start the game, however once i'd removed the Winmm.dll file from the root menu there was no longer any conflict and it's now running smoothly. Edit: Turn off preloading of sectors, otherwise the game will be stopping to load every few minutes.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr7bKYMuerA
  23. Not nearly rare enough, sadly. Granted, roads actually are safe. Generally speaking tho, monsters are still way more common than they should be - they don't resemble an ecosystem in any way, just... Random groups of evil. I didn't read the English version so I wouldn't know, but yes, there was something along the lines said in the books. Now that's a good point, I think it should be. I'm pretty sure that was said in the game itself, somewhere. It's kind of weird that there's far, far more necrophages than there's corpses. I disagree, north of the Pontar the monster placement seems about right. The sorceresses left with the Elves and Nilfgaard triumphed if I recall correctly. I didn't make the last quote, but the numbers seem quite large, I found bodies all over the place. Certainly didn't seem like they were fighting a war with a few men on either side, or anything silly like that. Plus there's the dead bodies rising as Drowners and such. Totally agree, the pointless padding of loot recycling, i've been complaining about this for years but everyone wants to farm inconsequential tat.
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