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Everything posted by Darque

  1. Actually someone on gamefaqs did the numbers on dual weilded sabres, single with that single weapon feat, and using a doublebladed sabre. Single style with dueling is actually pretty good combatively speaking. Two sabres with 4 crystals just "looks" better on paper, but overall things are pretty balanced.
  2. Wouldn't it be cool if a cRPG had backstory elements you could pick and choose from, like on a salad bar B) Pick "where" you grew up, how old when you left, if your parents are alive or dead and if dead what killed them... then weave this into the story based on what you chose.
  3. No idea, I bought the d20 SW book after getting KotOR (which I only got a month ago) so I haven't ever played it... I got it for a reference book (and was quite annoyed that KotOR didn't have better implementation, as the pnp version looks better) Anyone else care to chime in with an answer?
  4. But not everyone likes or wants to play a well rounded character, but wanting to focus on one gaming aspect isn't powergaming in and of itself. Some people enjoy the social aspect of games, and thus make "talkers", some like just the combat and thus make "combatants", some like to do a bit of everything. There's no harm in it.
  5. yeah, I forgot the craptastic management part :ph34r:
  6. Agreed. All it is is scripting, something like this I would love to see in more games.
  7. Exactly, the level.. Not all specialization is powergaming though. It's only "powergaming" if they overly gimp themselves to unrealistic levels. (like dropping int and cha to 3 on a combat character) There is nothing wrong with specialization on it's own though.
  8. Vitality is done more or less the same. Jedi in KotOR got a massive boost, because in the pnp version there is no "force points" (i.e. KotOR manaish system) that power your force powers.... force powers are paid for with vitality.
  9. In d20 Star Wars, a lightsabre does 6d8(or 5d8) in the hands of a level 18-20ish jedi MASTER. Masters of the force are supposed to be powerful. And blasters in that system do 3d6 not 1d8 (basic blaster) as opposed to 2d8 for a light sabre in a novices hands. That's 3-18 as opposed to 2-16 damage. I fail to see how this is a bad thing, when compared to the movies. Jedi Masters are supposed to be powerhouses.
  10. Maybe we're having a symatic problem... or different views of power... I fail to see how you're a "powergamer" for wanting a combat character... because in most games I have played a simple combat character is far from powerful. But then... I rarely make characters so one dimensional, so I may be wrong. But, on the other hand, I fail to see how specializing is an "aspect" of powergaming. Powergaming as I understand it is min/maxing.
  11. Maybe he cut it off just above his cyberhook... then added a new one That would kinda suck... each time you fail... he just cuts a little more off :ph34r:
  12. heh... I'm not sure how to reply to that.
  13. Let's hope not, that's what killed BI and Interplay right?
  14. I fail to see how "technology" affects something that's most likely scripted
  15. Why wasn't this implemented in KOTOR? Probably because the game was "loosely" based on d20 Star Wars.
  16. You need to elevate your thinking. It can be done if desired, it just takes more work.
  17. oops, my mistake. they start at 2d8 and max at 5d8 (for a consular) and 6d8 (for a guardian)
  18. The problem is that KotOR was based (loosely) on the d20 game. Lightsabres "only" have a damage code of 2d6, as opposed to blasters which start at 3d6. The "power" of the lightsabre comes from the user, not the weapon (a level 20 jedi does 5d6 with a lightsabre).
  19. Well in the Pen and Paper version you can, something they should have in KotOR2 as a class option. Essentially it's someone who views the force differently than the jedi... a sorcerer for example... or one of the nightsisters of dathomir.
  20. Bzzzzzt. You need to look in context. This "hide the sabre so as not too look as a jedi" wouldn't work in KotOR like it would in EP1.... as most people don't know how to use the force as many of the sith do in KotOR.
  21. I think it's about time for something new.... most of these have been overused.
  22. A good, solid game will be a VERY good thing for Obsidian.... even if it's a "hand me down". "if" KotOR 2 is a well made game, that's ALL that will matter as it will show that Obsidian can make good games, will likely put a fair bit of coin in their accounts and will start giving them a good rep. The fact that it's KotOR2 makes these even more likely.... assuming the game isn't a total bomb. It's a very smart tactical move in my opinion. Once they get established, THEN they can start making original games, and with the rep KotOR 2 will surely bring them... will likely get these games more exposure. Which is a good thing... we want MORE rpg producing companies, not less.... and I think we can all agree that Trokia isn't off to a stellar start...
  23. :D Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!!!!! :D
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