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Everything posted by Valorian

  1. Pairs of the opposite sex, not necessarily heterosexuals. Yes, they breed gays too. My point is that being able to breed isn't an indication of any kind of superiority.
  2. Yeah, hetero pairs holding hands and kissing in public keep their sexuality preferences in private... or when they mention their husbands/wives/boyfriends/girlfriends.. that hot guy/girl that passed by.. they keep it private? Not. There's a hetero parade every single minute 365 days in a year, imbecile. Except heterosexuality has a biological purpose, and is kind of necessary for continuation of species. Don't try to imply that queersexuality has equal biological worth as heterosexuality. Ok, so heterosexuals breed idiots like you. What's your purpose in this world? Right, you're a useless worm who talks **** about hundreds of millions of people whose only "fault" is to be attracted by people of the same sex; because that way he feels better about his sad, pathetic and lonely life. And about his ugly face too.
  3. Idiot (sorry mods, but this is the appropriate word), stop mixing homosexuality with pedophilia and zoophilia. They're only comparable in your sick little brain. This guy is spewing hate speech all over the place. I wonder why is he still kept here. Why would you insult him like that? All of those mentioned above belong into the same group of mental disorders. It is true that one is harmful to other people and the other is not - that's why pedophilia is prosecuted while LGBT is not, or at least shouldn't be. Oh the humanity if you're not actually a clone of that idiot and defending yourself.. In case you're not, there are 2 idiots too many on this forums and I'm just using proper terms. Homosexuality is not a mental disorder and you should stop flaunting your ignorance. The sad part is.. even an idiot could learn that in the era of google. Therefore, a big sorry to all idiots out there!
  4. Yes, we are homosexuals and so are probably some of the prominent Obsidian developers. And also, yes, it's natural to want to be represented in some way, even if (GLBT) characters in Eternity are not what I'm most looking forward to. Deal with it or go away.
  5. BG 1 style map here as well. A single large area (New Vegas, Skyrim) doesn't allow for much geographical and/or climate variety... if they want to keep it believable. Everything feels too close and contrived.
  6. Same for me... Guns just ruin this feeling of an old-fashioned fantasy setting. I see no point in (my character) training with a bow when guns are so much more effective.
  7. As of now (around 100 votes) 97,87% says "kill it with fire". I'm proud of the Eternity forum posters. I've regained faith in our rpg humanity.
  8. It would be nice to have some gay characters and party members, yes.
  9. Damage treshold shouldn't be a fixed number. It should be a random number withing a range (like 3-6 for example) for each specific armor, with a chance of weapons (with their own armor penetration value) piercing through it and halving the damage reduction value. Fixed damage tresholds make many encounters obsolete. With an armor reduction range it'd be possible to get damaged even against foes with a low damage output. Minimum of 1 damage if the blow hits, I'd say, regardless of armor.
  10. If they're very very rare, I can live with that. Don't want mah bandits and random encounters to shoot me with guns. Also, I'd like guns not to be available for my party either.
  11. I agree with the OP, I just find guns to be out of place in a swords&sorcery fantasy setting. A gunman versus a knight with a shield and sword.. it's just.. sad.
  12. Of course. These are sad years when we have to make sure and ask for abhorrent combat systems like the one in DA2 NOT to happen. I'd also like to add that designing symmetrical combat mechanics doesn't mean that enemies can't have interesting active and passive (on hit) abilities that the player characters doesn't have. A wraith's draining touch for instance - because it would make sense. Or high evasion for incorporeal creatures.
  13. Slow auto-regeneration doesn't fix the problem, it just makes it more tiresome. So instead of managing where and when to rest (remember, the player can RP when his characters would want to rest and limit himself from spamming the rest button), you'd have to wait and wait.. and wait in a spot, doing nothing, for your characters to slowly regain health/mana/stamina and that's not a good thing. A resting system lets me, sort of, challenge myself. In games with a resting system I always decide, at the beginning, how many times my party is allowed to rest throughout the game. From a combat perspective it makes the game more challenging as I need to manage my spells and abilities and not waste it all in every single fight. From a RP perspective it makes sense as well because my party wants to reach the goal as soon as possible.
  14. I'd also love a rest system for replenishing health, mana/stamina/spells/abilities and treating injuries. I'm strongly against auto-regeneration of health and mana, especially during combat.
  15. For starters, level scaling should be broken into little pieces and put where it belongs: in the dumpster of abominable gameplay mechanics. Although, I'm almost certain that project Eternity's soul won't be tainted with this abomination.
  16. I'd prefer if guns were left out. Swords and sorcery... and guns just stick out like a sore thumb.
  17. I hope plans have changed. We want Onyx!
  18. Hello! First, I must say the game looks beautiful and the engine seems very promising. It will surely be a great (action) rpg as I consider Obsidian the best there is when it comes to fantasy party-based rpgs. Sure, there's also Bioware - but with things like level scaling and other design choices that Bioware likes so much (which I'm really not fond of), I prefer Obsidian. Now on the topic of persistent worlds.. I was introduced to persistent worlds with NWN2 and liked the experience a lot. One of the first things that popped into my mind when I saw those beautiful screenshots of DSIII was: how cool it would be to create our own (modest) worlds and play with other people on them. I'd really like to know if a toolset is being considered and if PWs would even be possible. Are the game-mechanics easily moddable?
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