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About Chippy

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  1. At the risk of sounding a bit dramatic, I'd say the lack of respect for democracy is probably in the top 5 greatest threat's to the entirety of western civilization right now. The other 4 things would be (in no particular order): porn, Alex Jones, the Russians, and deplorable Trump supporters everywhere.
  2. I'm a bit jealous because of how many people in this thread who from my perspective seem to take their self-discipline ("drive") and ability to self-motivate ("enthousiasm") for granted. I didn't have any of that in my formative years owing to and causing itself a myriad of mental issues. It took me developing those skills through years of therapy and fostering positive habits and learning mindfulness for me to be able to appreciate or enjoy any kind of work or learning. Now I'm an extreme outlier, but it's been a longstanding observation for me that those people who are stuck in dead end jobs but come home after a long day to just watch TV do so not because of laziness (most of the time) but because they have problems in self-worth. If your self is worthless, what does that mean for your self-motivation and self-discipline? For those who are surprised people don't take more initiative and create their own education, let me ask you something. Would you be able to stick with something if it felt completely pointless to you? Because for a while I got my "dream job", I developed video games for a living, and then I quit because it wasn't doing anything for me. I didn't even dislike it, I just felt empty. I worked scrubbing office toilets for at least a year after and it felt pretty much the same. I had to learn to appreciate myself before I could learn to appreciate anything else. If you don't believe you have the potential to improve, everything becomes a pointless chore. Why work to better yourself if you don't think that's possible? It took me until my early 30's to be comfortable in my skin. Up until then I had been beaten down by the Roman Catholic Church (3-16yrs) who insisted on total conformity of behaviour. I remember cracking my skull open when I was 5, getting covered in blood in seconds, and having other kids move away from me like I had just contracted a life-ending disease; but it was because they knew there'd be a consequence, and sure enough the teacher beat the crap out of me with a cane for making a mess. After 16 years of that/mental "education" they kicked me out for having the wrong attitude. Other students assaulting teachers was ok, but I asked questions in class. I managed to get into the London Guildhall University from my GCSE's and a metalworking apprenticeship, passed my Silversmithing exams there (despite not using the notes given to all students by the lecturers and told "just rewrite them in your own words"), but couldn't get a job because the university was breaking the law by not advertising jobs sent to them. I found out about a job from a friend, passed the interview after being told I was the best candidate they had seen in years, and that I had got the job, but then got sabotaged by the university in some way. I think it was race related, but will never know. Working with metal felt like my calling, and giving it up was a bitch. Then I worked with my father for a few years, who was an exceptional plumber with a few celebrity and foreign royal clients. But he couldn't afford to keep me on because I had been so badly educated that I was holding him back - because even though I had built a steam engine at 15, I was nowhere near the standards he needed me to be at. So at this point I was firmly of the opinion that whatever paradigm of thought I needed to be in to be employable...I had missed it by about a few decades. I would have been better off if I had never gone to school, college, apprenticeship, university, and just learned from my father from when I was a kid. At this point I would have been a labourer all my life like most of my Irish family, but adult education turned it around. I found myself in the company of drug addicts, murderers and offenders of all kinds - ****ups from every race and walk of life. Everyone kind of knew this was their last chance to find employment. Those years were probably the best example of people working as a group I've ever experienced. And the simple reason I came out of it within 3 years with a managerial qualification and basic foundations in my core education built was because the man I mentioned was such a leader. So when I went into teaching, I managed to teach a construction course in 1/10th of the time at 3 times the governemnts annual target, and because they hadn't funded maths and english (which were limiting grade questions in the exams - if you failed them, you failed the whole thing) I had to squeeze that in there as well. When I reflected on the fact that I had achieved that, and then looked back on my frame of mind a decade before - where I was on this plateau of not even being negative or positive - just stuck at being conviced by others that I was useless, and believing I was outside of any working frame of mind, that's what really gave me a sense of self worth. I'd happily challenge any of the priests and monks (who's **** I had been dodging for more than 10 years) to a tally of who helped others the most in their lifetime after that. So it was soul crushing when I resigned (I wasn't addicted to the warm fuzzy feeling of helping others as most teachers were), but I did it for the right reasons and I'd never go back. The second biggest confidence boost was witnessing the level of corruption and ineptitude at upper management level. Most of these people have been handed their qualifications - I was only 1 of 4 out of 25 who actually wrote their essays when I did my level 5 teaching diploma. The others just rewrote everything from graded work. And then there was the political side of it; if you had the right politics you stayed in the job no matter how useless you were, if you just wanted to do your job, you were a threat. So yeah, after all that I'd say it took me over 3/4 of my life to find people that I could work with and communicate with. And they happened to be societies criminals in both the instance of my critical stage of learning and eventual teaching and subsequent success.
  3. I fell into teaching adult offenders after the recession in the UK (not qualified/interested in teaching kids), got my degree and learned alot. The idea in further education (and apparently in public schools) is that the teacher is obligated to engage the learners - I've seen teachers get fantastic (Grade 1/2 out of 4) observations becasue they had a rappor with students, but the ofsted/observer had no idea that their vocational knowlege was ****. Also there's a greater priority given on inclusion, diversity, and equal opportunities than...proof of actual learning. Which is itself debated on whether can actually be measured. I always said if my carpenters caused structural collapse of a property, it was proof they ****ed up, but that never got many laughs. In public school there's no responsibility to engage, so you can just get lectured to by a teacher effectively reading from a text book for three hours, and if you fail, it's you fault that you'll leave college unemployable. It was the same for me growing up in a Roman Catholic school - except they told me I'd probably burn in hell as well when I died. Either way, I think we're all self educated. Give it a decade or so to measure yourself and continue reflecting and self evaluating without falling into pre-conceptions of institutional excellence based on location, background, etc. I went to a dingy college in Brixton SW London and found out after he died that the guy who taught me the most was a member of the Kray family - then went on (because of him) to achieve more than anyone else in the field. Then I resigned, because it was all bollocks. Edit: Hey Obsidian - don't worry about the word bollocks - it just means fantastic over here in the UK.
  4. Well I keep popping back once in a while to see if California has seceded from the USA, whether it will effect the export price of Obsidian games if they do, whether Obsidian will go full SJW in that event and hand out all addresses of all right wing fans to SJW ninja assassins in waiting across the globe, etc,etc. And then I get caught up in these political discussions that require me to research current events on Youtube, which subsequently creates a internet history that might spark the interest of my very inquisitive government, that will likely get me arrested and murdered in jail for being a potential agitator of the "peace". And so on. So, thanks for that in advance.
  5. Happt New Year. Give Trump a chance.
  6. AFAIK there's no proof that the Russians effected the outcome of the US elections. I find it interesting that Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration are quick to move everyone's perception that way. Do the liberal politics of today not apply to Russia? Isn't it dangerous to do as the BBC did the other day and paint this situation as though "it was the russians...becasue we all know what they're like...". Also, everyone scoffed at the George Soros connection, but why it so just acceptable to jump to the apparently obvious connection that: it was the Russians.
  7. Merry Christmas all; including: all socialists, communists, capitalists, etc, sexual deviants of every description, sjw's and authoritarian/totalitarian specific groups, all those hoping for whatever they consider to be freedom, Californians who want to leave the USA, Brexiteers and remainers, and Obsidian for not chucking me off these forums. Apologies for leaving anyone out. -Oh yeah...and Bruce. Who actually said he would give Trump a chance, which I think now puts puts him on the scale of 80:100 ratio within the SJW spectrum.
  8. I see that people who write those hateful comments always refer to refugees in general. That includes women, children and family men, who actually respect our laws instead of committing crimes. But that generalization makes less smart people think that refugees in general are the problem. Drive them all out or kill them all, and we can be save again. The problem is, that our government isn't able to put our laws through. Punish the people who break those laws, and every innocent person can be happy. But that doesn't happen. Because our government, and there's the irony, is afraid to be called racist again, if they're too rough to the refugees and other immigrants. Rather let them get away with nearly everything, so other countries can't blame us for abusing foreingers. That's where the hate comes from. Yes, our government is very sensitive when it comes to dealing with immigrant criminals. It's always been like that. The problem has only worsened with all these refugees around. People are tired of that attitude. But instead of concentrating their hate on the culprit, the government, many turn against the refugees. Including the innocent ones. And that's what I don't like at all. Very reasonable sentiment. Sadly, I can only see all of this going in a very bad direction. How bad it will be depends on how long this gets stretched out. Solutions that come sooner will be more pleasant than those that come later. Then we better expect the worst. Sympathies for the current situation in Germany. Do you think that the German people will still vote for Angela Merkel?. Edit: When I say the German people I mean all those that have all been residents of Germany prior to the migrant crisis and recent movement of people.
  9. ^ Suggesting my porn history is worse than his. That was underhanded.
  10. It was on the news today that a women killed another with a ceramic chicken-shaped pot. Generally speaking we in Britain adapt - when I was a tradesman we all knew the police would wait outside of building sites and randomly search us for carpet knives, etc just to get their number up. The porn stuff is just stupid, it's now illegal to watch a derrier getting smacked. I'm actually paying tax for the police to develop software that alerts them to someone watching a butt spanking, and (I assume) they get alerted while driving around in patrol cars to go to arrest the person. I just wanna hear that first transmission to that patrol car, play it in parliment, and dare those prats to keep a straight face. Must have missed the part where she explicitly says she's willing to give anything up to the state. A circular economy is not necessarily a command economy. If you see any form of social participation as "the state", then the problem is with your definition, not her ideas. Also, in order to give up your freedom or individuality, you must have either. Do you? "Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me." This was the chilling paragraph - The recording of movement, location, thoughts and dreams is pretty specific. Admittedly she might be saying that this info should be shared with other citizens and not a governing body but, either way, it's giving up the self be governed by the perception of an unflawed system. Jordan Peterson in Canada is an example of an individual fighting for his right to freedom and individuality because he can see where the Canadian laws will take everyone as a society. But don't we already give up our freedom and individuality to private entities as is? Think about it, in America(and much of the West, I assume) it's likely everything you own was purchased by loan of some sort and can be confiscated and you already give up most freedom by signing agreements to use an ipod or get spied on using the internet. We don't start being more free when you swap the state with Google or your bank or whoever does the same thing we're freaking out about the state potentially doing. As I stated previously, post-privacy is the present and I don't really see much of a difference between google harvesting my information and the state doing it, if anything google is worse because the US government is so inept they'd probably raid my ex's house while Google would make sure my bank account gets drained and I get hit with a **** load of fines because I did something illegal once. And my porn history is much worse and you should apologise to TN for saying he likes Mass Effect. I'd say it seeds into what information they harvest and what laws the government makes based on that data (and if you believe the tin foil hat wearers) the data/algorithims that companies use to dictate what products we buy which is then enforced by law by the government. E.g. I know how to build a house from the foundations up, I'm willing to accept that the state needs local council and building control to sign it off, but expect it wont be long before it becomes illegal for me to make my own windows. Even though I can do a smoke test on the house to prove they're just as efficient as double/triple glazed products from a company. It'll get to the point that they'll know when you bought your windows, when they need replacing (always before they've paid for themselves) and justify it by law because we need to reduce energy use and save the planet - because my windows might cause a seal to fall through the ice in Canada. But yeah, apologies to TrueNeutral for the suggestion about ME. You guys are lucky, as George Carlin said "Show me a guy staying at home.... .... .... and I'll show you a guy who isn't causing anyone any trouble". The way it's going over here, I'll need those homemade windows for the privacy glass so I can go nuts with the porn and be protected from the SJW led sniper police on patrol.
  11. There's a video somewhere of Milo Yiannopoulos saying he would take a pill to go straight if it were an option. He said that being gay has helped his professional career and that he feels uncomfortable raising kids (so has opted not to) as it would put them under pressure from the nurture perspective. Worth watching.
  12. It's not just about privacy and the amount we are willing to give up to the government in the hopes that there's a relation between the ratio of privacy vs threats we face to our lives. What struck me most about this article is that the person (apologies to Rosbjerg if they know the author) is willing to entirely give up her freedom and individuality to the state. To whatever she percieves the state to be. It seems that she is saying that we can all only ever be free if we all live in an open prison. Take TrueNeutral and KhaineParker: It's obvious that these two are total sexual deviants that engage in destructive and horrendous pornography. So when the government start tracking their habits and profiling them by storing their internet data and building up a risk assessments (just beginning here in the UK) - how long will it be before it's classified a jail time offence because TrueNeutral has a thing for tennis balls big, 20" long ****-swinging-blue-skinned Liara the asari, and KahineParker a thing for vampires of Caine and all...that stuff. It's the small steps that erode freedom, and Ida Auken is happy to give it all up in one go. Except for the deviants, who I notice she is happy to relegate to the outskirts of her Utopia.
  13. Mid-way through Ronal the Barbarian. Seems funny so far. Don't know if it's worth the flak I'm gonna get from family and friends when they see the barbarian ass/thong from the title image in the account though.
  14. Wow. And I thought I knew about most personality types. At the risk of my own faith in the human race being destroyed mentioning all that is beyond comprehension with this article and the person behind it, it just strikes me as amazing that she can talk about taking her soul along for a bike ride, while only devoting a small paragraph of admission to the loss of it towards the end of the article. From a practical point of view, I expect the author is letting the powers-that-be become fully aware that she is prepared to devote herself entirely to their politics. And the question would be whether she actually believes this form of state control would be seen in her well-paid lifetime. Ironically I see this type of politics to be a form of extremism - in the face of government policies that are increasingly making the raising of concerns over the way countries are run as an actual form of extremism and promoting hate/speech.
  15. ...Have no Privacy, and Life has Never Been Better. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/shopping-i-can-t-really-remember-what-that-is/ Author: Ida Auken Member of Parliament, Parliament of Denmark (Folketinget) Ummm...I've been researching this article for a bit, aaaannd .... is she for real? This isn't satire, or an attempt at trolling?. This person is an actual grown-up, with a job as a politician, in a developed country, wearing grown up clothes (without safety gear of any kind on any part of her anatomy), and this is an.actual.future.she.wants...? I realize you all have an actual opportunity to take the pee out of me here, but I really need this verified.
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