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Everything posted by Labadal

  1. The game that literally ruined Curt Schilling. Burn it. I hear you and I am familiar with the story but I just thought what is $6? That's the price of Mcdonalds meal Typical rich people. For $6, I'd eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and an evening meal. For shame Brucie, for shame.
  2. It sounds like something that could be doable. The question is how it would work for other spells than fire balls. For damage dealing spells, this sounds like a non-issue. The problem arises when one has to apply it to buffs or debuffs.
  3. While you are still reading this: Could one get different colors for damage numbers for critical hits and grazes? I use the combat log fairly often, but it would give more immediate feedback if my character is doing more grzes, normal attacks or critical hits versus a foe. I know this might be a suggestion some people will dislike a lot, but it would help a guy with poor vision.
  4. I think resolve should be renamed. Stamina changed to endurance was a good thing. Resolve also needs to change, imo. I'm not feeling it at all. The only other thing it could be used for is if magic damage and healing is used with this stat.
  5. I'm on it. But first a war dance
  6. Woman detected!
  7. Where I work, 80% are women. I hate it when they say hello and ask me how I am doing. I also hate it that some of the bring home baked cookies and the like to work. I especially hate it when they tell me that I can go home early when I am done with my stuff. Today, they sent me home an hour and fifteen minutes early. Who do they think they are? Men can work too, you know? Man, I remember when my mom used to cut the crust off my sandwiches for me. It's like she didn't want me to become tough. Don't even let me get started on all the things she bought me, like my first Gameboy. She told me that there was absolutely no chance that she would buy it for me. I got it as a Christmas present the same year. I loved Lego and she bought me so much Lego that I have boxes full of them. She did everything for me. Man, how could she? She turned me into a spoiled brat. She is the reason I play video games and that my demands when it comes to food are high. Even as a grown up, she dares cook great meals for me. She should have thrown me out at the age of 5 and told me that I had to learn to survive on my own. Women are programmed to cater to the needs of their children. For god's sake, we're not discussing your moms here. You've got some gerontophile issues you need to work out. We discuss women, you start discussing moms. Jesus H Christ. Euw. I was out with this girl and everything was going fine, after two hours she lay her hand on my knee while we were at a restaurant. I was about to call the cops for being sexually harassed, but then she gave me this weird look and told me to go home with her. (I even had to pay for the whole tab. Aren't men and women equal?) Paralyzed with fear, I had no other choice but to accept. It was the worst day of my life. She even had the audacity to make me breakfast the morning after.
  8. I am really happy for them. Some issues aside (not so interesting story and the game being a cakewalk in the late game sections), I really enjoyed it and it is currently my GOTY. I spent almost 100 hours in less than three weeks with the game. I haven't done that in many years.
  9. Where I work, 80% are women. I hate it when they say hello and ask me how I am doing. I also hate it that some of the bring home baked cookies and the like to work. I especially hate it when they tell me that I can go home early when I am done with my stuff. Today, they sent me home an hour and fifteen minutes early. Who do they think they are? Men can work too, you know? Man, I remember when my mom used to cut the crust off my sandwiches for me. It's like she didn't want me to become tough. Don't even let me get started on all the things she bought me, like my first Gameboy. She told me that there was absolutely no chance that she would buy it for me. I got it as a Christmas present the same year. I loved Lego and she bought me so much Lego that I have boxes full of them. She did everything for me. Man, how could she? She turned me into a spoiled brat. She is the reason I play video games and that my demands when it comes to food are high. Even as a grown up, she dares cook great meals for me. She should have thrown me out at the age of 5 and told me that I had to learn to survive on my own.
  10. Where I work, 80% are women. I hate it when they say hello and ask me how I am doing. I also hate it that some of the bring home baked cookies and the like to work. I especially hate it when they tell me that I can go home early when I am done with my stuff. Today, they sent me home an hour and fifteen minutes early. Who do they think they are? Men can work too, you know?
  11. For the past 4-5 years, I have had 4 different female bosses. They have treated me very well. I'm guessing they did that just because I am male. I feel offended, How very sexist of them.
  12. But isn't it way more exciting searching for our replies? I knew it! You like stalkers. I don't have to feel weird, then. When you see missing stuff at your desk, you will know the janitor was there.
  13. Been watching Berserk.
  14. Now that there are no females around, I can reveal a secret of mine.
  15. It's good to see that you care enough about me to set me straight. Now I will not buy these crap games. Oh wait, I already have most pre-ordered.
  16. The best advice is to use this: http://pedevtracker.azurewebsites.net
  17. I finish FNV: Old World Blues and moved on to Dead Money. I like the mood and I think a lot of things were done right, except the damn collars.
  18. When looking at a PS4 vs Xbox One purchase, you should look at what current and future exclusives you are interested in. The PS4 was an easy choice because of the games I have an interest in. I will also only stick to one system this generation, so I feel good about my choice. What interests me on PS4: Persona 5 (Don't think we'll see an XBO version.) New Ys game (Don't think we'll see an XBO version.) Bloodborne inFAMOUS SS inFAMOUS FL LittleBigPlanet 3 Ratchet & Clank Remaster Rime Tearaway Unfolded Disgaea 5 Dragon Quest Warriors What interests me on Xbox One: Scalebound Crackdown 3 Sunset Overdrive
  19. You're a bit late to the part on this matter. It's been known for ages.
  20. The monk was decent at doing that on Normal, but I think he would get wrecked on Hard. I don't know if i am playing wrong, but the barbarian I am playing right now is not faring well on hard. The fighter and rogue are doing much better in melee engagement.
  21. Yes, I am not asking for the PoE fighter to be the most versatile class ever, I would just like to have him be more than a meatshield.
  22. For what it's worth, Valorian is simply questioning if their relative uselessness actually holds true only within the group "ranged offensive attack options," or if it holds true out of all available attack options. I think it's a fair consideration. It's not simply "defending bows," and he's not just saying "obviously they're fine" or anything. It just looks like the vast majority of in-depth analysis presented has been between bows and other ranged options. It's not unreasonable to seek out further in-depth comparison between bows and non-ranged options. What we don't want to happen is to prematurely deduce that bows need an upgrade, upgrade them, then run into "Okay, bows and arbalests and guns are cool now, but now all melee weapons suck. There's no reason not to use ranged weapons." I am in-game right now, running through all the beta content. Compared to almost everything else (probably everything) they are not very useful. All ranged weapons have piercing damage. I'm in the Skaen dungeon, and still, bows are not worth it. versus the wolves: not worth it. I am just talking after observing different approaches to different encounters. I'm not trying to argue for or against. I am trying it out and posting approximate results of their usefulness.
  23. I have no clue. You use trap items from the character's quick items. You can acquire trap items from traps you disarm if your Mechanics is high enough, but you can also buy them. I think Matt may have overlooked putting traps for sale in the stores. I just disarmed one while testing different weapons/spells and their effects on hard (Blood Legacy Quest dungeon.).
  24. Bows are so useless compared to other long ranged weapons/spells, that there is no point in trying to defend them at this very point. If bows got a much faster attack rate, then maybe.
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