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Everything posted by Labadal

  1. Use your igni sign on the wooden planks. Took me a few minutes to figure out.
  2. It's probably just me. But I hate playing actiony games with Keyboard + mouse. Everything was ok, but I just couldn't dodge good enough. I think I could have just swapped some keys for some of the moves, but I said to hell with it and plugged in the controller. This is the first time I use a gamepad for a PC game.
  3. Playing with a Dualshock 3 now and my enjoyment increased by another 100%. I'm actually good in combat now. Dodging is so much easier, and the overall controls makes so much more sense.
  4. I think that was for pre-orders only, was it not?
  5. Had trouble even launching the game because my antivirus program seemed to dislike The Witcher 2. A reinstall solved the problem. I'm still not done with the prologue, but here are my thoughts so far: The graphics are great, and the design is good. Great texture work and lighting. Animations are very well done. The writing is good so far and I have no complaints about voice acting yet. The soundtrack does its job. Didn't think about it much. The only bad thing so far is the way they introduce you to the battle system. Not from a story perspective, but from a gameplay perspective. Died about 5 times in a certain area. Once you learn how to actually fight it gets better. Mixing signs with strong and quick attacks. Evading(blocking) is fairly easy, but I never used dodging so far. I am not completely comfortable with the mouse and keyboard, so I might play with a gamepad. It feels like that's how the game was designed. Overall a very positive first impression. Also; playing on medium.
  6. ^I can confirm that. Nothing on Steam yet.
  7. I get a warning that the launcher is a trojan and it doesn't let me play the game. The hell, this post should be in the Witcher 2 topic. :D
  8. Lots of Risen 2 screens. Me likes.
  9. Looks sexy. That's how Collector's Editions should be done. This game + Batman: Arkham City are the reasons Skyrim will not be bought this year.
  10. The trailer was good and made me even more interested in the DLC. The Burning Man seems cool enough.
  11. Finished downloading and downloaded all bonus content that was available. chose Divine Divinity from the free games. Now to think about what I should do with the 6$ and $10 vouchers.
  12. To be perfectly honest, some of the fears seemed pretty unwarranted to me. It's almost a given that if they said that characters will be saved on the host game, their gear and abilities will be saved too. I agree. That is why I was never worried about the whole thing. I think a lot of people were also confused, because many previews contradicted eachother. My only online concern is if the servers are worldwide or not. I barely play online games, so I don't know what to expect.
  13. It seems to work pretty much like I expected, and that makes me pleased.
  14. Could be fun with the right company.
  15. I still agree with him that videogames are not art. The backgrounds and soundtrack is the closest thing one gets to art in games.
  16. It is funny Ico was brought up. Fumito Ueda, the mind behind Ico, The Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian do not consider his games to be art, and was even annoyed in an interview when that question was brought up. I do think there are art assets in games, but I don't know if games themselves are art.
  17. I didn't like the anwser to this question.
  18. At this rate, he should just post the interview without the DS3 part.
  19. Eurogamer - Risen 2 interview.
  20. L.A. Noire is supposedly stored on 3 DVDs for Xbox 360. Must be a big game.
  21. I also saw it on amazon some time ago. I'm guessing September/October.
  22. I can also understand that big fans of the first two games might not be thrilled about the direction of DS3, but I believe it was this or no DS3 at all. People should also be directing their complaints to Square Enix. They are the publishers and owners of the IP now. I doubt SE had no say in what type of game this would be. I think this is how Baldur's Gate fans reacted when the Dark Alliance series was revealed.
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