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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. That is interesting and sounds very interactive What food did you eat, anything unusual?
  2. Okay I see what you mean, you saying actions and not personal views. That makes more sense
  3. That number of 100 doesnt sound very likely, Im sure its much, much higher than that? Where did you get that from and I wonder what they define as "Germans opposed to the Nazi " because we wouldn't know peoples real opinions because like Russia the Nazi controlled the state so people wouldnt have been honest about their views?
  4. Here is some good news about the US midterms, we may not have seen a "red wave " but rather a " rainbow wave " https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2022/11/12/rainbow-wave-how-lgbtq-politicians-broke-barriers-in-midterm-election/
  5. Sounds great, I love attending non-Western weddings. We call traditional weddings " White Weddings " in SA I have been to Hindu, traditional black weddings, Jewish and Polish weddings and they all very interesting and have unique parts to the ceremony What is "smudging " ?
  6. 3 years doesnt seem long enough and he has the audacity to suggest "The accused denied espionage, saying he had merely passed on publicly available information, in a role similar to that of a foreign correspondent " Yet he was paid €220,000 which he admitted. I doubt the Ruskies would pay for publicly available information?
  7. D:OS2 is an excellent game, it has great strategic combat and interesting party companions with worthwhile side quests There are also good mods you can load on Nexus
  8. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/29/undecided-voters-midterms-polls-2022-00063971 Its interesting how the polling data seems to have got it wrong in these midterms. But its always the undecided voters who generally dont participate in polls and they can really swing elections or upset things like we have witnessed in these midterms The polls are normally accurate but undecided voters make up 10-15% of all US registered voters and the polling data never includes them which explains why polling is wrong sometimes But end of the day I watched numerous polls on both left and right media platforms and it was more or less consistent, most people considered these the salient issues Economy inflation crime border control Yet its obvious that other issues like R vs W and the anti-Trump vote, and that includes election denialist candidates who didnt do well overall , were more significant than what many thought. And I would argue that undecided voters played a big part in this But the GOP needs to distance itself from Trump in 2024 as reasonably as possible because if we didnt see GOP taking Congress in this environment of real economic and societal issues I cant see Trump benefiting them in 2024. The anti-Trump vote shouldn't be ignored anymore. And as I mentioned in a previous post there are very credible GOP candidates like Kemp, DeSantis and Abbott who people can rally behind and so can undecided voters but Trump has now become a liability to the final voting outcomes
  9. OMG, that has got to be the most hilarious, inaccurate, historically revisionist and utterly propaganda fueled garbage I have ever heard from Russia in this war.... " they have the cable Internet "
  10. This is a good post and I like the lizard analogy But IMO and from engaging with Vatniks and people who support\supported Putins War is there are different reasons that they do this. And they really do vary from person to person For example I asked Vals and he basically said he considers the US to be as equally corrupt and autocratic as Russia so " why criticize Putin's leadership when the US is the same " He is entitled to his opinion but its a preposterous and utterly unconvincingly comparison, no country in the world that is a Constitutional Democracy can ever the same as an autocracy or one party state. You can find certain similarities but they not the same
  11. https://www.deseret.com/2022/11/10/23450429/inflation-drops-lowest-rate-since-january-economy-recession-federal-reserve Really good news for our US friends, inflation is down to 7.7%. Hopefully this means good news for other countries but each country has it own inflation battles and monetary policies
  12. Offcuts are absolutely delicious and its sad how few people will eat things like heart, tripe, liver, kidneys or sweetbreads . They deny themselves a unique taste and added versatility in meals I eat all offcuts except for brain which I will eat but Im more wary
  13. Its true and thats the same in most autocracies and dictatorships. The judicial system is controlled by the state so there is no legal recourse to change leadership or to prosecute leadership But you can see changes when you see political or ideological changes in government, that happened in Zimbabwe when Mugabe croaked in 2019 . You literally saw immediate legal and political change like all the nationalization policies ending and money even was paid to the white farmers who had their farms stolen in the 1999-2002 time period But Russia needs new ideological leaderships to see real changes
  14. Yes, the thing about sharing information on any forum is it can't be too much detail or most people lose interest. You have to reasonable, maybe one link or so and one or 2 paragraphs that are specific to the point. Thats what most people expect when they debate on forums It reminds me of the debate we had about CRT and you asked what is CRT in the US or something similar and Gromnir posted that 120 page .pdf as an explanation from 2011. As if anyone is going to read a 120 page .pdf
  15. I was thinking of Vals and Comrade's views that the Russian retreat in Kharkiv was a strategy and how Russia was " winning " the war in Ukraine, unparalleled copium I wonder what they would be saying about the Kherson withdrawal?
  16. There can't be a better example of the reality and dysfunction of living in a country where the free media is controlled by the state and how the constant propaganda influences how news anchors must report on it
  17. I dont agree that Trump and Biden foreign policy would have necessarily been the same towards Ukraine. The US foreign policy is consistent when it comes to geopolitical events like the Cold War but there are numerous foreign policy differences and outcomes between US presidents for as long as I have been following US political developments since 9/11 Trump has always been more friendly towards Putin and there is a segment of US right-wing media, like Tucker Carlson, that are very opposed to US assistance or at least question the reason for Putins War and blame the West\NATO hyperbole Just Trump's disdain and lack of understanding of NATO, which Biden rejected , is another contentious example of the difference between Trump and normal US president foreign policy I guess we will never know but I am not confident that Ukraine would have got the same support from US under Trump
  18. Nah, you overcomplicating something that is irrelevant to why most non-Americans follow US elections and have an opinion on the US. You dont need to understand the intricacies of runoffs, voting laws, bills or even how Congress works to have an opinion on the US or its elections Thats not what most non-Americans care about because thats specific to the US electoral system. We care about the political outcomes and who wins the House, Senate and presidential race because that has direct influence to the significant and important role the US plays in the globe and geopolitical events like the support for Ukraine and the support for NATO So we are going to continue to open our mouths and comment because its obvious how the Dems and GOP can and do influence US foreign policy. Sorry to disappoint you and Gromnir but thats not going to change until the US is no longer the force of influence it is. And since that is unlikely to change you are going to continue to hear comments and views from non-Americans
  19. What do you mean by " And it definitely isn't the Ukrainians doing a lot of the killing". Are you saying the Russians are killing DPR officials?
  20. I dont think its possible to hide a withdrawal of this size and significance, no matter how much the Russian media tries to spin it?
  21. I doubt its a trap, the Russians place huge importance on the propaganda to their citizens about how "well "the war is going. They wouldn't announce such a significant withdrawal if it wasn't true or necessary because of how badly it reflects on Putins War Here is a post from someone on Codex who follows this war from a military perspective about why the withdraw is real The Russians in Kherson were in a terrible position where their undersupplied units were taking heavy losses and were constantly under the threat of a major breakthrough capturing a large portion of the Russian forces on that side of the river. It started from when Ukraine started getting HIMARS and were able to go after the bridges. And it just got worse and worse month after month as Ukraine relentlessly applied that pressure on Russian logistics and then expanded it to pressure on Russian frontline units. But Russia spent months trying to ignore or deny there were any significant problems with supplies while also trying to present a false narrative that they were beating the brakes off Ukraine in that area while taking little damage themselves. But then reality occurs and Russia is exposed. But it comes as even more of a shock to their supporters because they believed the narrative Russia had been claiming about the situation, which obviously can't coexist with the actual reality of Russia being forced to withdraw. A similar patterns has occurred with other situations where Russia retreats. Russia doesn't acknowledge the precarious position they are in and instead presents a false narrative of strength and success. But then they are forced to retreat. And that shatters the view of those who had believed and repeated the Russian narrative of strength and success.
  22. Its a serious sign of the failure of Putins War. Its the same on Codex, I have never seen Vatniks so despondent Hopefully this helps to end the war
  23. https://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-latest-russia-orders-withdrawal-153816018.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall It appears the Ruskies are withdrawing from Kherson
  24. Not really, it will be one of several reasons that was the most important. For example election deniers haven't done well which is a good thing. So some people would have voted for anyone against an election denier. But for other people it would be R vs W as the main reason
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